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CEE6930 Special Problems: Advanced Hydrology through CUAHSI Virtual University

Archive information from online course that was given at Utah State University as part of CUAHSI Virtual University, Fall 2020. See current course.



  • September 1, 1:30-3pm, Organizational Meeting, UWRL 3rd floor conference room.     
  • September 2 and 3. Classes in first session start - see schedule below.

Utah State University Instructor and Coordinator: David Tarboton, http://hydrology.usu.edu/dtarb

CUAHSI Virtual University is a unique national online course, consisting of modules on highly specialized hydrology topics from recent research advances. Its aim is to enhance the depth of graduate course offerings at universities across the nation. Students from participating universities can enroll in a subset of modules of their choosing, resulting in collaborations between instructors and students at different universities. Students earn credit at their home institutions.

Classes are presented online using Zoom and Canvas by the instructor from a participating University. You attend online from any computer.  

The course will run from September through December.  There are nine separate modules, each offered by an instructor at one of the participating universities scheduled in a four week block at the times below. Students choose which of these modules they want to do, and may register for any number of modules.

  Sept 2-30 Oct 2-29 Nov 4-Dec 3
M/W 3:30-5:00 p.m. EDT / 1:30-3:00 p.m. MDT Ecohydrology of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
Steven Loheide, University of Wisconsin Madison
Stream Solute Tracers: What, Why and How?
Adam Ward, Indiana University
Microwave Radar Remote Sensing: Theory and Application
H.P. Marshall, Boise State University
M/W 5:00-6:30 p.m. EDT / 3:00-4:30 p.m. MDT Advances in Drone-based Remote Sensing for Hydrologic Applications
Scott Tyler, University of Nevada-Reno
Digital Water, Emerging Data Science and Research Software
Christina Bandaragoda, University of Washington
T/Th 3:30-5:00 p.m. EDT / 1:30-3:00 p.m. MDT Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources
David Tarboton, Utah State University
Urban and Stormwater Hydrology
Anne Jefferson, Kent State University
T/Th 5:00-6:30 p.m. EDT / 3:00-4:30 p.m. MDT   Introduction to Open Channel Modeling
Ehab Meselhe, Tulane University
Modeling Watershed Dynamics Using Landlab
Erkan Istanbulluoglu, University of Washington

Register for one credit of CEE 6930 for each module you plan to do. Each module is significant work, and three modules is regarded as equivalent to a full semester course.