XLSTAT 2006.5 - Two-sample t-test and z-test - on 11/27/2006 at 11:54:26 AM
Sample 1: Workbook = Avg_MAF.xls / Sheet = Avg MAF / Range = 'Avg MAF'!$P$23:$P$42 / 20 rows and 1 column
Sample 2: Workbook = Avg_MAF.xls / Sheet = Avg MAF / Range = 'Avg MAF'!$P$41:$P$60 / 20 rows and 1 column
Hypothesized difference (D): 0
Significance level (%): 5
Summary statistics:
Variable Observations Obs. with missing data Obs. without missing data Minimum Maximum Mean Std. deviation
Var1 20 0 20 56.600 133.000 78.105 22.077
Var1(2) 20 0 20 57.200 117.200 74.130 13.575
t-test for two independent samples / Two-tailed test:
95% confidence interval on the difference between the means:
] -7.757 , 15.707 [
Difference 3.975
t (Observed value) 0.686
t (Critical value) 2.024
DF 38
p-value (Two-tailed) 0.497
alpha 0.05
Test interpretation:
H0: The difference between the means is not significantly different from 0.
Ha: The difference between the means is significantly different from 0.
As the computed p-value is greater than the significance level alpha=0.05, one should accept the null hypothesis H0.
The risk to reject the null hypothesis H0 while it is true is 49.69%.