Slope Area Stream Definition

Title  Slope Area Stream Definition


This tool combines the function of the following tools: "Slope Area Combination," "D8 Extreme Upslope Value," "Stream Drop Analysis," and "Stream Definition by Threshold." It creates a grid where stream cells have a value of 1 and non-stream cells have a value of 0 using the area and slope threshold method to determine the location of the streams. With this method, streams are defined as beginning where an expression meets or exceeds a threshold (T). The expression is calculated by taking the slope (S) raised to an exponent (m) and then multiplied by the specific catchment area (a) raised to an exponent (n), i.e, (S^m)(a^n) >= T. Once a stream begins, it continues downslope, from there. This method was suggested by Montgomery and Dietrich (1992). (They used the slope exponent (m) of 2, area exponent (n) of 1, and a threshold (T) of 200 m^2 in their study). Please note that specific catchment area (a) is the contributing area per unit width (cell size) and has units of length. If specific catchment area is used for A, the units are contributing area per unit width (cell size), usually in m, so if the cell size is 15 m, a T equivalent to 200 m^2 is 200/15=13.3.



SlopeAreaStreamDef (Input_D8_Flow_Direction_Grid, Input_D-Infinity_Contributing_Area_Grid, Input_Slope_Grid, {Input_Mask_Grid}, {Input_Outlets}, {Input_Pit_Filled_Elevation_Grid_for_Drop_Analysis}, {Input_D8_Contributing_Area_Grid_for_Drop_Analysis}, Check_for_Edge_Contamination, Slope_Exponent__m, Area_Exponent__n, Threshold__T, Input_Number_of_Processes, Output_Stream_Raster_Grid, Output_Slope-Area_Grid, Output_Maximum_Upslope_Grid, {Output_Drop_Analysis_Table}, Use_the_range_below_to_automatically_select_threshold_by_drop_analysis, Minimum_Threshold_Value, Maximum_Threshold_Value, Number_of_Threshold_Values, Use_Logarithmic_spacing_for_threshold_values)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input_D8_Flow_Direction_Grid Dialog Reference

This input is a grid of flow directions that are encoded using the D8 method where all flow from a cells goes to a single neighboring cell in the direction of steepest descent.

Raster Layer
Input_D-Infinity_Contributing_Area_Grid Dialog Reference

A grid giving the specific catchment area value for each cell taken as its own contribution (grid cell length or summation of weights) plus the proportional contribution from upslope neighbors that drain in to it. This grid is typically obtained using the D-infinity multiple flow direction method that is used by the "D-Infinity Contributing Area" tool. In this tool, it is this area (a) that is used in the formula (S^m)(a^n) >= T to determine the transition to a stream.

Raster Layer
Input_Slope_Grid Dialog Reference

This input is a grid of slope values. This is measured as drop/distance and it is most often obtained as the output of the "D-Infinity Flow Direction" tool. In this tool, it is this slope (S) that is used in the formula (S^m)(a^n) >= T to determine the transition to a stream.

Raster Layer
Input_Mask_Grid (Optional) Dialog Reference

This optional input is a grid that is used to mask the domain of interest and output is only provided where this grid is valid, i.e. does not contain a no-data value and whose value is greater than 0. A common use of this input is to use a D-infinity contributing area grid as the mask so that the delineated stream network is constrained to areas where D-infinity contributing area is available, replicating the functionality of an edge contamination mask.

Raster Layer
Input_Outlets (Optional) Dialog Reference

This optional input is a point feature defining the outlets of interest. If this input is used, the tool will only evaluate the area upslope of these outlets.

Feature Layer
Input_Pit_Filled_Elevation_Grid_for_Drop_Analysis (Optional) Dialog Reference

This input is a grid of elevation values. As a general rule, it is recommended that you use a grid of elevation values that have had the pits removed for this input. Pits are generally taken to be artifacts that interfere with the analysis of flow across them. This grid can be obtained as the output of the "Pit Remove" tool, in which case it contains elevation values where the pits have been filled to the point where they just drain. This grid is only needed if drop analysis is being performed and is used to evaluate elevation drops along streams.

Raster Layer
Input_D8_Contributing_Area_Grid_for_Drop_Analysis (Optional) Dialog Reference

This input is a grid of contributing area values for each cell that were calculated using the D8 algorithm. The contributing area for a cell is the sum of its own contribution plus the contribution from all upslope neighbors that drain to it, measured as a number of cells or the sum of weight loadings. This grid can be obtained as the output of the "D8 Contributing Area" tool. This input is required only when using drop analysis and is used to evaluate drainage density.

Raster Layer
Check_for_Edge_Contamination Dialog Reference

This flag determines whether the tool should check for edge contamination. Edge contamination is defined as the possibility that a value may be underestimated due to grid cells outside of the domain not being considered when determining contributing area. This occurs when drainage is inwards from the boundaries or areas with no data values for elevation. The algorithm recognizes this possibility and reports no data for the contributing area value. It is common to see streaks of no data values extending inwards from boundaries along flow paths that enter the domain at a boundary. This is the desired effect, and indicates that values for these grid cells is unknown due to it being dependent on terrain outside of the available data. Edge contamination checking may be overridden in cases where you know it is not an issue, or want to ignore the problems, if for example, the DEM has been clipped along a watershed outline.

Slope_Exponent__m Dialog Reference

This input parameter is used as the slope exponent (m) in the formula: (S^m)*(a^n) >= T, that is used to identify the beginning of streams.

Area_Exponent__n Dialog Reference

This input parameter is used as the area exponent (n) in the formula: (S^m)*(a^n) >= T, that is used to identify the beginning of streams.

Threshold__T Dialog Reference

This optional input value is used as the threshold (T) in the formula: (S^m)*(a^n) >= T, that is used to identify the beginning of streams. This value must be provided unless drop analysis is used.

Input_Number_of_Processes Dialog Reference

This input indicates the number of stripes that the domain will be divided into and the number of MPI parallel processes that will be spawned to evaluate each piece of the domain.

Output_Stream_Raster_Grid Dialog Reference

This output is an indicator grid (1,0) that indicates the location of streams, with a value of 1 for each of the stream cells and 0 for the remainder of the cells.

Raster Dataset
Output_Slope-Area_Grid Dialog Reference

This output grid contains the value of (S^m)*(a^n) for each grid cell.

Raster Dataset
Output_Maximum_Upslope_Grid Dialog Reference

This output grid contains the maximum value of the Slope-Area grid upslope of each grid cell in the domain using D8 flow directions.

Raster Dataset
Output_Drop_Analysis_Table (Optional) Dialog Reference

This output is a comma delimited text file with the following header line:

Threshold, DrainDen, NoFirstOrd, NoHighOrd, MeanDFirstOrd, MeanDHighOrd, StdDevFirstOrd, StdDevHighOrd, T

The file then contains one line of data for each threshold value examined, and then a summary line that indicates the optimum threshold value. This technique looks for the smallest threshold in the range where the absolute value of the t-statistic is less than 2. For the science behind the drop analysis see Tarboton et al. (1991, 1992), Tarboton and Ames (2001). This output is only generated if drop analysis is used.

Text File
Use_the_range_below_to_automatically_select_threshold_by_drop_analysis Dialog Reference

This flag indicates whether drop analysis should be used to determine the optimal accumulation threshold value. Otherwise, the accumulation threshold parameter above will be used.

Minimum_Threshold_Value Dialog Reference

This value is the lowest end of the range searched for possible threshold values using drop analysis. This technique looks for the smallest threshold in the range where the absolute value of the t-statistic is less than 2. For the science behind the drop analysis see Tarboton et al. (1991, 1992), Tarboton and Ames (2001).

Maximum_Threshold_Value Dialog Reference

This value is the highest end of the range searched for possible threshold values using drop analysis. This technique looks for the smallest threshold in the range where the absolute value of the t-statistic is less than 2. For the science behind the drop analysis see Tarboton et al. (1991, 1992), Tarboton and Ames (2001).

Number_of_Threshold_Values Dialog Reference

The number of steps to divide the search range into when looking for possible threshold values using drop analysis. This technique looks for the smallest threshold in the range where the absolute value of the t-statistic is less than 2. For the science behind the drop analysis see Tarboton et al. (1991, 1992), Tarboton and Ames (2001).

Use_Logarithmic_spacing_for_threshold_values Dialog Reference

This flag indicates whether a logarithmic or linear spacing should be used when looking for possible threshold values using drop ananlysis.


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