By, Erkan Istanbulluoglu
Utah State University
Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept.
84322-4110, Logan UT
Topography plays an important role in the hydrologic response of a catchment to rainfall. For example, topography can affect the location of zones of surface saturation and the distribution of the soil water (i.e., the soil water content overlying an impermeable or semiimpermeable soil horizon at shallow depth). The likelihood of soils becoming saturated increases at the base of slopes and in depressions or swales where there is convergence of both surface and subsurface flow (Barling et al., 1994). The spatial distribution of soil water is a very important issue to estimate the subsurface and surface flow and evaluate the sediment production and transport processes within a watershed.
With the development of digital terrain models, capable of analyzing large sets of digital elevations, it is now possible both to quantify the detailed topography of landscapes and to explore process based models in explaining mappable features (Dietrich et al., 1993). Terrain-based indices have been developed predicting the spatial distribution of soil water content and the location and size of zones of surface saturation under an assumption of steady-state flow [eg., Beven and Kirby, 1977, 1979 and O'Loughlin, 1986]. Derivation of these indices which simply represent the key factors like topography in physical processes has encouraged the derivation of saturation, erosion and slope stability thresholds [eg., Dietrich et al., 1993].
This study aims to evaluate the threshold rainfall depths required for ground saturation, slope stability and runoff and to construct a functional relationship between rainfall and spatial probability of those variable within a watershed.
Site Description
The study area is in the Silver Creek drainage, a tributary to the Middle
Fork of the Payette River in southwestern Idaho. Coordinates of the center of
the project area are approximately 44o25’N latitude, and
115o45’W longitude.
Annual precipitation on the study
area averages about 890 mm with most occurring during the winter months. Summers
are hot and dry with occasional, localized convective storms. More generalized
frontal types of rains are common in May and June and in the fall in late
September and October. About 65% of the annual precipitation is as snow that
produces an average maximum snow melt water equivalent of about 55cm.
Soils are weakly developed with an A horizon ranging from 5 to 25 cm thick and overlying moderately weathered granitic parent material. Soil textures are loamy sands to sandy loams and depth to the bedrock is usually less than 100 cm. Shallow soils less than 20 cm deep are common on ridges and south slopes.
Hillslopes in the area are steep, ranging from 15 to 40 degrees, and are highly dissected. Vegetation varies in response to change in slope aspect and and soil properties and is characterized by principal vegetation habitat types, which are Douglas-fir/white spirea and Douglas-fir/nineninebark, both in ponderosa pine phase ( Megehan et al., 1991).
Data Preparation for GIS/Arc-View
Digital elevation model (DEM) of Silver Creek is required for the study. There are two DEM data sources (that I know) from which one can do data downloading. They are;
*US Geographical Survey (USGS); http://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/status/dem_stat.html
*GIS Data Depot ; http://www.gisdatadepot.com/
I used the USGS page and downloaded 4 quads where the Silver Creek should be located. It is sometimes hard to figure out the exact location that one wants to download in USGS DEM. Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) may assist one to find out the location of the region he or she is working. DRG of the region downloaded from GIS Data Depot for the study.
The downloaded data was
imported to Arc-View, merged and gapfilled. TARDEM was used to calculate the
flow directions with D infinity approach and specific catchment area
(contributing area per unit contour length). The Dinf approach assigns a flow
direction based on steepest slope on a triangular facet (Tarboton, 1997). The
approach is depicted below.
Figure 1. Flow direction defined as steepest downward slope on planar triangular facets on a block centered grid.
Slope of each grid cell was calculated by SINMAP (Pack et al., 1998), which is a software for terrain stability mapping. Channel network was delineated using upwards curved grid cells method one of the channel network delineation options available in TARDEM. DEM of the Silver Creek which is 25.5 km2, with contours of 40 m interval and delineated channel network is given below. (Cell size is 30mx30m)
Figure 2. DEM of Silver Creek its channel network and contours
of 40 m interval
Figure 3. Slope and contributing areas per unit contour length of Silver Creek
Slope and contributing area per unit contour length of Silver Creek is presented above.
Sediment production due to landsliding and erosion, and sediment transport in hillslopes deal with the ground saturation, so that understanding the groundwater behavior is a key term to better evaluate the hillslope processes.
Beven (1981) concluded that models models based on kinematic wave formulation may be better than those based on the extended Dupuit-Forchheimer assumptions for predicting water table profiles and subsurface flow hydrographs. Assuming the subsurface flow is parallel to the ground surface in a thin soil mantle, steady-stead subsurface flow can be in a form of kinematic wave approximation as;
where qi is the discharge per unit contour length at a point (i) in the catchment (L2/T), K is the saturated hydraulic conductivity (L/T), hwi is the subsurface water depth (L) perpendicular to the slope and q is the slope angle (Wu and Sidle, 1995). When a lateral water flux occurs during periods of precipitation, the soil water content increases systematically in the downslope direction. Topographic divergence and convergence also also affects the lateral movement of water and the soil water content. The water table can be represented as the result of steady average vertical recharge rate R, (L/T), so that any point i on a catchment with a specific catchment area of ai subsurface flow would be (Barling et al., 1994)
Dietrich et al., (1992) claim that, for steady state shallow subsurface flow, R term in the equation above can be considered as "precipitation - evaporation - deep drainage", but in this study R is called shortly precipitation. Depth of water table at a point i in the catchment can be estimated by combining (1) and (2) and solving for hwi;
hwi=h (3)
where h is the soil tickness perpendicular to slope. At any point where hwi exceeds h, the ground will be saturated and any amount of precipitation will cause runoff (Qi) at that point as,
in the equation Khi can be written as Ti which is the transmissivity in (L2/T). Due to differences in the specific catchment area from which the subsurface water drains, the rainfall amount to saturate the ground would be spatially distributed in a watershed. At a point i, precipitation amount required for ground saturation can be estimated by setting Qi to 0 and solving for Ri which will be,
any precipitation rate greater than that Ri will produce runoff at that point.
The steady state assumption implies that the specific upslope area is an appropriate surrogate for the subsurface flow rate. This is only true if recharge rate to a perched water table occurs at a constant rate for the length of time required for every point on a catchment to reach subsurface drainage equilibrium. In most cases, the velocity of the subsurface flow is so small that most point on a catchment only receive contributions from a small portion of their total upslope contributing area and the subsurface flow regime is in a state of dynamic nonequilibrium (Barling et al., 1994). Interstitial velocity of subsurface flow may be calculated as proposed by Barling et al., (1994)
where v is the interstitial velocity of subsurface flow and h is the effective porosity. In the equation above it may be more accurate to use sinq rather than tanq. The total length of time required to observe a steady-state subsurface flow at a point i on the catchment which has a contributing area per unit contour length of ai may be calculated as;
in the equation ti may be evaluated as the time of water input to the perched water in the contributing area of that point. This water input time can be rainfall duration + drainage time + snow melting period or which one is present in the watershed. For any time t when t <ti contributing area per unit contour length would be (a(t)) but, a(t)<ai. This concept requires us to rewrite the ai terms in equations (2),(3) and (4) when t <ti. When evaluating long term periods for example at a mountainous watershed which receives plenty of snow, in the snowmelt period most of the watershed can be assumed to reach to equilibrium and producing steady-state subsurface flow. However this concept may be very important while evaluating the affects seasonal precipitation to slope stability, landsliding and erosion.
Slope stability
The infinite slope stability model factor of safety (ratio of stabilizing to destabilizing forces) can be written as below (Pack et al., 1998).
In the equation above FS is the factor of safety between 0 and 1, C is the combined cohesion, w the relative wetness, r the water to soil density ratio, and f is the internal friction angle. C, w and r can be defined as;
In the equations; Cr and Cs are root and soil cohesion [N/m2], rw and rs are water and soil density [kg/m3], and g is the gravity of acceleration [9.81 m/s2]. When FS<1 at a point, a lndsliding may occur.
Threshold theory for slope instability was given by Dietrich et al.,(1992) which is,
where, a/b is the area per unit contour length and S is slope. Slope instability occurs where a/b equals or exceeds the term on the right-hand side. In the equation R is constant for the whole watershed. In this study to explore the spatial variability of R causing FS≤1, another form of threshold relation is proposed by equating FS to 1 in (8) and solving for R in (10), which is simply,
While using the above equation only ai and q are considered as spatially distributed and the other parameters are lumped. However in the watershed where reliable measurements are available T, C and f can be used as spatially distributed parameters. Using (13) one can calculate the rainfall rates required to cause FS≤1 at any point of the watershed if that point is capable of generating FS≤1 due to R. Because there would be points in the watershed even saturated but still stabile (FS>1) because of the dominant affects of other parameters associated with FS.
In the analyzes of ground saturation and slope stability in Silver Creek the soil parameters are lumped in the watershed. The lumping of similar parameters was done by Barling et al.,(1994); Dietrich et.al.,(1992); Dietrich et.al.,(1993) and Wu and Sidle (1995) due to the lack of reliable amount of measured values. Those parameters are saturated hydraulic conductivity (K=0.833m/h), soil depth (h=0.6m), effective porosity (h =0.4), internal friction angle (f=30) and combined cohesion (C=0-0.2) are lumped in the watershed referring to previous studies by Megehan et.al,(1991); Gray and Megehan (1981). In combined cohesion two values are assumed. In the referred paper the cohesion was measured as 0, however a cohesion of 0.2 is also taken into because of possible changes in C in time due to forest fires and removal.
Time of Equilibrium
In order to evaluate the time required to reach steady-state conditions in
the watershed,
interstitial velocity of subsurface flow in each grid cell
was calculated by(6) in m/h.
Figure 4.Interstitial velocity
distribution for each grid cell
The velocities range between 0 at grids with no slope and 1.353 m/h at the steepest slopes. Time required to reach an equilibrium in most of the watershed (83%) is estimated as 30days. In this 30 day time subsurface flow should receive either precipitation or snowmelt. The grid cells which come to an equilibrium (7.7% of the watershed) after 2 days of recharge are below, colored in red . The length of grid cells are 30m, in the ones which have an interstitial velocity less than 30/2, 15 m/day the water starts to travel from one end doesn't reach the other end. They are colored in gray in the map.
Figure 4. Grid cells in equilibrium after 2 days of continuos recharge
The same picture after 30 days of continuos recharge is,
Figure 4. Grid cells in equilibrium after 30 days of continuos recharge
As it can be seen from Fig. 4. The watershed comes to almost steady state subsurface flow condition. This concept has a vital importance especially in the watershed which has shallow soils with high infiltration capacity. Because in those watersheds the source of runoff is due to saturation below mechanism and after reechoing steady-state condition saturation would be achieved in downslope regions and sediment production and transport may increase due to erosion and landsliding.
Watershed saturation under steady state recharge and subsurface was evaluated by eqn.(5). The areas with steep slopes and small contributing area would require more precipitation to get saturated. Even those areas require a lot more precipitation they may come to steady state condition in a couple of days as shown in Fig.2. Areas located close to the channel network and those of which have a large contributing area can be saturated with very low intensities of precipitation rate (recharge). However this constant precipitation rate should last very long time in order to reach the steady-state conditions.
Figure 5. Precipitation rates required for saturation, (precipitation rates are in mm/day. (a) precipitation rates for the entire watershed (b) the selected region with 10 m contour interval of DEM and 50 mm/day contour interval of saturation precipitation)
This saturation information may be useful for practical calculation purposes for erosion and sediment transport. Because runoff is very important for either erosion or sediment transport. In a watershed where the steady-state precipitation thresholds for saturation are known and plotted at a graph as precipitation rate on X axis and watershed saturated area in (%) on Y axis, one can estimate the runoff for a given precipitation rate and portion of the watershed contributing to runoff.
Slope stability
Before calculating the slope stability threshold precipitation required for each cell, distribution of FS over the entire watershed under a best and a worst condition. The best scenario for FS at a point is when FS=FSmax where Fmax is a possible maximum value for that point. An Fmax value can be achieved when there is no saturation in the soil (w=0) and cohesion is at a maximum permitted value (C=0.2). On the other hand the worst scenario would be when FS at a point is equal to an Fmin value which can be experienced when the soil is fully saturated (w=1) and there's no cohesion in the soil (C=0).
Figure 6. FS distribution (w=0, C=0.2)
The grid cells where FS£ 1under the best case are depicted in black below.
Figure 6. Grid cells where FS£ 1 (w=0, C=0.2)
The cells where FS£ 1 consist 0.225% of the watershed. In a worst scenario 68% of the watershed was found to experience FS£ 1, those are shown below in red.
Figure 7. grid cells where FS£ 1 (w=1, C=0)
Also conditions for (w=0, C=0) and (w=1, C=0.2) are evaluated. The watershed area (%) where FS£ 1 are found as 8.8% and 17.4% respectively.
Threshold precipitation rates were calculated for both combined cohesion conditions, (C=0 and C=0.2) by eqn.(13). After this calculation R values which fall into the area of Fig7 were extracted. Because (13) can give an R value which makes w£ 1, and if the cell do not yield an FS£ 1 even w=1, then R value for those cells would be the one with w=1.
The R values calculated for C=0 are given below.
Figure 8. Threshold precipitation for slope stability (R) distributed over the watershed when C=0, (a) the entire watershed (b) a portion of the watershed DEM contours of 40 m interval are added
In the histogram above more than 16000 grid cells were assigned to the precipitation rate range (0-12.274 mm/day). However for the reasons discussed above approximately 32% of the watershed do not yield FS£ 1 even w=1. Those areas have totally 11572 grid cells, so that this amount should be subtracted from the first column of the histogram.
Threshold precipitation rates calculated for C=0.2 condition is given below.
Figure 9. Threshold precipitation for slope stability (R) distributed over the watershed (C=0.2)
In this condition 82.6% of the watershed, which correspond to 23515 grid cells do not experience non-stabile conditions. Maximum precipitation for all the grid cell which are susceptible to non-stabile conditions is 181 mm per day. When C=0 in Fig(8) this value was approximately 110 mm per day. With this example we can see how a small change in combined cohesion may affect the threshold precipitation and total extend of non stable areas (see; Fig7, and the paragraph below the figure).
Using the estimated values in the calculations above, functional relationships between precipitation rate and probability of saturation and non-stability were constructed. The probability concepts assumed are;
Probability of Saturation [Pr(Saturation)]= Areal percentage of the watershed where saturation occurs under a given steady state precipitation rate.
Probability of non-stability [Pr(FS£ 1)]= Areal percentage of the watershed where (FS£ 1) under a given steady state precipitation rate
Figure given below shows the relationships discussed above.
Figure 10. Relationships between steady state precipitation rate and probability of non-stability and saturation
Equations fit to those curves are;
Probability of saturation Pr(Sat.);
Pr(Sat.)= -2E-10R4 +2E-07R3 -9E-05R2 + 0.0149R+0.0545 (R2=1)
Probability of non-stability Pr(FS£ 1);
Pr(FS£ 1)= 1E-09R4-4E-07R3+3E-05R2+0.0011R-0.0003 (R2=0.9982) [C=0.2]
Pr(FS£ 1)= 8E-07R3-0.0002R2+0.0174R+0.0053 (R2=0.9998) [C=0.0]
Application to Silver Creek
In Silver Creek average maximum snow melt water equivalent is 55cm. If we assume that all this snow melts in one and a half month uniformly, then R would be approximately 12 mm/day. Since a month time brings most of the watershed to steady state conditions, than:
Pr(Sat.)= 0.185;
Pr(FS£ 1)= 0.16 [C=0]
Pr(FS£ 1)=0.025 [C=0.2]
These curves only give the general behavior of the watershed for saturation and slope stability under steady state precipitation. They can be used to calculate what portion of the watershed is saturated and/or non-stable for a given steady state precipitation rate. Knowing the saturated portion is good to roughly evaluate the erosion and sediment transport processes. The watershed portion where (FS<1) may mobilize as landslides, but there is not a certain criterion that I know, to identify the points to mobilize in the watershed portion of FS<1. However the ones which have the minimum FS can be assumed to mobilize. Threshold values for FS can also be considered and the ones with lower FS would mobilize.
The uncertainty in the model parameters may be captured with the use of curves. For a given precipitation rate, saturation level for both Pr(FS<=1) curves is the same and the affects of the uncertainties in other parameters (cohesion and internal friction angle) to the final probability can be observed. The region between the two curves may give the probabilities of non-stability in the watershed when c moves from 0 to 0.2.
A future work would require to evaluate the uncertainty associated with transmissivity and internal friction angle and develop curves using those uncertain parameters and find out possible solution regions for probability estimates.
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