Overview and Runoff Processes

Refer to chapter 1 of the Rainfall Runoff Processes workbook.


This module will introduce the processes involved in the transformation of rainfall to runoff at the earth surface.  The module reviews the mechanisms involved in runoff generation and the pathways water takes moving to streams in different settings.  Much of this review provides the language and terminology used by hydrologists as a basis for qualitative understanding and description of the runoff processes.  The module covers:

  • Runoff generation mechanisms
  • Physical factors affecting runoff
  • Soil properties used in hydrology
  • Models for calculating infiltration and runoff at a point
  • Simulation of runoff generation in hydrologic models

The module begins with qualitative descriptions of flow pathways and runoff generation mechanisms, then goes into quantitative detail covering the physical soil properties and equations used for calculating infiltration and runoff.  Towards the end the student is challenged to perform detailed calculations of infiltration designed to develop and reinforce in depth numeric understanding of rainfall runoff processes and how they are represented in current hydrologic models.   The goal of this module is to give you the basic foundation of knowledge you need to integrate an understanding of rainfall-runoff processes with your field of expertise, to continue on with further study in hydrology, or to work towards your own future contributions to research in the field of rainfall-runoff processes.

Runoff Processes

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