Data Integration for observing LAI Patterns in

Walnut Creek Watershed, Ames, IOWA


Bushra Zaman
GIS in Water Resources
Fall 2007


  Table of Contents

Sr. No.


Page No.





A brief introduction of the Terms Used



Leaf Area Index



Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)



Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI)



Study Area









Data Gathering and processing



Organizing the data as per the availability of the Landsat Images



GIS Methodology



Importing data into ArcGIS



Generation of spatial layers of Leaf Area Index









Model – LAI and NDVI



Interpolation of Precipitation data and creating a raster layer



Extraction of Leaf Area Index values and precipitation values at the sites






Spatial LAI layers



Saturation of NDVI



Effect of precipitation on soil Moisture



Effect of Precipitation on Soil Moisture (0-6 cm Depth)



Effect of Precipitation on Soil Moisture (30 cm Depth)



Extraction of slope in percentage from 1/3 arc-second DEM






Further Research



References and Data Sources



List of Figures

Figure No.


Page No.

Figure 1. 

Typical presentation of the variation in the active (green) Leaf Area Index


Figure 2. 

Adding X-Y data to ArcMap


Figure 3. 

NDWI calculation using Raster Calculator


Figure 4. 

Tools for LAI & NDVI


Figure 5. 

Model for LAI


Figure 6. 

Model for NDVI


Figure 7. 

Precipitation Stations


Figure 8. 

Interpolated precipitation


Figure 9.

Tool for Extraction of values to points


Figure 10. 

Extraction of values to points


Figure 11. 

Spatial LAI for 23rd June 2002.


Figure 12. 

Spatial LAI for 8th July 2002


Figure 13. 

Temporal variation of  LAI on Corn Sites


Figure 14.

Temporal variation of  LAI on Soybean Sites


Figure 15

Saturation of NDVI on Corn Sites


Figure 16

Saturation of NDVI on Soybean Sites


Figure 17

Effect of Soil Moisture on Corn Sites


Figure 18

Effect of Soil Moisture on Soybean Sites


Figure 19

Schematic diagram of sensor installation


Figure 20

Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-15 (Corn Site)


Figure 21

Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-24(Corn Site)


Figure 22

Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-16 (Soybean Site)


Figure 23

Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-23 (Soybean Site)


Figure 24

Variation of LAI with Soil Moisture on site (WC03)


Figure 25

Digital Elevation Model for the Study Area


Figure 26

Tool for Projection of DEM


Figure 27

Properties of DEM


Figure 28

Slope calculation for DEM


Figure 29

Slope of DEM


Figure 30

Effect of Slope on Soil Moisture





1.       Introduction

An important aspect that has to be considered in the field of sustainable development is the capacity of vegetation to preserve the ecosystem functions with an efficient primary production. Among the many parameters that describe structurally and functionally the vegetation for quantifying the energy and mass exchange characteristics of a terrestrial ecosystem, the leaf area index (LAI) is one of the most used (Napolitano et al, 2001). LAI can be measured in the field in specific land cover types and then the data can be extended to a territory when cartographic maps of land cover are available. Today thanks to geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technology (Lillesand and Kiefer,1994) the production of relatively accurate LAI maps over large areas can be easily achieved (Fang, 2003). The paper reports some analysis and results obtained over the experimental area of the Walnut Creek, Ames, Iowa, where a detailed soil moisture experiment was carried out in 2002.

Remote sensing data with the increasing imagery resolution is a useful tool to provide information over various temporal and spatial scales. The motivation for this paper comes from the fact that part of my research work is closely related to this project. Studying the physiological and spectral characteristics of the data was of importance, especially, because I plan to use the SMEX 2002 data for my research and I needed to study the behavior of the data.. Also data fusion forms an important part of my research and assimilation procedures often require remote sensing data over different spectral domains to retrieve input parameters which characterize surface properties such as albedo, emissivity or Leaf Area Index.

2.         A brief introduction of the Terms Used

2.1     Leaf Area Index

The Leaf Area Index (LAI), a dimensionless quantity, is the leaf area (upper side only) per unit area of soil below it. It is expressed as m2 leaf area per m2 ground area. The active LAI is the index of the leaf area that actively contributes to the surface heat and vapor transfer. It is generally the upper, sunlit portion of a dense canopy. The LAI values for various crops differ widely but values of 3-5 are common for many mature crops. For a given crop, green LAI changes throughout the season and normally reaches its maximum before or at flowering (Figure 8). LAI further depends on the plant density and the crop variety ( Allen et al., 1998, FAO 56 method).

Figure 1 : Typical presentation of the variation in the active (green) Leaf Area

Index over the growing season for a maize crop (Ref: Allen et al., 1998, FAO 56 method)


2.2              Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

NDVI is the acronym for normalized difference vegetation index. It is a simple formula using two satellite channels. If one band is in the visible region (VIS, for example AVHRR band 1) and one is in the near infrared (NIR, for example AVHRR band 2), then the NDVI is (NIR – VIS)/(NIR + VIS).

The reason NDVI is related to vegetation is that healthy vegetation reflects very well in the near infrared part of the spectrum. Green leaves have a reflectance of 20 percent or less in the 0.5 to 0.7 micron range (green to red) and about 60 percent in the 0.7 to 1.3 micron range (near infra-red). The visible channel gives you some degree of atmospheric correction. The value is then normalized to the range -1<=NDVI<=1 to partially account for differences in illumination and surface slope.

NDVI provides a crude estimate of vegetation health and a means of monitoring changes in vegetation over time. The possible range of values is between -1 and 1, but the typical range is between about -0.1 (NIR less than VIS for a not very green area) to 0.6 (for a very green area) ( )

2.3              Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI)

NDWI is equal to [R(0.86 micrometers ) – R(1.24 micrometers )]/[R(0.86 micrometers ) + R(1.24 micrometers )], where R represents the apparent reflectance. At 0.86 micrometers and 1.24 micrometers , vegetation canopies have similar scattering properties, but slightly different liquid water absorption. The scattering by vegetation canopies enhances the weak liquid water absorption at 1.24 micrometers . As a result, NDWI is sensitive to changes in liquid water content of vegetation canopies (Gao, 1996).



3.         Study Area

The project uses the LAI, Soil Moisture and Precipitation data gathererd during the Soil Moisture Experiments in 2002 (SMEX 2002) conducted in Walnut Creek Watershed, Ames, Iowa. The spatial coverage was 41.7°N to 42.7°N, 93.2°W to 93.8°W. The temporal Coverage was over a one month period between mid-June and mid-July. The dates for sampling were 29 and 30 June, and 3, 9, 28, and 29 July 2002. In situ data was collected within the small-scale intensive Watershed domain of about 10-20 km. This agricultural region consists primarily of corn and soybeans in large homogeneous fields.


4.         Objectives

The objectives of this project are to:

-        Use the existing models with Airborne and Satellite Imagery to create spatial LAI layers. To match up the LAI spatial layers to the Soil moisture ground measurements and observe the relation between the two.

-        To get the precipitation data for the study area and to interpolate the precipitation values at various stations in the area within the GIS. To compare the interpolated precipitation to the soil moisture pattern at that location and to observe the effect of precipitation on soil moisture. To look for the effect of precipitation on the top layers of the soil i.e. 0-10cm. Also to analyze whether the rainfall has an effect on the soil moisture upto a depth of 30cm.

-        Map the study area with a digital elevation model (DEM) and generate a raster layer for Slope and observe if soil moisture shows an organized pattern.


5.      Analysis

            The following analyses have been done:

-        For creating the spatial LAI layers, I have built a model that calculates the spatial LAI for a particular data and the input parameters are the Landsat image bands (i.e. NIR and SWIR) for that date. The regression equations developed from existing LAI vs. Remote sensing Models (Ref: Table 4 – Anderson et al. , 2002) is used in the model for calculation of spatial LAI.

-        The precipitation values have been interpolated using Kriging and then further analysis has been done as will be shown next under GIS Methodology.

-        The Experimental Sites have been located on the DEM (1/3 Arc Second, Seamless Server) and the Landsat Imagery. The projection has been adjusted to represent the sites correctly.

-        The data layers that have been included in ArcMap are:

    1. Precipitation stations
    2. NED_53082904 (1/3 Arc second DEM)
    3. Experimental Sites
    4. Soil Moisture ground measurements
    5. Landsat Images for 6th June, 23rd June, 1st July, 8th July and 17th July 2002


6.         Data Gathering and processing

6.1  Organizing the data as per the availability of the Landsat Images

Data organization was difficult because I had to match the data temporally for the different features that I was using e.g soil moisture, LAI etc with the Landsat image dates. 

-        Most of the data for this study has been downloaded from this website _validation/  soil_moisture/smex02/

-        The Images from the Landsat TM for five dates were obtained in proper format i.e. img format. The Landsat TM image for 6th June was in the geotiff format, so it was imported into ERDAS Imagine and changed to .img format before they were used in ARcGIS.

-        The Digital Elevation Model for the Study area is downloaded from the USGS seamless server . The spatial coverage of the study area (i.e. 41.7°N to 42.7°N, 93.2°W to 93.8°W) was fed into the server to retrieve the DEM. The DEM is 1/3 Arc-second and the coordinate system is NAD83.

-        There were some GIS data available that contained shapefiles for the fields, town limits, roads and rails etc. These shapefiles were downloaded and directly added to the Geodatabase.

-        The precipitation data for 22 precipitation stations were downloaded from the SMEX 2002 website. One SCAN station was also included. Since the precipitation stations did not cover the entire study area, data at 4 other locations were downloaded from the DAYMET website.

7.       GIS Methodology:

7.1              Importing data into ArcGIS

7.2              Generation of spatial layers of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).

7.3              Interpolation of Precipitation data and creating raster layers.

7.4              Extraction of Leaf Area Index values and precipitation values at the sites

7.5              Extract the slope in percentage from 1/3 arc-second DEM.

7.1               Importing data into ArcGIS

First, the shapefiles available on the website were downloaded and directed added to ArcGIS. Thereafter, the soil moisture data was downloaded from the website and inserted into a spreadsheet.  Next, it was necessary to convert the degrees-minutes-seconds data to decimal degrees with four digits to the right of the decimal point.  After the data preparation, the soil moisture points were imported into ArcMap using the ‘Add X-Y Data’ function.  At this point it was necessary to specify the spatial reference of the data, which was WGS 1984.  A visual inspection revealed that the points were in the correct location. Similarly the Rain Gauge stations were imported to Excel and were added to ArcMap.


Figure 2: Adding X-Y data to ArcMap


7.2              Generation of spatial layers of Leaf Area Index

There were a total of five images obtained from the website for the dates 6th June, 23rd June, 1st July, 8th July, 16th July and 17th July 2002. The images had three bands i.e. RED, Near Infrared (NIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR).

The bands were imported into ArcGIS separately, so that each band becomes a separate raster layer to be used in the raster calculator. The NDVI and NDWI are calculated using Raster Calculator as shown in the figure below. The following formulas were used:

7.2.1        NDVI = NIR – RED / NIR + RED………………………………(1)

Where, NDVI – Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

7.2.2        NDWI = NIR – SWIR / NIR + SWIR……………………………(2)

Where, NDWI – Normalized Difference Water Index

The figure below shows the snapshot of the formula entered into the raster calculator. The final product is the raster layer for NDVI and NDWI.

[Here, Band 1 is NIR, Band 2 is RED  and Band 3 is SWIR]

Figure 3: NDWI calculation using Raster Calculator


Since there are six different dates and a raster layer for NDVI, NDWI and LAI is needed for each date, a new toolbox was made that calculates all three of these and takes the bands as inputs.

Figure 4: Tools for LAI & NDVI


7.2.3        Model – LAI and NDVI

The following figures show the models that are built for LAI and NDVI

Figure 5: Model for LAI


Figure 6: Model for NDVI


The input to the LAI model is band-1 (NIR) and band-3 (SWIR). Equation (1) is used to calculate the NDWI first, which is an intermediate step in the model. The final product of the model is LAI, which is calculated using the regression equation shown below.

7.2.4    Regression Equation for Leaf Area Index

The following regression equation is used for calculating the value of LAI.

                       Y = (a*VI +b) * (1 + c*exp[d*VI])………………………………………(3)



Y = LAI, and
a = 2.88; b=1.14; c=0.104; d = 4.1
(Ref:Anderson, M. C., Neal, C. M. U., Li, F., Norman, J. M., Kustas, W. P., Jayanthi, H., & Chavez, J. (2004). Upscaling ground observations of vegetation water content, canopy height, and leaf area index during SMEX02 using aircraft and Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. Pii:S0034-4257(04)00176-2)


7.3              Interpolation of Precipitation data and creating a raster layer

This precipitation data set obtained from the website contains hourly precipitation data taken at 22 rain gauge locations which was recorded as a part of the Soil Moisture Experiment 2002 (SMEX02). This study was conducted during June, July, and August 2002 in the Walnut Creek watershed in south-central Iowa, USA. Data were recorded every hour from 1st June through 19th  August 2002.

It was observed that the rain gauge stations only partially covered the study area, hence a few more stations were downloaded which are marked in red circles

Figure 7: Precipitation Stations


An Excel file was prepared containing data only for the dates on which the area received rainfall. The file contained a total of 15 dates and the precipitation values for all the 27 stations on these dates. The latitude and longitude values of the stations were also listed. The excel sheet was then imported into ArcGIS and was converted to a shapefile. 

The precipitation was interpolated using spatial analyst, for those dates that could be linked to the satellite images. Kriging was used to interpolate the precipitation data. The figure below shows the interpolated surface for precipitation.

Figure 8: Interpolated precipitation


The points corresponding to the on-ground soil moisture measurements were extracted from the precipitation raster layer using the Extraction tool in the Spatial Analyst toolbox as shown below.

7.4              Extraction of Leaf Area Index values and precipitation values at the sites

After the generation of spatial leaf area index layers and the precipitation layers, the points on the raster corresponding to the ground soil moisture measurements were extracted. The spatial analyst Extraction tool is used for this analysis. This is done by using the tool in the following manner,

Spatial Analyst tools à Extraction à Extract Values to Points. Henceforth, the raster values of LAI, raster values for precipitation and Soil Moisture point values are available for the latitude and longitude points on the study area.

The toolbox used for this analysis is shown below.

Figure 9: Tool for Extraction of values to points


The input point features are the Soil Moisture layer feature class. The input raster is the ratser from which we need to extract values at the points of interest. The output point feature class is stored in a separate Shape file which can be added to ArcMap.

Figure 10: Extraction of values to points


The process is repeated for all the six dates and the LAI raster values and precipitation values are obtained.

8.   Results

8.1 Spatial LAI layers.

The results from the exercise are spatial LAI layers for the dates for which the image was acquired. The spatial LAI layers generated through the model (Figure 11 & 12) are shown below. The figures show Fields 17, 21, 32 and 33. Fields 17 and 33 are Corn Fields and 21 and 32 are Soybean Fields.

The figure shows spatial LAI for 06/23/2002.


The value of Leaf Area Index at the location of the field is shown.



    Figure 11: Spatial LAI for 23rd June 2002


The figure shows spatial LAI for 07/08/2002



    Figure 12: Spatial LAI for 8th July 2002


From the above figures it was observed that there is an increase in Leaf Area Index as we proceed through the growing season. The process of generating the spatial LAI layer was repeated for all the six dates for which the Landsat imagery was available.

The figure below shows temporal variation of LAI through the growing season for both the Corn and Soybean Fields. The plot for Corn Sites shows a proper pattern for all the dates except 8th July for which the pattern does not look reliable.

Figure 13: Temporal variation of  LAI on Corn Sites


The plot below shows the pattern of LAI for Soybean Sites. It is observed that the pattern of LAI is fine for all the dates except for 8th July when it shows greater value than the LAI on 16th and 17th July. So the values for 8th July don’t look reliable for Soybean sites too.

Figure 14: Temporal variation of  LAI on Soybean Sites


8.2              Saturation of NDVI

Saturation of NDVI at high LAI values is well documented, with such saturation occurring at values substantially below typical LAI in high productivity sites. Limitations of current methods for deriving canopy biophysical (LAI) and leaf biochemical constituents, such as chlorophyll, nitrogen, and water content, limits accuracy when estimating the significance of photosynthetic processes in regulating some components of the carbon cycle (Tejad and Ustin, 2001). A number of studies have shown that the NDVI saturates at LAI of 3-4 [Sellers P.J, 1986].  If a saturation threshold is defined where a given VI, averaged within LAI bins of width 0.5, reaches 95% of the full range in binned VI, then NDVI saturates at LAI≈3.5, OSAVI at LAI≈4.0, and NDWI at LAI≈4.5 (Anderson et al., 2004).

To observe the saturation of LAI, the NDVI was plotted against LAI. It was observed that NDVI does show saturation after LAI attains a value of approximately 3.5, on the Corn sites.

Figure 15: Saturation of NDVI on Corn Sites


On the Soybean sites, it is observed that the maximum LAI achieved is nearly 3.5 and hence a pattern is hard to access.

Figure 16: Saturation of NDVI on Soybean Sites



8.3       Effect of precipitation on soil Moisture

8.3.1   Effect of Precipitation on Soil Moisture (0-6 cm Depth)

The soil moisture data used here resulted from daily measurements of surface (0-6 cm) volumetric soil moisture. The volumetric soil moisture content from soil specific calibration obtained for 0-6 cm depth was plotted for the Corn and Soybean sites for 5th and 8th of July 2002. The rainfall for 5th July 2002 was also plotted on the same graph along with the average available water content capacity. From the plots below a clear pattern of increase in soil moisture is seen after the 5th July precipitation event at both the Corn and Soybean sites. Though for a few sites the soil moisture is seen dropping but then the precipitation at those locations are negligible.

Figure 17: Effect of Soil Moisture on Corn Sites


Figure 18: Effect of Soil Moisture on Soybean Sites


8.3.2        Effect of Precipitation on Soil Moisture (30 cm Depth)

Soil profile stations were deployed at four sites in the Walnut Creek Watershed: Sites 15 and 24 were corn fields and 16 and 23 were Soybean sites.  The stations were instrumented identically to measure soil temperature and moisture profiles as well as rainfall.  All measurements were made at 10-second intervals and were averaged or totalized over 15 minute output intervals.

At each site, two pits were dug within a few meters of the enclosure to a depth of 30 cm (Fig. 19).  Pit A was dug between the corn rows with a clean vertical face perpendicular to rows.  Pit B was adjacent to a row with a clean face 15 cm from the stem of the row crops.  For soybean fields, the two profiles were established with no regard to row structure.  In each pit, soil moisture and temperature measurements were made at six depths: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 cm.  Soil moisture was measured at each depth using a Water Content Reflectometer (WCR), a device based on time domain reflectometry, in which an electrical pulse is transmitted down a pair of steel probes, reflected from the probe ends and subsequently received at the base. 

Figure 19 : Schematic diagram of sensor installation (Ref: Data Set Description - Soil Profile Stations, SMEX 2002)





The soil moisture at 30cm depth measured in pit B was used from this dataset for further analysis.

The Soil moisture at 30cm depth and rainfall were plotted for six days of the year i.e. 23rd June, 30th June, 1st July, 5th July and 8th July . It is observed from the graphs shown below that the Corn sites exhibit an enhanced effect of the rainfall on soil moisture at 30 cm depth. The soil moisture increases after the precipitation event so that the rainfall covers the depletion in soil moisture due to crop growth. However on the soybean sites, it is observed that the moisture shows a constant value after the precipitation event., so it might be concluded that the rainfall just makes up for the soil moisture consumed for the growth of crops.

Figure 20: Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-15 (Corn Site)

Figure 21: Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-24(Corn Site)

Figure 22: Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-16 (Soybean Site)

Figure 23: Effect of Rain on Soil Moisture on Field-23 (Soybean Site)


The leaf area index was plotted against soil moisture for site WC03. The aim was to see a decrease in soil moisture with the increase in leaf area index. The LAI versus Soil Moisture was plotted for three dates i.e. 23rd June, 1st and 8th july. In the figure below it is seen that the soil moisture decreases between 23rd June and 1st July but it shows an increase from 1st July to 8th July. It was observed that there was a precipitation event between these two dates that caused the soil moisture to rise.

Figure 24: Variation of LAI with Soil Moisture on site WC03


8.4   Extraction of slope in percentage from 1/3 arc-second DEM

The following figure shows the DEM having the same spatial extent as the study area, as obtained from the seamless server.

Figure 25: Digital Elevation Model for the Study Area


Projecting the DEM - To perform slope calculations the DEM was projected into the Albers equal area projection. This was done using the Data Management Tools à Projections and Transformations à Raster à Project Raster in the toolbox.  The output cell size is set to 10m:

            The 1/3Arcsecond DEM downloaded from the seamless server website was projected

Figure 26: Tool for Projection of DEM


            The snapshot below shows the properties of the DEM.

Figure 27: Properties of DEM


This NED data is at 1/3 arc second spacing so a cell size 10m was specified. The CUBIC interpolation method was used because   CUBIC refers to the cubic convolution method that determines the new cell value by fitting a smooth curve through the surrounding points and this works best for a continuous surface like topography.

The slope of the DEM is calculated using Spatial Analyst in the following way,

Spatial Analyst à Surface Analysis à Slope

Figure 28: Slope calculation for DEM


This results in a grid of slope values in percentage as shown below.

Figure 29: Slope of DEM


The percent slope for each location is extracted in the same manner as explained earlier in the report. The values obtained are scaled so that when plotted with the soil moisture, an observation could be made. It was observed that the slope of the area varies from 0 to 80 percent.

A vertical bar graph was plotted and it was found that no pattern was observed when the slope and the surface soil moisture (0-6cm). The change in soil moisture could not be associated with the irregularity of the slope. The probable reason might be the discontinuity in the area of study.

Figure 30: Effect of Slope on Soil Moisture


9.         Summary:

The aim is to look into the relation between Leaf Area Index that was derived from the remote sensing images and how well they correlate with the other plant physiological characteristics such as soil moisture and Vegetation Water Content. Also the effect of precipitation on Soil moisture and crop growth was observed. It was clear from the analysis that strong relationships exist between these parameters. The LAI patterns establish the fact that analysis based on remotely sensed imagery is completely dependable.


10.        Further Research

The further research that I plan to do is calculation of Evapo-transpiration using Energy Budget. I also plan to build a predictor set keeping in mind all that I have done for this project and apply some learning machines for direct estimation of Soil moisture and ET.


References and Data Sources

-        Anderson, M. C., Neal, C. M. U., Li, F., Norman, J. M., Kustas, W. P., Jayanthi, H., & Chavez, J. (2004). Upscaling ground observations of vegetation water content, canopy height, and leaf area index during SMEX02 using aircraft and Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. pii:S0034-4257(04)00176-2.

-        Anderson, M., 2003. SMEX02 Watershed Vegetation Sampling Data, Walnut Creek, Iowa. Boulder, CO: National Snow and Ice Data Center. Digital media.

-        Crosson,W.L.,Limaye, A.S.,and Laymon C.A., 2005,Member, IEEE Parameter Sensitivity of Soil Moisture Retrievals From Airborne C- and X-Band Radiometer Measurements in SMEX02, IEEE Transactions On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, 43(12):2842-2853,

-        Document URL:

-        Douglas Ramsey. Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory, Utah State Univeristy, 2003.

-        Gao, B.-C. (1996). NDWI—a normalized difference water index for remote sensing of vegetation liquid water from space. Remote Sensing of Environment, 58, 257– 266.




-        Napolitano R. et al.(2001). Data Integration for Leaf Area Index Prediction in Function of Land Cover Change. “Decision Support System for Sustainable ECOsystem MANagement in Atlantic Rain Forest Rural Areas (ECOMAN)”. Contract Nº ICA4-CT-2001-10096.

-        Ray, S.S., Wadhwal,V.K., 2001,Estimation of crop evapotranspiration of irrigation command area using remote sensing and GIS, Agricultural Water Management,49: 239-249

-        Sellers, P. J., Y. Mintz, Y. C. Sud, and A. Dalcher, A simple biosphere model (SiB) for use within general circulation models, J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 505-531, 1986.

-        Tejad Zarco a P. J and Ustin S.L., Modeling Canopy Water Content for Carbon Estimates from MODIS data at Land EOS Validation Sites, IEEE, 342-344, 2001