Paul A. Petersen
Geology Department
Utah State University
CEE 6440
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The gullies of interest
are relatively small, ranging from 20 to 150 meters of thalweg length.
Channel widths vary anywhere from 15 cm up to 2 meters. Catchments
vary from 0.002 to 0.2 hectares. This small scale of gullies calls
for a high resolution of analysis.
Vegetation and infiltration
During the October, 2002 research trip, several
vegetation transects were conducted at each site using the 8-pin point
count method. This estimated percent ground cover for the 5 dominant
cover types (rock, bare ground, shrub, grass/forb, cryptobiotic crust)
of a given site. Along each transect, an infiltration test was performed
at each type of cover (excluding rock), using a tension disk infiltrometer.
In all, 59 infiltration tests were performed on bare ground, 34 beneath
shrubs, 31 on cryptobiotic crust, and 30 on grass. Since saturated
hydraulic conductivity (Ks) represents minimum infiltration
rate, these data were then converted to saturated hydraulic conductivity
using the method outlined in Reynolds and Elrick (1991).
Area-slope thresholds
Contributing drainage area and up-catchment slope
of each gully head were plotted in log-log space, yielding an empirical
erosion threshold line described by a power function, below which theoretically
no incision occurs (Vandaele et al., 1996).
The power equation that
defines the erosion threshold in Grand Canyon is y = 0.0137x-0.4671.
Since slope is used as a proxy for runoff, this equation means that for
any given contributing drainage area (x), there is a critical slope (y)
that must be exceeded to entrain sediment and cause erosion. Above
the threshold line, slope is exceeded, indicating that the area is sensitive
to gully erosion. The converse is theorized to be true below the
threshold line. Thus, by applying a threshold equation to a terrain
model in a GIS, one can show areas that are prone to gully erosion.
To do this, I used Taudem to calculate slope and contributing drainage
area grid of each of the four DEMs. The D¥
algorithm (Tarboton, 1997) was used to best model sheetflow on a hillslope.
Gridmath was performed to multiply the area grid by 0.0137 and take it
to the –0.4671 power, creating the critical slope grid. Finally,
a simple query was run, asking the GIS identify all cells in which the
slope (S) exceeds the critical slope (Scr). Cells that
are “true” are considered to be sensitive to gully erosion.
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The accuracy of this simple prediction was tested
during the October, 2002 field trip by mapping all observed gully features,
and comparing their position and extent to the threshold prediction maps.
Discrete random number
generation was performed in Excel, in order to stochastically represent
the percent cover type for each transect in a grid. Cover type grids
for each zone were then assembled and merged back together to form one
cover type grid for the entire site. Next, each cover type ID, 1
through 5, was assigned the median K value from the population sampled
in the field (ie., rock = 0 cm/s; bare ground = 0.0077 cm/s; crypto = 0.0072
cm/s; grass = 0.0037 cm/s; shrub = 0.0027 cm/s).
Hydraulic conductivity map of Gorilla Camp, based
on ground cover.
The goal of this exercise
was to achieve a relative shear stress for each 10-cm cell in the site.
On a hillslope shear stress is primarily a product of slope and water depth.
I calculated a water depth for each cell by subtracting the K grid from
0.008, essentially simulating the infiltration-excess of 0.008 cm of rain
falling in 1 second. This is a very high intensity, but was necessary
to avoid negative numbers in the calculation. Again, the goal of
this model was to find an erosion index, not an actual shear stress value
(why g and g
were left out). The result of subtracting the K grid from 0.008 was
the amount in centimeters of water that did not infiltrate in each 10-cm
cell. The amount of infiltration excess was then accumulated by using
the D¥
flowaccumulation algorithm with the infiltration excess grid as a weight.
Finally, the runoff accumulation grid (“depth” for each cell) was multiplied
by the slope grid to determine relative shear stress of the event on each
Erosion index map of Gorilla Camp, delineating gully
and wash channels. Units are meters (water depth x slope)
In order to model shear
stress change at the site due to a vegetation change, the input vegetation
grid was altered to increase the percentage of grass cover at the expense
of shrub cover.
The aforementioned procedures were then performed with the same parameters on the new cover type grid, resulting in a new relative shear stress map. The altered shear stress grid was subtracted from the “natural” shear stress grid, resulting in a difference map showing the results of a vegetation change from shrub to grass on erosion potential.
Threshold map for Arroyo Grande
Threshold map for Granite Park
Difference map of Gorilla Camp showing the net change
of relative shear stress due to a decrease in shrub cover and proportional
increase in grass cover.
Keeping these factors in mind will help discern the true erosion potential of a site, and help identify areas most sensitive to landscape disturbance. This will be especially helpful in the fragile desert landscape of Grand Canyon National Park, as managers and archaeologists will be better able to monitor and protect eroding archaeological sites from both gully erosion and human impacts.
Montgomery and Dietrick (1994) note that channel heads are dynamic and will migrate up or down slope in response to changes in the erosion threshold. An increase of the channel initiation threshold can be caused by changes of physical properties and processes through both space and time, and will result in channel contraction. The converse is true if there is a decrease in the channel initiation threshold. One such physical property that could change the threshold is the soil’s infiltration capacity. This ability to take in water is not static either, and can change through time. For example, if a grassland region undergoes climate change and shifts toward shrub communities, infiltration capacity, through both changes in K and roughness, will decrease (Abrahams et al., 1995).
In the groundcover model presented in this project, I attempted to show the increase in runoff described by Abrahams et al. (1995). The model is crude and only takes into account K, but is successful in demonstrating the change in infiltration, runoff, and shear stress in a given site for a given rainfall intensity. Cells consistently experienced less shear stress in the grass-dominated model than in the shrub-dominated model. Essentially this represents an increase in the erosion threshold, and would result in channel infilling and contraction.
In this light, if upcatchment processes control position and extent of gullies in Grand Canyon, then changes in these processes should account for increased erosion rates and network rejuvenation throughout time. Climate does change on the Colorado Plateau on a decadal scale, as Hereford and Webb (1992) showed that the period between 1940 and the late 1970s was an exceptionally dry time, whereas 1979 to the present has been relatively wet. In other words, climate can be the driving force for this particular gullying, especially if coupled with changes in vegetation distribution. In particular, a long period of drought (and subsequent vegetation shift toward shrubs) followed by a very wet period could result in high runoff and erosion (Balling and Wells, 1990). Rogers and Schumm (1991) showed that only a small change in vegetative cover is needed to have an effect on erosion and sediment yield. The shear stress model in this project crudely demonstrates this concept, but much more research needs to be done to validate such a hypothesis in Grand Canyon.
Acknowledgements (top)
Funding: Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center; Geological Society of America; Colorado Scientific Society
Field, lab, and thought assistance: Joel Pederson, David Chandler, Wally McFarlane, Jen Dierker, Jay Norton, Stacy Petersen, Sammie McFarlane, Isaac Larsen, Jesse Allen, Lynn, Thomas, Scott Cragun, Jack Schmidt, Tom Monaco
Moral support and encouragement:
Stacy Petersen
References (top)
Abrahams, A.D., Parsons, A.J., and Wainwright, J., 1995, Effects of vegetation change on interrill runoff and erosion, Walnut Gulch, southern Arizona: Geomorphology, v. 13, p. 37-48.
Balling, R.C. and Wells, S.G., 1990, Historical rainfall patterns and arroyo activity within the Zuni River drainage basin, New Mexico, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, v. 80, n. 4, p. 603-617.
Hereford, R., Fairly, H.C., Thompson, K.S., and Balsom, J.R., 1993, Surficial Geology, Geomorphology, and Erosion of Archaeological Sties along the Colorado River, Eastern Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-517.
Hereford, R. and Webb, R.H., 1992, Historic variation in warm season rainfall on the Colorado Plateau, USA: Climatic Change, v. 22, p. 239-256.
Montgomery, D.R. and Dietrich, W.E., 1994, Landscape dissection and drainage area-slope thresholds, in Kirkby, M.J., ed., Process Models and Theoretical Geomorphology, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p. 221-246.
Reynolds, W.D. and Elrick, D.E., 1991, Determination of hydraulic conductivity using a tension infiltrometer: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 55, n. 3, p. 633-639.
Rogers, R.D. and Schumm, S.A., 1991, The effect of sparse vegetative cover on erosion and sediment yield: Journal of Hydrology, v. 123, p. 19-24.
Tarboton, D., 1997, A new method for the determination of flow directions
and contributing areas in grid digital elevation models: Water Resources
Research, v. 33, n. 2, p. 309-319.
Thompson K.S. and Potochnik, A.R., eds., 2000, Development of a Geomorphic Model to Predict Erosion of pre-Dam Colorado River Terraces Containing Archaeological Resources: Cultural Resources Report No. 99-257 prepared for the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, Flagstaff, AZ, 130 p. plus appendices.
K., Poesen, J., Gover, G., and van Wesemael, B., 1996, Geomorphic threshold
conditions for ephemeral gully incision: Geomorphology, v. 16, p. 161-173.