Using ArcIMS 3.1 in Designing Websites for Cache Valley








I. Introduction:


Developed by ESRI (Environmental Scientific Research Institute), ArcIMS- Internet Map Server- is software that, when installed and configured correctly, allows users to access GIS data on Internet sites. This paper will discuss the A-Z procedure for designing GIS internet map servers using ArcIMS. The first part, which deals with the system configuration and installation, will be written in an instructive manner. The objective of the work is to develop a website series for Cache County Area, Cub River, and Bear River. Problems encountered in the installation of ArcIMS will also be discussed. The installation procedure will apply only to Windows 2000 users. ArcIMS is also supported for UNIX and AXI users, which are two other operating systems.  


The software was obtained form ESRI site license in Utah State University. Debby Jensen is in charge of the office. The first trial was with Arc IMS 3.0, which was the only version available in ESRI site license. The installation guide noted that the software is not fully supported on Windows 2000 platforms. Windows NT is required for all parts of the software to work correctly (namely ArcIMS manager). The available PC, lynx, in the Hydrology lab runs the Windows 2000 platform. Downgrading to Windows NT was a problem: lynx crashed. The Hard Disc had to be formatted again and Windows NT was clean-installed.  Service pack 4 for Windows NT had to be downloaded before installing ArcIMS. There were problems in configuring the Internet information service IIS 4.0 on Windows NT platform. So Windows 2000 was reinstalled and IIS 5.0 from service pack 2 was installed and configured. A Servlet engine is required to connect ArcIMS to the website Engine, the function of which will be discussed later in this paper.

ArcIMS 3.0 is not fully supported on Windows 2000: the ArcIMS manager cannot be run. Ed Bills and I went again to the ESRI office to ask for help. The officer mentioned that we have to write down our problem; the paper has to be signed and then sent to authorized personnel who will contact ESRI and we give us the feedback afterwards. I was thinking of what headache will this bring. Suddenly I remembered that when I did surf ESRI site I saw a sentence:  ArcIMS 3.1 now shipping. I asked the officer whether she has ArcIMS 3.1 and she answered positively. She had just received the package and was going to prepare it; theoretically, our problem was solved: the latest version of ArcIMS 3.1 is expected to have minimal problems and is fully supported on Windows 2000.           


II. Installation:


Before installing ArcIMS, one should make sure to have the following requirements:


  1. A Computer with 256 MB of RAM and 220 MB of disk space
  2. For Installing version 3.1, Windows 2000 is needed
  3. Service Pack 2 for Windows 2000 and internet information service IIS 5.0
    1. ArcIMS is supported on other web browsers, for example:

                                                               i.      Apache Web server with Jakarta-Tomcat  acting as its Servlet Engine

                                                             ii.      IBM HTTP server with Servlet engine Web sphere

                                                            iii.      iPlanetTM Web  server with its own Native Servlet Engine

    1. ArcIMS is not supported on Microsoft Personal Web Server


  1. The Servlet engine used in this project was Servlet ExecTM from


An important point to note here that before installing the Servlet Engine, the computer should have a Java Run time Environment JRE 1.3.0_02. It is also advised to have a Java Development Kit (JDK).


JRE 1.3.0_02 is found on ArcIMS CD. A common error is to install JRE and then install ArcIMS 3.1 before installing Servlet Exec. This will lead to difficulties in running ArcIMS, and it might require reinstalling the whole thing.


The best thing to do before installing ArcIMS:


Make sure that you logged on your machine as an Administrator.


  1. Install IIS 5.0 from Windows 2000 CD. Note that it is an Add-in component that is not originally installed if you go for the typical installation of the Windows 2000 operating system.
  2. Insert the ArcIMS 3.1 CD. Go to My Computer. Right Click on the drive showing ArcIMS 3.1 and click on open. There will be a brown icon named jre 1.3.0_02. Double click on this icon. The setup will guide you through the installation procedure for JRE, which is the needed Java Run time Environment.    
  3. Go to and look for (ESRI customers) printed in red on the right side of the page. Click there and another page will open. Go to (Download) and download the given version for Servlet Exec (4.1) for Windows 2000 users. It is a 3.85 MB file.  Do not bother with the installation guide, as for you will not need it if you follow the given steps down below.
  4. Save the Servlet Exec file to your desktop for example.
  5. Double click on the file icon and it will automatically install the Servlet Exec engine for you. You will have a note at the end of installation saying that you have to stop your IIS 5.0 service and then restart your web browser before being able to use Servlet Exec. To do this you have two options:
    1. Either restart your computer
    2. Or go to Start/ settings/Control Panel/Administrative tools/Component Services shortcut/Services/ then look in the right side and scroll down for IIS service; right click on that and click restart. Wait for a while for the service to be restarted and then close the window.


  1. Now you have the prerequisites for installing ArcIMS 3.1 ready. Go to my Computer again if you have closed it before. Open the ArcIMS CD form the drive and double lick on the file named ArcIMS setup.
  2. A windows screen will appear: Click next and then accept the license agreement if you want to continue.
  3. An installation screen will then appear. Choose the typical type of installation. If you have version 3.0 for ArcIMS and is running Windows 2000 then do not choose the typical installation. Choose the custom installation and refer to the ArcIMS 3.0 installation guide for more details. The previous version of ArcIMS will run the applications of ArcIMS but it will not run the Arc IMS Manager.


  1. An Installation Directory screen will appear. I do not advise to change the installation directory except if you are installing the software on a directory other than the C drive. If so, browse to the working directory and change the drive.


  1. Click next: you will see a window with your computer name as the Protocol and web server host name. IMPORTANT: If you intend to use ArcIMS an internet website, which is usually the case or if you are going to use it on Intranet but with multiple ArcIMS spatial servers, then you should have the name of your host ready. Your local host name is the name of your computer. In my case, it is lynx. The complete host name will be your domain in the network you are working in. In my case, it is If you do not know the complete host name contact your system administrator and ask him. He should know. Type in the complete host name, which will be used as the basic address of the website you will design. You will have the option of choosing http vs. https. Choose the latter only if your machine is on a network that uses a secure web server.


  1. At the same installation screen, and for minimizing future configuration steps of ArcIMS installation, browse for your website working directory. In my case, and in the case where you will be using IIS 5.0, it is c:\inetpub\wwwroot. In the case that you accepted the default, be ready to create two additional virtual directories in later steps. Click ok.


  1. At the same screen accept the users working directory of C:\ArcIMS\AXL


  1. Click next. A window titled Application Server Information will be shown. Add to your host name the complete domain as you did in the previous screen. For the Registry and Connector port numbers shown, see whether they are conflicting with other numbers of previous software installed on your machine. You can check this by opening the file named services found in (drive):\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc.


  1.  Click next. The Servlet Connector Directory will appear. Browse to the directory <drive>:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets. Click Ok.


  1. Click next. The next screen will ask you for your password as an administrator logger of the machine. Type and confirm your password. Click next. Read the summary information the screen will display and then click next. You will be told that the installation had finished. Click yes to restart your computer.


  1. Log on again as an Administrator. Go to My Computer and then to the drive on which you installed ArcIMS. Go to Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI. Right-click on the ServletExec 1.4 directory and click on properties. Click on the Security Tab.


  1. Now go to start\settings\ Control Panel\Administrative tools\Services


  1. Scroll down to IIS service. Right Click on it and click stop.


  1. On the Security tab window of the pre-opened properties of the ServletExec4.1 directory, click Add.


  1. Scroll down to IUSR_<compter name>; in my case it was IUSR_lynx.


  1. Allow the write access and Click ok. Go to services and start IIS service.


  1. Restart your machine, or go to Control Panel\Settings\Administrative tools\Internet Service Manager. Restart the service manager. Make sure that you have the word “running” on the Default webpage part in the left part of the screen.


  1. Now go to start\Programs\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlet Exec Admin                
  2. If the page could not be displayed, type in the address bar the following:


http://<full host name you entered previously>/Servlet/Admin



If the page could not be displayed, restart your machine and type the same thing again (type the full host name).


You will see a screen that has places to enter the license code. Do not be afraid. Click the link on the left index frame named classes. In the empty space for the class path, type the following:


<Drive>:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\Servlets\jaxp.jar


Click submit. A new empty space will appear; type in:     

<drive>:\Program Files\New Atlanta\ServletExec ISAPI\ Servlets\parser.jar

Click Submit again. This will add the entries you have typed to the class path settings.


  1. Restart your machine or restart your IIS 5.0 as before after closing the web window. I recommend restarting the machine for the settings changes to be implemented.


  1. Now you will test the ArcIMS 3.1 if its application server and servlet connectors are working properly. Go to Start-Programs-Esri-ArcIMS 3.1-ArcIMS diagnostics.


  1. The port number shown is 80 by default. In addition, your full host name will appear. Click the two test buttons and see if you got an error messages or if the test is successful. If you got an error message, Go to step one! Else, Congratulations! Continue.


  1.  Now go to the Internet Service Manager again as in step 22. Click the Default Website under your machine name. Click the Action button in the tool bar above and go to new-virtual directory.


  1. Click next and type Manager for Alias. Click next and browse to the Arc IMS installation directory, in this case Program files\Esri\ArcIMS. Click on Manager and click open. Click next and finish


  1. Go to scripts in the tree under Default Website and right click on the ServletExec_ISAPI.dll to the right.


  1.  Click properties then click file security tab then click edit. The anonymous access control will be checked. Uncheck the Integrated Windows Authentication. Click Ok and then close the window.


  1. Now there is a need to change the path variables for you to be able to use the Java libraries from Sun. Go to System in the control panel and double click it. Go to Advanced tab and click on Environment variables.


  1. Scroll down to the system variable Path and click edit. Add the following :        

;<drive>:\Program Files\javasoft\jre\1.3.0_02\bin.

Click Ok and close the window.


Those above 33 steps will end your journey with installing ArcIMS.


Now we are ready to use ArcIMS 3.1 and design our websites.



III. Website Design:


This section will discuss the needed steps to author a map service, design a website and administer the site. The ArcIMS Manager is able to perform those three tasks.



Open ArcIMS by going to start- Programs-ESRI-ArcIMS 3.1-Manager. Create a Shortcut for the Manager on your desktop since you will be using it often.


You will be asked for a login and a password. This is the first login, and you will use it from now on.

The next screen will show three options: Author a map service, Design the website, and Administer the site. The first thing to do is to author a map service.


Click on Author Map service. You will be asked to enter a new file name or to browse to an existing map file.


I will use an example name for describing the design process. For the file name, type Logan-river.


Click next. A new screen will appear. You can add shape files and image files to the map by the add layer button. Click on the button and browse to the directory in which your data is present. 

Add the shape files you want and click the close button on the top of the map. You can select the layer you want, open its properties and change the labels, choose the display type according to available attributes. You can also display the layer as a unique value, graduated value or a one value. You can choose to label your maps by one of the attributes as in ArcGIS.


Decide what to name the layers, choose how to display them, choose the scale, save your file and click next. You will be prompted whether you want to use the image server or the feature server.   Choosing the feature server will oblige you in later step, when you want to design the website, to choose the Java viewer. In the next section, I will discuss the difference between both viewers and the experience I had with them. For the time being, choose the image server. Save your file.


Now you have finished the first task of authoring a map. After authoring, you will go to the next step: designing the website or you can author another map and postpone designing the website.


It is advisable to check whether your map service is running before starting the website design.

Click on administer the site button and you should see a gear spinning with the name of your map file next to it. Cool!          


Since it is your first experience with ArcIMS, I advise to go for the next step and the third later, see your result, evaluate the view of the website, and then make some corrections if necessary.


Designing the website:


Click the button named ‘Design Website’. For the name of the website working directory, type a name similar or identical to the map file you created in the previous step. Choose a suitable title for your webpage and click next.


On the next screen, choose the map service you have and click on the right arrow button to add this map service to the website list. In fact, this is the first map service in your list.


Click next. You will be prompted to choose an HTML viewer template vs. a java viewer. If you click the java viewer you will be asked to choose between Java custom and Java standard. For the moment, choose the HTML viewer and click next. You can later try other options and see what works. 


For the map extent on the next screen, choose all layers else choose the layers you want to display. The next screens will allow you to choose the map scale and the tool bar buttons you want to appear on the website. As a start, choose all buttons available. Click next and you will see the name of your website working directory. You can change it if you want. Accept it for now and click finish on the next screen. Done!


Now are ready to view your website. To re-check your map service, click on the administer site button again and view and save your configuration.


Close ArcIMS if you are tired of it now and open your web browser. In the address bar type:


http://<full host name>/website/<map file name>


Hit enter and wait for the map to be retrieved. Go to another machine, which is not on the same network of your machine, and check the site availability and the map view. You should be able to browse your map, zoom in and out, measure distances, select attributes and so on. Try the buttons you have and enjoy the result of your patience.



IV. Data available:


Paul Wirth was the person who is supposed to collect the data for this project. I received from him unprocessed data for Cache County, little Bear River, Cub River and Bear River.


Analyzing the given data, I got the following (All data shown below with no explanation had no further information as received): 


Cache County data:


1.      Coverages: three directories cultural, environ, eco-reg.


a.       Cultural

To see associated text files: Climbing, boundary, ownership, railroads, roads, Utah boundary.


b.      Environ

This directory contains data on: contour lines (elevation), springs, minerals, soil, water-bodies, rivers, farmland, geology, faults, land use, and ecology.

To see the text files associated with some of these data:


Contour, Ecology, Elevation, Springs, Water Bodies, Geology, Land Use, Faults, Minerals, Soil


c.       Ecoreg: no associated text files available.



2.      Images: containing two image files that could not be imported to ArcIMS 3.1.


3.      Grids: containing grid files about Logan Canyon and Cache valley. Slope, relief and aspect grids are available. Also available is a vegetation raster image for Cache County. These could not be displayed in the ArcIMS map.


Rasters converted to MrSID images (multilayer resolution seamless image database) could not be displayed in the map. They only appeared in the map legend.





Cub river data:


1.      Idaho vegetation and Land cover. Click here to see the associated text file.

2.      Information on: elk, deer and calf places in summer and winter, soil, vegetation, wetlands, soils, and streams.


Little bear-river data:


1.      Water-bodies, watersheds, sub-watersheds, stream courses, roads and sub basins.



Using ArcTool box in ArcGIS, I converted all coverages into shape files that can be added to ArcIMS.



Bear River data:


While trying to convert the available coverages to shape files, the following error log was obtained:


           (thread0001, cache)


   1: Precision Single Highest


(thread0001, tty)


   0: QUIT


(thread0001, cache)


   1: LAYER DEFINE xxlayer1 coverage I:\giswr\project\bearriver\final\bearws2 Line


(thread0001, tty)


   0: QUIT


(thread0001, cache)


   1: LAYEREXPORT xxlayer1 shapefile I:\giswr\project\bearriver\final\bearws2.shp



No data of these coverages could be projected into ArcIMS for the above reason. I have no idea of what the case might be. There is a possibility that some error in the original data processing is present. 


Logan Canyon Data:


            Data on Logan canyon was obtained from the National Hydrography Dataset by Professor David Tarboton. The procedure followed in deriving the Logan streams and watershed attribute information is clearly stated in Exercise 5 of this course. An additional effort was made in building a Geodatabse and importing the shape files of the streams and watersheds. Then these files were added to a map in ArcMap and the data was viewed. The obtained shape files were added to the ArcIMS file created for Logan Canyon.    



The Lynx web page has been designed as the Hydrology map server webpage as part of this project. Users can access this page through the following link:



V. Results:


Cache County:


Map 1:


To see the map service showing the area of Cache County with the available hydrology data click here. The map shows springs, elevation, faults and water bodies.


Map 2:


A second map for Cache County is available here.


All these maps were created by the option of HTML viewer that requires no downloaded Java plug-ins.



Cub River:


To access data on Cub River, click here.  The map will show layers about amphibian’s locations, Idaho soil information, some streams in Utah and Idaho, Idaho wetlands, and Cities.


Little Bear River:


To access data on Little Bear River, click here. You will see layers on roads, streams and sub watersheds.


Logan River: 


To see data on Logan River, click here.


VI. Discussions and Conclusions:


The ArcIMS 3.1 software served pretty well in enabling website designs for GIS maps. An unidentified problem exists at the user side, which prevents the viewing of Java-developed sites. The problem is summarized by what follows:


As the user tries to access the map, he will be re-directed to another page, which will ask him to install the JRE plug-in. Then he will be asked to download the Arc Explorer viewer. Another software will be downloaded, called install anywhere. The page will inform the user that he has to restart his web browser before he can view the page correctly. If he does that, however, the page will go through the same steps again. 


I suggest no solution for this problem for the time being.


The ArcSDE software might be required for correctly importing the image files. I did not check the ArcSDE capabilities for that for lack of time.


It is important for the installer to install ServletExec Engine, or any other engine listed above, before trying to install the ArcIMS. 


 ArcIMS is useful in designing websites for GIS services. Careful attention should be taken while preparing to install and installing the software. 



VII. References:



1.    National Hydrography Dataset ( )

2.    ArcIMS 3.1 Software and documentation ( )

3.    Paul Wirth (