Farmington Canyon

Sediment Production


Brad Taylor
CEE 5440 :
Water Resources GIS
Utah State University

Last Updated
December 5, 2003









                    With increasing development of forested land; as well as natural causes including fire, rainfall, and snowmelt runoff; an increase of erosion can greatly affect not only human developments but also entire aquatic ecosystems downstream of increased erosion. 

Soil erosion is a natural process that averages 0.2 tons per acre.  The loss rate is accelerated to 0.5 tons per acre for managed forests, 1.5 to 20 tons per acre for pasture and cultivated lands, and 150 to 200 tons per acre for unprotected construction sites.  Sediment is the number one polluter of U.S. waterways.

As houses and other buildings are constructed higher and higher up the mountainside and mountain roads are continually constructed, erosion will become an increasingly great problem that needs to be dealt with in a way that is favorable to both the environment and development.




          As a group we decided to do an erosion study on Farmington Canyon, in Davis County Utah.  Farmington canyon is ideal for our study due to soil conditions as well as steepness and location.  The Canyon is also within traveling distance of USU making it possible for our group to visit and observe the existing conditions first hand.  We decided to apply the MUSLE equation to the watershed to help estimate the sediment yield for a given event.

          A portion of Farmington Canyon also experienced fires during the Summer of 2003 adding to the possibility of increased sediment yield.  Combined with a possible large snow pack, and possible warm spring; erosion could be a major factor in Farmington Canyon and those downstream of the canyon.  Below are some photos of the fires experienced by Farmington Canyon.








MUSLE Equation


          As a group we decided to evaluate Farmington Canyon using the MUSLE equation.

Each member was responsible for one of the different elements in the equation.






Ys – Total Tons per Event

Q – Storm Runoff (acre-ft)   - Ryan McBride

qp – peak runoff (cfs)

a,β – storm factors

Typical Rain Storm



Snow Melt Flood



K – Soil Erodibility Factor   - Brad Taylor

LS – Slope Factor (length and steepness)  - Jeff Jensen

CP – Cover and Management Practice Factor  - Iosefa Matagi

SDR – Sediment Delivery Ratio





K Soil Erodibility Factor


          I was responsible for obtaining the K (Soil Erodibility Factor) value of the equation for the Farmington Canyon Watershed.  A good definition of the K factor is as follows:


K factor is soil erodibility factor which represents both susceptibility of soil to erosion and the rate of runoff, as measured under the standard unit plot condition. Soils high in clay have low K values, about 0.05 to 0.15, because they resistant to detachment. Coarse textured soils, such as sandy soils, have low K values, about 0.05 to 0.2, because of low runoff even though these soils are easily detached. Medium textured soils, such as the silt loam soils, have a moderate K values, about 0.25 to 0.4, because they are moderately susceptible to detachment and they produce moderate runoff. Soils having a high silt content are most erodible of all soils. They are easily detached; tend to crust and produce high rates of runoff. Values of K for these soils tend to be greater than 0.4.

Organic matter reduces erodibility because it reduces the susceptibility of the soil to detachment, and it increases infiltration, which reduce runoff and thus erosion. Addition or accumulation of increased organic matter through management such as incorporation of manure is represented in the C factor rather than the K Factor. Extrapolation of the K factor nomograph beyond an organic matter of 4% is not recommended or allowed in RUSLE. In RUSLE, factor K considers the whole soil and factor Kf considers only the fine-earth fraction, the material of <2.00mm equivalent diameter. For most soils, Kf = K.

Soil structures affects both susceptibility to detachment and infiltration. Permeability of the soil profile affects K because it affects runoff.

Although a K factor was selected to represent a soil in its natural condition, past management or misuse of a soil by intensive cropping can increase a soil's erodibility. The K factor may need to be increased if the subsoil is exposed or where the organic matter has been depleted, the soil's structure destroyed or soil compaction has reduced permeability. A qualified soil scientist can assist in making this interpretation.

From Technical Guide to RUSLE use in Michigan, NRCS-USDA State Office of Michigan.






        Using ARC Map in  GIS the watersheds were broken up into catchments.  The DEM of the area was obtained and through the use of TauDEM and ARC Hydro tools individual catchments were established.





It was then my job to find the average K-value for each catchment.  I went to the STATSGO webpage to get soil information relevant to the particular webpage.  Information was downloaded for Davis and Morgan counties.  I had a lot of information in both counties up to where the Mountainous area started.  The there wasn’t any information so I wasn’t able to use STATSGO. (The DEM of the Watershed appears in green and the area I needed in the yellow circle.)






          I then tried to get soil information from SSURGO but ran into the same type of problem that data for the valleys existed but not for the mountainous area. (Grey areas not available to download.)





Without being able to download information pertaining to the needed watershed we found our own data.  On a trip to Farmington Canyon we collected 15 Soil Samples throughout the watershed.  We tried to space out the samples so we could get the most diverse specimens possible in the watershed.








Originally the samples were taken to check Soil Distributions and verify K values obtained from STATSGO but with no information available we needed to obtain K values for the different catchments.  It would have been better if we would have had taken a lot more samples, but the time involved with analysis of more samples was more than we could do.  The soils were sieved in the Soils Lab and soil distributions for each were calculated.











After soil distributions were calculated; and values were assigned to each sample based on Percent Organic Matter, Permeability, and Soil Structure; K values were calculated from a chart.  The K values are below.









Using the Create Features packet we received in class I was able to create a new feature class “SoilPoints” for our geodatabase and put the factors I calculated into the feature class.  I was then able to assign a different color to each value from the different sample locations (Triangles).







Although I didn’t have very many points to work from, the range of K values wasn’t very great (0.08-0.15). I assigned each catchment a K value interpolating a K value for those catchments without a sample.











          Calculated K values were used from each catchment, as well as the other values calculated by my team members and applied to the watershed area.  We were then able to calculate the Ys value (Total tons per event) for the Farmington Canyon Watershed for 2 different events. 


Final Numbers


      Sediment yield for Snowmelt Flood

10373 tons

      Sediment yield for 1-inch rainstorm over 6 hour interval

8539 tons




          In future work we would like to look at the capacity of existing sediment diversion facilities and see if they are adequate to successfully contain potential sediment floods.  We would also like to refine our process and try to calculate sediment yield in each cell using the raster calculator or other methods to get a more accurate representation of Sediment Yield.  It would also be beneficial to get more soil samples from each catchment to give us a better idea of K-values.