Pit Remove

Title  Pit Remove


This funciton identifies all pits in the DEM and raises their elevation to the level of the lowest pour point around their edge. Pits, also referred to as depressions or sinks, are low elevation areas in digital elevation models (DEMs) that are completely surrounded by higher terrain. They are generally taken to be artifacts that interfere with the routing of flow across DEMs, so are removed by raising their elevationt, or filling them, to the point where they drain off the edge of the domain. The pour point is the lowest point on the boundary of the "watershed" draining to the pit.


If there are specific pits that you do not wish to remove, but do want to remove other pits, pits you want to retain can be marked using the optional depression mask input file (dempask). Elevation values from the input DEM corresponding to grid cells with depmask=1 will not be changed and if these mask cells are at the low points of internally draining depressions, the depression will be retained.


"No data" values serve to define edges in the domain, and elevations are only raised to where flow is off an edge or to a grid cell with "no data". An internal "no data" value can placed at the low point of internally draining depressions to stop it being raised by pit filling as an alternative to using a depression mask.


This pit removal step is not essential if you have reason to believe that all the pits in your DEM are real. This step can be circumvented by using the raw DEM as input to other TauDEM functions in the place where a filled DEM is used, such as by copying the raw DEM source data onto the file with suffix "fel" to simulate the output of "Pit Remove" without actually removing the pits.


Command Prompt Syntax:

mpiexec -n <number of processes> PitRemove -z <demfile> -fel < felfile> [ -4way ] [ -depmask depmaskfile]

demfile: Input elevation grid

depmaskfile: depression mask file(Optional)

felfile: Output elevation grid with pits filled


PitRemove (Input_Elevation_Grid, {Fill_Considering_only_4_way_neighbors}, {Input_Depression_Mask_Grid}, Input_Number_of_Processes, Output_Pit_Removed_Elevation_Grid)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input_Elevation_Grid Dialog Reference

A digital elevation model (DEM) grid to serve as the base input for the terrain analysis and stream delineation.

Pits are generally assumed to be artifacts of the digitation process that interfere with the processing of flow across DEMs, and so are removed by raising their elevation to the point where they just drain. However, if there are specific pits that ou do not wish to remove they can be marked using the separate depression mask input grid, or have "no data" elevation values inserted at their lowest point. "No data" values serve to define edges in the flow field, and elevations are only raised to where flow is off an edge, so an internal "no data" value will stop a pit from being removed.

Raster Layer
Fill_Considering_only_4_way_neighbors (Optional) Dialog Reference

If this option is selected Fill ensures that the grid is hydrologically conditioned with cell to cell connectivity in only 4 directions (N, S, E or W neighbors). Each grid cell is conditioned to drain to one of these adjacent, but not diagonal neighbors.

Input_Depression_Mask_Grid (Optional) Dialog Reference

Depression mask indicator grid (depmask) to identify cells that are real pits (or sinks or depressions) and should not be filled. Grid cells with a value of 1 (depmask=1) are not filled. Grid cells with any other value are filled.

Raster Layer
Input_Number_of_Processes Dialog Reference

The number of stripes that the domain will be divided into and the number of MPI parallel processes that will be spawned to evaluate each of the stripes.

Output_Pit_Removed_Elevation_Grid Dialog Reference

A grid of elevation values with pits removed so that flow is routed off of the domain. Pits are low elevation areas in digital elevation models (DEMs) that are completely surrounded by higher terrain. They are generally taken to be artifacts of the digitation process that interfere with the processing of flow across DEMs. So, they are removed by raising their elevation to the point where they just drain.

Raster Dataset

Code Samples



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