Erosion Estimates for the Moody Creek Watershed,
By: Ren
6440 GIS in Water Resource
Introduction: Moody Creek is a
mountainous stream located in
Figure 1. Land Use for Moody
Creek Watershed
In 1998,
Currently the Natural Resource
Conservation Service (NRCS) is working with local farmers to reduce the amount
of erosion as part of the management plan. By reducing the amount of erosion,
it is assumed that the concentration of phosphorus in the stream will also
reduce. The purpose of this project was to assist the NRCS in identifying
locations of high erosion rates using ArcGIS and the Revised Universal Soil
Loss Equation (RUSLE).
The Revised Universal Soil Loss
equation is an equation used to estimate the annual erosion due to rill and
interrill erosion based on site specific conditions. The details of the
equation along with input values will be shown later. As defined in the
Scientific Documentation of RUSLE2, rill erosion is defined as the erosion that
is caused by overland flow. Interrill erosion is the erosion caused by rain
droplets (USDA, 2008). Figure 2 below shows rill erosion from the pivot
sprinkler and similar erosion takes place during runoff event. Little gullies
form and carry soil down these small channels.
Figure 2. Example of rill erosion
in the Moody Creek Watershed
Procedure: Several steps were
taken to complete this project. Data acquisition, calculating soil loss,
interpreting results, and understanding restraints will be discussed
Data Acquisition: To determine the amount of erosion that takes
place in the Moody Creek, certain data were obtained through various agencies
and organizations. First the catchments and drainage lines were obtained from
the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). Although the catchments could have been
derived from the DEM, the NHD provided an adequate description of the
Revised Universal Soil Loss equation as stated in the Handbook for RUSLE 2
program is: A=R*K*LS*C*P,
where A
is the average soil loss in mass per acre year, R is rainfall runoff factor in erosivity
units per acre year, K is the soil erodibility in mass per erosivity unit, LS
is the slope length steepness factor (unitless), C is the cover management
factor (unitless), P is the support practice factor (unitless).
In this analysis the factors for the RUSLE Equation
were provided for the various soil types. These factors were predetermined
based on others research. Desmet and Grover developed an algorithm to calculate
LS factor in GIS. Chen and Zhou have developed models to find K factors. Wischmeier
and Smith have developed was to calculate the R factor for a given storm event
(Zhang, 2006). For the values presented here, the R factor is determined from a
10 year 1inch per hour event.
the soil map and the table of RUSLE factors, the soil map symbol from the soil
shapefile and the soil table were joined. A new column was created and the
field calculator was used to evaluate the universal soil loss equation. The
rainfall runoff factor, soil erodibility factor, and slope length/steepness
factor varied spatially based on soil type. See the table in the Appendix for
values used. For an initial analysis, cover management practice factors and
support practices factor were assumed to be 0.1 for cover management practice
and 1 for support practice throughout the watershed.
Results: Figures 3-6 show the various ranges of RUSLE
factor used for the calculations. The
higher values for each factor usually appear in the southwest corner of the
watershed. This area is associated with a Turnerville soil class.
Figure 3. R factors for Moody Creek
4. K values for Moody Creek Watershed
5 Slope Length Steepness Factor
Figure 6. Soil Erosion Estimates for Moody
As a
worst case scenario, take the 16 tons per acres per year. Assuming that soil
weighs 110 pounds per cubic foot (1762.2 kg per cubic meter), the worst case
scenario means that the area loses 0.08 inches per year or 2.0 mm per
Validation: A suggested way to validate the
results of this analysis is to find out how much soil the farmers have to
reapply to their land each year. This varies from year to year and soil to
soil. The loss has been measured to be a large as 22 tons per acre per year in
the spring of the year (Cleve Bagley, personal communication,
effects: To effectively use RUSLE, the cover management factor and support
practice factor should be evaluated on a field by field basis from year to
year. Support practice factors involve various methods to prevent erosion from
taking place Examples of support practice involve things such as sediment
basins, contour farming, and tillage equipment use. These vary yearly and
spatially from field to field, and farmer to farmer.
7 and 8 below shows examples of current implementations on the Moody Creek
watershed. Figure 7 is a sediment basin used to reduce the LS factor. Figure 8
is a tillage practice called surface roughing.
8. Surface Roughing
type: RUSLE was developed with the intent of it to be used on agricultural land,
where the soil is exposed to the effects of rainfall erosion (i.e. rill and
interrill erosion). Currently, RUSLE is not accepted among rangeland managers
and the forest service; however, the developers of the equations and program
agree that the RSLE could be used on forest land. (Carrie Jensen-Smith,
personal communication,
Conclusion: The purpose of this
report was to identify quantitatively the areas in the Moody Creek watershed
that have high erosion potential. Knowing this, the NRCS can actively visit
with land owners to suggest land practices that will reduce the amount of soil
loss. Much uncertainty lies in the factors presented in this paper. The factor
obtained through the NRCS could very well be outdated. As has been mentioned in
the limitation, much of the uncertainty of the results lies in inability to
define C and P factor for an entire watershed. RUSLE should therefore only be
considered when know cover management and support practice values can be
obtained for parcels. This analysis resulted in values that closely matched
actual measured values of erosion and could assist the NRCS in reducing
phosphorus in Moody Creek.
Chen M H, Zhou F J, et al.
Effects of slope gradient and slope length on soil erosion. Journal of Soil
Water Conservation , 1995, 9(1): 31–36
Desmet P J, Govers G. A
GIS-procedure for the automated calculation of the USLE LS-factor on
topographically complex landscape units. Journal of Soil Water Conservation,
1996a, 51(5): 427–433
Jensen-Smith, C., Personal
Idaho Department of
Environmental Quality Water Quality Division website,
USDA – Agricultural Research
Service, Revised Soil Loss Equation Version 2, Science Documentation,
Wischmeier W H, Smith D D.
Predicting rainfall erosion losses—a guide to conservation planning.
Agricultural Handbook.
Zhang, H., Wang, Q., Dai, L.,
et al., Quantifying soil erosion with