Windows 95/98There may be other path entries on your system depending on the software you have. You should leave them alone and only add the entries involving TARDEM and ARCVIEW. Once these changes have been made the system should be rebooted. Make sure there are no blanks or trailing blanks in these paths or it won't work. The autoexec.bat file can be edited from the Windows Start Menu Start/run/sysedit.
In a new folder extract the contents of
You should get 4 files:
sample.asc. ASCII file of digital elevation model data.
samplels.shp, samplels.shx, samplels.dbf.
ArcView shape file components for point landslide sample data.
Open ArcView (with SINMAP extension loaded) and open a new View. Select File/Import Data Source/ASCII Raster then select the file 'sample.asc'. Select grid name 'kilp' [This is data from the Kilpala pilot study described in the manual.]. Respond NO to cell values as integers and NO to add grid as theme to the view. From the SINMAP menu 'Select DEM grid for analysis'. Select grid theme 'kilp'. This adds the theme to the view, providing names that the remainder of SINMAP will recognize. From the SINMAP menu select 'Make single calibration region theme'. Click OK without changing any of the default parameters. [This is one place where you would set parameters given geologic information.] This adds a calibration regions theme to the view. The table associated with this theme contains model parameters. The theme just created has the same parameters everywhere. If there was soil or geologic information this could have been used with the 'Create multi-region calibration region' to specify different parameters for each soil or rock type. From SINMAP menu 'Select landslide point theme'. Choose the 'samplels.shp' file. This adds locations of known landslides that will be used in calibration. If you downloaded it add the sample image theme now. Select 'Add theme/image data source', file 'kilpsub.tif'. You should see an orthoimage of this area that may be used to cross check the precise location of observed landslides. Data importing is now complete.
The processing is divided into two steps. Grid processing is only done once since it depends only on digital elevation data. Stability analysis requires iteration on parameters.
Grid processing. Select 'Compute All Steps' from the 'Grid Processing' part of the SINMAP menu. You should see the blue action bar at the bottom and various messages flash by. Once this stops 4 themes (pit filled dem, flow direction, slope and contributing area) have been added to the view. These are from the Dinfinity method so are different from the results of the hydrologic modeling sample extension 'hydro.avx' supplied with ArcView. Pit filling uses a routine we developed because we found that the ArcView one with the 'hydro.avx' extension has bugs. [For example download the file pittest.asc, import as a grid and run the SINMAP pit filling and Hydro pit filling and compare answers and decide for yourself which is right.] Flow direction is expressed as an angle in radians, measured counterclockwise from east. Contributing area is specific catchment area expressed in area per unit contour length, i.e. it has the same units as 'map units' which for this work is meters. The 'contour length' used for each grid cell is the cell size (10 m here). The contributing area has been evaluated using the proportioning between downslope cells, i.e. a multiple flow direction approach, that is part of the Dinfinity method. This calculation also includes a check for edge contamination. This is the possibility that some terrain outside the bound of the DEM analyzed could be part of the contributing area of grid cells within the DEM analyzed. If the program detects this it reports the contributing area as 'no data'. This is the reason for gaps near the edges and along streams that come in from the edge of the map.
Stability analysis. Select 'Compute All Steps' from the 'Stability Analysis' part of the SINMAP menu. You should see the blue action bar at the bottom and various messages flash by. Once this stops there should be two views. One is the map view seen previously with two new themes, stability index and saturation. The other is a slope versus contributing area x-y plot. The theme in this plot is slope and contributing area data sampled randomly from the DEM (the dots) and the landslides (symbols). Select the theme 'Region 1' (this is the whole area - there is only one calibration region) in SA plot then select 'Add/Delete stability equation lines' from the SINMAP menu. These lines depict the way the model divides terrain based upon slope and contributing area into the different stability and wetness zones mapped in the stability and wetness themes. The idea behind calibration of the model, is to adjust the parameters and shift these lines to optimize the location of landslides in zones mapped as unstable, while minimizing the area alienated in these zones, i.e maximizing the landslide density. Right click in the SA plot and select 'Statistics'. This displays landslide statistics information. [Note that the statistics menu is greyed out if the program thinks parameters have been changed since the grids were last evaluated, so in certain cases you need to right click and select 'Update grids and lines' before being able to select 'statistics'.]
Questions to hand in.
The interactive philosophy of SINMAP includes analysis of individual
landslide points that may be outliers. The trusty dog 'Rex' may be
used to sniff out the locations of points. With both SA plot and
map views open, click on Rex
in the menu bar. Then click on a landslide point in SA plot to see
it's location highlighted on the map view and visa versa. [This is
a like view version of linked tables].
Question to hand in.
Calibration. Parameters may be adjusted by editing the parameter table associated with the 'calibration regions' theme, or interactively by right clicking and selecting 'Adjust Calibration Parameters' in the SA plot view. After parameters have been changed you need to select 'Update grids and lines' to recompute stability and wetness grids displayed in the map view. Fiddle with the parameters a bit to get a feel for how they affect the lines on SA plot and the mapped stability and wetness classes and landslide density of each class. Try and adjust the parameters to maximize the landslide density for combined defended and upper threshold classes.
Questions to hand in.
One of the features of SINMAP is that it maps instability based upon slope and contributing area following the logic that water and hence contributing area is a significant causitive factor in landslide occurrence. A simpler model might have ignored contributing area and only considered slope. Here the goal is to demonstrate the benefit of also using contributing area for terrain stability mapping. [Benefit is defined in terms of higher landslide density for regions mapped as unstable. This translates into a financial benefit for loggers who can minimize the area 'alienated' from logging due to stability concerns. There are also environmental benefits in terms of reduced landsliding and sediment delivery to streams by more accurately demarcating potentially unstable terrain and limiting logging or other disturbance activities (e.g. road building) in these areas.]
Determine the slope associated with each landslide. This requires looking up the value of the slope grid theme at each landslide location. This is achieved as follows. With the landslide point theme selected in the map view select Analysis/Summarize Zones. Select the 'Lsrecno' field as defining zones. Select 'Slope' as the theme containing variable to summarize. Select cancel on statistic to chart. The result is a table that contains the statistics within each landslide zone. Since each zone is a point min, max, mean and sum are the same and range and std (deviation) are 0. Start editing this table and delete all fields except lsrecno and mean. In table properties enter the name 'Slope' as an alias for 'mean'. Stop editing, saving the edits. Use the Lsrecno field to join this table with the 'Attributes of Landslides' table. Now slope for each landslide is in the Landslides attribute table. [Note that slope as used here is vertical drop over horizontal distance, i.e. the tangent of the slope angle.] Select the slope field then select Field/Sort descending. This sorts the table so that landslides with the steepest slope are at the top. Read down n lines, where n is the number of landslides in the combined upper threshold and defended zones with default parameters. The slope averaged between this line and the line below gives a slope threshold that will capture the same number of landslides. Use map calculator to map the area with slope greater than this threshold.
Questions to hand in:
Do the same for your optimum parameters.
Questions to hand in:
Do SINMAP/Select DEM grid for analysis and select this grid. Then do SINMAP/Compute All Steps from the Grid Processing section of the SINMAP menu. We are not going to do stability analysis for this area. SINMAP just provides an effective way to get the pits filled and slope and contributing area needed for TOPMODEL analysis.
Now to identify and delineate a watershed we will use TARDEM.
From the MS-DOS prompt run:
d8 lb
This computes single D8 flow directions over the grid. These
are saved in a grid file with suffix 'p', i.e. 'lbp'. Then run
aread8 lb
[Ignore the VAT warning message - we do not need a VAT]. This
computes contributing area using the D8 method. The result is saved
in a grid file with suffix 'ad8', i.e. 'lbad8'. Add the grid lbad8
to the view and fiddle with the color scheme legend so that you can see
the channel network. Select the lbad8 theme and zoom in to the region
around coordinates x=438000 y= 4596500. Determine the precise coordinates
of the grid cell that has a contributing area of 183727 grid cells.
This will be our outlet.
Question to hand in:
Now run:
aread8 lb [xvalue yvalue]
where xvalue and yvalue are the coordinates determined above.
This calculates the contributing area only for the portion of the watershed
draining to this cell. The map calculator [1.AsGrid/( [Lbad8] > 0)]
can be used to build a mask of grid cells in the watershed, i.e. that have
contributing area greater than 0. I use the 1/ logic so that the
grid has No Data, rather than 0's outside the watershed. [1/0 ArcView reports
as No Data]. Save this calculation grid as 'lbmask'
Channel network delineation. From the MS-DOS prompt run the TARDEM
netsetup lb -m 4 0.4 0.1 0.05 20 -xy [xvalue yvalue] where xvalue
and yvalue are coordinates of the outlet.
arclinks lb -i
The first command delineates channel networks using only upwards curved
grid cells. The second command imports the resulting files into ArcView.
Name the Output data source 'lbliuc' when prompted. [The uc is for
upwards curvature.] When the import is complete, add feature data
source theme 'lbliuc'. This is the delineated channel network.
The table associated with this theme contains data such as the length of
each link, slope, contributing area, stream order (using Strahler's method),
link magnitude (the number of sources upstream of each link), etc.
The first link in the table is the outlet link. The order and magnitude
attributes of the outlet link are also referred to as the order and magnitude
of the entire network that drains to that link. Field/Statistics
may be used with this table to determine the total channel length.
An alternative scheme for channel network delineation evaluates stream
order for a network starting at each pixel then prunes the network by applying
a threshold to that order. This may be obtained from the following
TARDEM commands run from the MS-DOS prompt.
gridnet lb
netsetup lb -m 5 4 -xy [xvalue yvalue]
arclinks lb -i
A constant support area threshold may be used to delineate channel networks
using the following TARDEM commands run from the MS-DOS prompt.
netsetup lb -m 1 [threshold] -xy [xvalue yvalue]
arclinks lb -i
Experiment with a few different thresholds, e.g. 50, 200, 1000 (whatever the thousand-million rule suggests). Plot 50 m contours for this area and display the networks you extract together with the contours. Evaluate the network you extract (subjectively) against the contour crenulations and where you expect water to flow in a channelized manner rather than overland. You may also try some of the other netsetup methods described in the TARDEM documentation.
To hand in:
To hand in:
Now assume an initial baseflow of 4.6 m3/s and TOPMODEL parameters, K = 5 m/hr, f = 5 m-1.
To hand in: