Welcome Video

Welcome to this module on Rainfall-Runoff Processes. The basic questions addressed in the study of rainfall runoff processes are Where does water go when it rains? How long does water reside in a watershed? and What pathway does water take in moving to a stream channel?” These questions are at the core of the science of hydrology, which has to do with the occurrence, distribution and movement of water at and near the surface of the earth. Rainfall runoff processes are important for understanding floods, drought, water quality and water resources management questions. New understanding of rainfall-runoff processes is continually emerging. Technological advances are providing us with new and more detailed data, such as nexrad radar maps of rainfall and high-resolution digital elevation models. A challenge for hydrologists and hydrologic modelers is to incorporate new understanding and information into hydrologic models and to improve model applications for flood warning, flood prevention and water resource management. The goal of this module is to give you the basic foundation of knowledge you need to integrate an understanding of rainfall-runoff processes with your field of expertise, to continue on with further study in hydrology, or to work towards your own future contributions to research in the field of rainfall-runoff processes.