Create Parameter Region Grid

Title  Create Parameter Region Grid


The SINMAP stability index tool requires parameters to be input using a grid that is the same dimensions as the digital elevation model (DEM) with integer values that reference into rows of a parameter table. This tool generates both the grid and the parameter table.

There are options to (1) create a single region that has the same parameters for the whole domain, (2) create regions based on an input grid and (3) create regions based on an input feature class. In the latter two cases the inputs are resampled to the scale of the DEM.


Command line syntax: --dem <demfile> --parreg <output parameter region tif file> --att <output attribute table> [--parreg-in <input region raster>][--shp <input feature class> --shp-att-name <input feature attribute>]


ParameterRegionTool (Input_DEM_Dataset, Select_Region_Creation_Option, {Input_Region_Raster}, {Input_Region_Feature_Class}, {Select_Feature_Class_Attribute____FID__is_not_a_valid_attribute_}, Output_Parameter_Region_Grid___tif_format_, Output_Parameter_Table_Text_File__must_be__txt_or__csv_or__dat_)

Parameter Explanation Data Type
Input_DEM_Dataset Dialog Reference

Digital elevation Model grid used to set the dimensions (cell size, rows and columns and spatial reference) of the region grid.

Raster Layer
Select_Region_Creation_Option Dialog Reference

Input source for parameter regions. (1) One uniform parameter region will set the same parameters for the entire domain defined by the input DEM. (2) Regions from raster requires an integer raster to be input and will generate a parameter table with separate row of parameters for each value in the designated raster. This table may then be edited to set different parameters for each region. (3) Regions from polygon features will generate an integer raster with grid values from the designated field in the polygon feature table and a parameter table with separate row of parameters for each value in the raster.

Input_Region_Raster (Optional) Dialog Reference

An integer raster defining parameter regions. The values will be resampled to the DEM scale to populate the integer valued parameter region grid.

Raster Layer
Input_Region_Feature_Class (Optional) Dialog Reference

A polygon feature class defining parameter regions.

Table View
Select_Feature_Class_Attribute____FID__is_not_a_valid_attribute_ (Optional) Dialog Reference

The field in the feature class used to set parameter regions. You should not select FID or the shape field. The field selected will be used to populate the integer valued parameter region grid.

Output_Parameter_Region_Grid___tif_format_ Dialog Reference

An integer valued tif file defining parameter regions resampled to have dimensions exactly the same as the input raster.

Raster Dataset
Output_Parameter_Table_Text_File__must_be__txt_or__csv_or__dat_ Dialog Reference

A comma separated attribute table with one row of parameters for each value in the parameter region grid.

Example format:




Columns are

SiID - Identifier

tmin - Transmissivity lower bound (m^2/hr)

tmax - Transmissivity upper bound (m^2/hr)

cmin - Dimensionless cohesion lower bound

cmax - Dimensionless cohesion upper bound

phimin - Soil friction angle lower bound

phimax - Soil friction angle upper bound

SoilDens - Soil density (kg/m^3)


Code Samples



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