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Grid Defintions and Naming Conventions

To manage the variety of data, especially grid data, used by TauDEM, a naming convention relying on suffixes appended to the body of file names has been developed to identify the contents of the files used. This convention is not required, but makes things a lot easier and is used to set up default file names. Each type of file is associated with a suffix that is appended to the main part of the file name, before the extension used by the computer system. If the Base Elevation grid name is "nnnn[.tif]" then the remaining file names will be "nnnnsss[.tif/shp/txt]" where sss is the suffix. The table below gives DEM grids used by TauDEM with these suffixes.

Table of TauDEM grid types

Suffix Description
ad8 D8 contributing area grid (area measured as number of grid cells)
ang D-infinity flow direction grid (flow direction grid measured in radians, counter clockwise from east)
ass Avalanche source site grid, a required input for D-infinity avalanche runout
cs Concentration in supply grid, a grid giving the concentration of a compound of interest in the supply to the transport limited accumulation function
ctpt Concentration grid, a grid giving the concentration of a compound of interest
dd D-infinity distance to stream which can be average, minimum or maximum of horizontal, vertical, surface or Pythagoras distances to the stream.
dep Upslope dependence grid, a grid giving at each grid cell the fraction of flow that contributes to any part of the target disturbance grid
dfs Distance from source grid
dg Disturbance indicator grid, an indicator grid that marks the target domain for various functions
di Downslope influence grid that quantifies the influence of grid cells in the indicator grid on contributing area at each grid cell
dist D8 distance to stream grid
dm Decay multiplier grid, a grid giving the factor by which flow leaving each grid cell is multiplied before accumulation on downslope grid cells.  This may be used to simulate the movement of an attenuating substance.
dmax Maximum downslope grid, a grid giving the maximum of the weight loading grid downslope from each grid cell
dsca Decayed specific catchment area grid (specific catchment area calculated by accumulating area but using the decay multipliers)
du D-infinity distance to ridge which can be average, minimum or maximum of horizontal, vertical, surface or Pythagoras distances to the ridge.
fel Hydrologically correct elevation grid with pits removed either by filling or carving
gord Stahler network order grid (Strahler order for grid network defined from D8 flow directions)
gw Gage watershed. The grid cells draining directly to a stream gage without flowing through any other stream gage
ord Network order grid, a grid giving the Strahler stream order for each delineated stream grid cell
p D8 flow direction grid obtained either from the D8 flow direction or carving functions
plen Longest upslope length grid, a grid that gives the length of the longest upslope flow path terminating at each grid cell
q Specific discharge of the flow carrying the constituent being loaded at the concentration threshold specified
racc Reverse accumulation grid, a grid giving the result of the "Reverse Accumulation" function
rz Runout zone grid, a runout zone indicator grid with value 0 to indicate that this grid cell is not in the runout zone and value > 0 to indicate that this grid cell is in the runout zone.
sa Slope-Area function output grid containing slope and area combined using SmAn
sar Slope/Area ratio grid used to evaluate wetness index
sca D-infinity contributing area grid (units in specific catchment area, i.e. area per unit contour width, using grid cell as the unit width and grid cell size squared as grid cell area)
sd8 D8 slope grid (slope measured as drop/distance)
slp D-infinity slope grid
slpd D8 averaged slope distance grid, a grid of slope averaged over downslope distance
src Computed stream raster grid, a grid indicating streams, grid cell value 1 on streams and 0 off streams
ss A stream source grid derived through application of a function to identify potential stream sources to a set of inputs.  Values should be 0 on non potential stream sources and >0, with a value that has relevance to the method being used for potential stream sources.
ssa An accumulated stream source grid derived from a ss grid and is suitable for drop analysis.  This needs to have the property that it is monotonically increasing downslope along D8 flow directions.  This may be from an accumulation or maximum upslope function.
tc Transport capacity grid, a grid giving the transport capacity at each grid cell for the transport limited accumulation function
tdep Deposition grid, a grid giving the deposition resulting from the transport limited accumulation
tla Transport limited accumulation grid
tlen Total upslope length grid, a grid that gives the total length of upslope flow paths terminating at each grid cell
tsup Transport supply grid, a grid giving the supply (loading) of material to a transport limited accumulation function
w Watershed grid demarcating each reach watershed mapped using netsetup function
wg Flag used to show weight grid, with the name of the weight grid as argument.