When the Big One Comes

A study of the unique dangers that a major earthquake along Utah’s highly populated Wasatch Front could cause.

Author: Kevin Franke
Utah State University
CEE 5440 Term Project

Project Introduction

The vast majority of the Utah population resides along a 120 mile expanse known as the Wasatch Front. The Front is nestled right up against the Wasatch Mountains and also includes the valley situated between the mountains and the Great Salt Lake. Home to the Wasatch Fault, one of the largest normal faults in the world, the Wasatch Front is one of the areas most closely examined and watched by geologists, engineers, and politicians.

Is it any wonder why the area is so closely watched? With a giant lake to the West, a huge fault to the East, and silty-sand beneath our feet, the Wasatch Front is a potential catastrophe in the event of a major earthquake. As a student of Civil Engineering at Utah State University, I am now just beginning to understand the extreme dangers that we could find ourselves in “when the big one comes.”


In this study, I intend to study the regions along the Wasatch Front that could be at risk of primary and secondary hazards in the event of a major earthquake. Primary hazards are generally considered the actual tectonic movements or shaking of the ground that occurs in an earthquake. I will make an earthquake hazard map of the Wasatch Front, which will represent the ground acceleration risk of the area. Secondary hazards are those that are caused as a result of ground shaking. Though not near as dangerous as actual ground shaking, secondary hazards often result in further damages to structures, which in turn will definitely result in more costs and may result in more human deaths. Though the number of possible secondary hazards is many, I will focus on only three in this study: liquefaction, landslide, and tectonically-induced flood. I will make a hazard map of each of these hazards, interpret the general findings of each, and identify any high-risk areas.

Following the GIS analyses of the primary and secondary earthquake hazards along the Wasatch Front, I will briefly analyze science of earthquake probability, as well as regard the myth of “earthquake prediction.” In doing so, I plan to recommend a method of earthquake probability to for the Wasatch Fault.

After briefly regarding earthquake prediction, I will conclude my project and make any final recommendations to home and business owners, city officials, and interested readers regarding my findings in this study.

Figure 1: Pyramid Chart of Project Proposal


Though most of this data is not new and has been available to the public for nearly a decade, most of it has never been presented in an easy-to-understand format using GIS technology and made available to public. USGS is just now starting to map earthquake hazard areas, but this only includes primary hazards. I wish to make maps that will show some of the lesser-known hazards in the event of and earthquake, and to make these maps available to the public on the World Wide Web.

Data Sources

The majority of the data collected was from http://agrc.its.state.ut.us/ , which is the Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC) and the State Geographic Information Database (SGID) for the state of Utah. The majority of the geologic data used in this report was originally compiled by Dr. Lorin Anderson of Utah State University, and later was placed on the Automated Geographig Reference Center website as GIS data. The rest of GIS data is compiled from USGS maps that were put into GIS data format. Data used to perform analyses tectonically-induced flooding came from http://www.seis.utah.edu/. This website contains many of Dr. Robert Smith's writings, as well as information on the 1959 Lake Hegben Eathquake. Much of the knowledge needed to do this project, understand its terminology, and present it in a correct and simple manner came from Dr’s Marv Halling, Jim Bay, and David Tarboton, all from Utah State University. The data used for making the hillshade map portions and the land cover map portions was extracted from the National Elevation Dataset/National Landcover Dataset website at http://seamless.usgs.gov/ . This data is provided by the USGS and is available for free.The rest of my sources may be seen in the Sources Cited section of the report.


I’d like to specifically thank Dr. Tarboton for his help with this project, as well as Dr. Bay and Dr. Halling. I’d also like to thank Dr. Robert Smith of University of Utah for inspiring me to do this project with his website.


To say that a large earthquake could occur along the Wasatch Front only if the Wasatch Fault itself were to rupture is absurd. There are hundreds of faults in northern Utah alone, each of which has the capability to produce a large earthquake. The Peak Ground Acceleration data focuses “on GROUND SHAKING caused by earthquakes of all magnitudes and distances from the site, rather than the size of the earthquake ‘at’ a site,” (USGS, January 25, 2002.) The same could be said about the liquefaction and the landslide hazard maps. The reasons, however, for particular interest in the Wasatch Fault are: Therefore, when mention is made of a large-scale earthquake along the Wasatch Front, it will be assumed that it occurred as a result from rupture along the Wasatch Fault. In this same light, let us not underestimate the power and danger of other lesser-known faults around the Wasatch Front.

Primary Hazard: Ground Shaking

Ground shaking is, by far, the most deadly of all hazards associated with earthquakes. (Marv Halling, personal communication, November 5,2002.) If everyone lived in tents in our society, very few people would get hurt in the event of an earthquake, even a large one. Unfortunately, we live in multi-leveled structures. Even with the most talented structural engineers designing our buildings, it is impossible for them to perfectly predict how tectonic forces would cause the building to react.
“Structural Engineering is the art and science of molding materials we do not fully understand into shapes we cannot precisely analyze to resist forces we cannot accurately predict, all in such a way that the society at large is given no reason to suspect the extent of our ignorance.” - Unknown Structural Engineer
This fact becomes very significant because the majority of Utah's population lives along the Wasatch Front. Obviously, the more populated and area you have, the more structures you have; and the more structures and population you have, the more deaths you have in the event of a major earthquake.

Figure 2:  The Wasatch Fault with Utah Population Distribution for the Year 2000
Source for population info: State of Utah, 2002


 Therefore, it becomes extremely important to Structural Engineers to have some type of idea how violent ground acceleration would be in a given location in the event of an earthquake. The USGS has recently begun a project wherein probabilities of ground movement resulting from an earthquake from a nearby fault are being summed in order to create a tangible data. This data can be used to create shaking hazard maps, such as Figure 3.

Figure 3: Peak Ground Acceleration Ground Motions w/Probability of Exceedence of 2% in 50 Years for the Wasatch Front

I will now compare this, and the remainder of the hazard maps, with a land cover map of the Wasatch Front made in GIS with data obtained from the National Land Cover Dataset. This map is seen as Figure 4.

Figure 4: Land Cover for the Wasatch Front

ACC_VAL in Figure 2 represents the percent value of the acceleration of gravity occurring in a lateral direction for an earthquake that has a 1 in 50 chance of happening in the next 50 years. Different data is available for earthquakes with that have a 1 in 10 chance and a 1 in 20 chance of occurring as well. The determination for which probabilistic data that should be used depends on city building codes, as well as what strength of earthquake you wish to be prepared for. A wise and ethical engineer should prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and that is why I chose the 2% probability of exceedence.


It follows generally that the closer you get to the mountains on the east side of the Salt Lake Valley, the greater the shaking hazard increases. Obviously, this could be due to the fact that the closer one gets to the mountains, the closer one gets to the Wasatch Fault. Other factors that define shaking hazard include: An ideal location for a high ground-motion hazard would be relatively near a fault, composed of sandy-silty soil, and have shallow bedrock. Individual analyses of such high-danger areas will be conducted later in the report.
Because shaking hazard causes death by failure of structures, my main concerns in judging high-hazard areas are:
1. Tall high rises
2. Unreinforced masonry buildings predating 1976  (State of Utah, 1996)
3. Areas with an acceleration value greater than 60% g

Tall high rises are higher off of the ground, therefore lateral motion at their bases would tend to have a greater destructive effect on the structure itself than would lateral motion on structures built closer to the ground. Also, they tend to be dense in Utah’s commercial zones, which have high amounts of people present at any given time. Fortunately, much of the development of the Wasatch Front’s current high rises were appear to have been built after 1977, this because Utah’s economy has seen major improvements in the last 20 years; therefore, they were built to more stringent building codes. However, further comparison between the Figure 3 and Figure 4 show that much of the commercial and transportation zones of the state lay within boundaries that have acceleration values of 40, 50, and even 60% g. This can be very alarming considering that the USGS considers an earthquake with 30% g to be “very strong shaking, indeed,” (USGS , January 25, 2002.)

Buildings that predate 1976 were built during a period when earthquake-proof building codes were not used abundantly, if at all. After 1967, some minor earthquake-proof regulations were applied in Utah building codes, and it was not until 1976 that the Uniform Building Code regulating seismic requirements was established. This can be very alarming because many buildings that still stand today were built by Mormon Pioneers over 150 years ago! (Glacier Medical, no date available.) Insurance providers reported in 1993 that less than 5% of Utah homeowners had earthquake policies on their homes, this because most perceived earthquake danger as a “potential, but distant danger.”(Glacier Medical, no date available.) Other larger structures refuse to retrofit their outdated design because it can cost up to 25 % of the total cost of the structure, compared to only 2 % or 3 % of the total cost if the building were brand new and having the design implemented in the construction phase.

It is estimated that of the total structural damage resulting from a major earthquake, nearly 75% of the total damage would be from unreinforced masonry buildings, such as brick homes built before 1960. All of the structural damage possible for Weber, Davis, and Salt Lake Counties has been given the damage cost estimate of $4.5 billion total. However, this only includes the shaking hazard. Once the secondary hazards are included, this amount may only constitute 20% of the entire damage cost. (University of Utah, no date available.)

From observation, the City of Logan, the City of Brigham City, and parts of downtown Ogden, Salt Lake City, and Provo were built before 1976. Many of the homes along the benches of the Wasatch Front also predate 1976.

Specific Areas of Concern

1. Alpine and Cedar Hills, Utah      (Box 1. in Figure 3)

Figure 5: Peak Ground Accelerations vs. Land Cover for Alpine and Cedar Hills, Utah

Alpine and Cedar Hills are sister cities that lie due north of Provo, Utah. They consist mostly of newer residential areas located on the bench of the Wasatch Mountains. The area has the nickname of “Happy Valley,” though it may not be too happy after a major or even moderate earthquake. This is because it is a prime area for magnifying seismic waves. By comparing maps in Figure 5, it can be seen that many of the residents, especially those located in the most northern residential area, find themselves on ground that carries a peak ground acceleration value of 80% g. If we use 30% g as an indicator of violent shaking, we see that Alpine could be in for a major ride.
I am also concerned with US Highway 68, which can be seen on Figure 5 as a blue line located between Alpine and Cedar Hills. This highway travels through a canyon, which in the occurrence of an earthquake could be a dangerous place to be due to falling boulders and rocks. The highway is just barely south of the 80% g area, but it is still located in an area of 60% g.

2. Bountiful and Northern Salt Lake City                (Box 2. in Figure 3)

Figure 6: Peak Ground Accelerations vs. Land Cover for Bountiful and North Salt Lake cities, Utah

Bountiful and North Salt Lake City lie next to each other nestled against the Wasatch Mountains. The cities are located right before the Point in the Mountain. Like Alpine and Cedar Hills, most of the existing structures in hazard areas are low-density residential. Unlike Alpine and Cedar Hills, however, Bountiful and North Salt Lake have more commercial structures scattered throughout themselves. For those familiar with the Wasatch Front, they recognize these cities as structures located high along the mountain’s benches. As Figure 6 shows, this area can have a ground acceleration value of up to 80% g. Fortunately, upon inspection the structures in the area appear to be very modern in design. This should benefit them in the event of a large earthquake.

3. Downtown Ogden     (Box 3. in Figure 3)

Figure 7: Peak Ground Accelerations vs. Land Cover for Ogden City, Utah

Ogden City is the sixth largest city in the state of Utah. (State of Utah, March 27, 2002.) Many of its buildings were constructed during the big railroad boom of the late 1800’s, especially in the early 1890’s before the 1893 depression. (Ogden City, 2002.) A drive down Ogden’s Wall Avenue or Washington Boulevard will show you that many of those original buildings still stand. These buildings are completely vulnerable to seismic waves, and even the slightest shaking may bring down large sections of Ogden City. Though the ground acceleration value for most of Ogden is less than cities such as Bountiful or Alpine, it still registers a value of 50% g. That’s still a lot of shaking! Parts of northern Ogden and the city of Harrisville reside in an area with a ground acceleration value of 60%. Most of the buildings in this area are newer, though many still predate 1976.

Though only three specific high-hazard areas were pointed out, ground shaking will still cause much damage up and down the entire Wasatch Front. This is because residents very hesitantly are accepting the truth that they live on a dangerously large fault that has not ruptured for a dangerously long time. However, if residents of the Wasatch Front actively pursue to take out earthquake policies on their older homes and other structures; and to those that can afford it, if they actively pursue to retrofit their older structures to meet current building code regulations for earthquakes, then the damage in the event of a major earthquake will be minimized socially and financially.

Secondary Hazard: Liquefaction

Liquefaction is the dynamic settling of soil particles resulting from seismic energy. As the seismic waves add energy to the individual soil particles, they vibrate. This vibration and motion causes them to often behave more like a fluid than a solid. However, not all soils are prone to liquefaction. Hard, dense soil like clay does not liquefy that readily. But even if there were a soil in a certain area that was loose and silty, that does not guarantee that liquefaction would occur in the event of an earthquake. In order for liquefaction to occur, four things are necessary: Liquefaction is considered a hazard because the liquefying of the underlying soil can cause the foundation of a structure to weaken or fail. Often, buildings will tilt sideways or simply fall over. Unfortunately, sometimes the damage can go undetected but show itself later in time.

Liquefaction should be of specific concern to residents of Utah because of the fact that they live on the remains of the lake bed on the ancient Lake Bonneville. Various peaks in the Wasatch Mountains used to be nothing more than islands in the middle of a giant lake. As the surface elevation of Lake Bonneville began to decrease, rivers that emptied into Lake Bonneville began to lengthen themselves out. Canyons such as Ogden and Provo Canyons were formed. These rivers carried millions of tons of sediment from erosion. This sediment was deposited into Lake Bonneville, where it eventually sank to the bottom of the still waterbody. It is on top of these sediment deposits that Utah residents now build their homes, their businesses, their schools, and the rest of their structures.


 It can be expected that the majority of the liquefaction hazard will occur where the silt is most prevalent: the valley floor. The benches, though they are composed of silt, often have abundant vegetation and are located a greater distance from the water table than the valley floor.

Figure 8: Liquefaction Hazard for the Wasatch Front

Specific Areas of Concern

1. Downtown Ogden     (Box 1. in Figure 8)

Figure 9: Liquefaction Hazard vs. Land Cover for Ogden City, Utah

Once again, Ogden City is a specific area of concern. Much of the older commercial zone of the city is located in an area that has a Pcode value of 7. Assuming that 9 is the highest value, 7 is frightfully close to very destructive. More alarming, again, is the fact that much of that zone was built decades ago, predating 1976.

A small portion of the bench against the mountain has a Pcode value of 8. This is a low-intensity residential area, but the effects of liquefaction could still cause significant damage to those homes. This is especially true since many of them were built before 1976. This Pcode value could affect Weber State University as well, which could result in significant financial costs if any of buildings or equipment on campus were damaged.

2. Salt Lake City   (Box 2. in Figure 8)

Figure 10: Liquefaction Hazard vs. Land Cover for Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City, which is the capital of Utah, is the most populated city in the state of Utah. (State of Utah, March 27, 2002.) It contains the majority of the industry (State of Utah (b), March 27, 2002), and apparently has the largest single commercial zone along the Wasatch Front. This zone closely represents a small metropolis with tall buildings, megamalls, shopping centers, and historical and religious landmarks.

Almost the entire city of Salt Lake has a Pcode value of 7. With the weight of the tall buildings, malls, and shopping centers, Salt Lake City has a high potential of being severely affected by liquefaction. If many buildings fail in this area, not only will it cost the city millions of dollars to repair and rebuild them, but it will cost the city millions of dollars in profit from consumer sales as many sections of the city would be inaccessible during the renovation.

3. West of Salt Lake City   (Box 3. in Figure 8)

Figure 11: Liquefaction Hazard vs. Land Cover for west of Salt Lake City

West of Salt Lake City approximately two miles lays the most prone area to liquefaction in the state of Utah. Just to the southwest of the area lies the city of Magna, which has a population over 20,598 people. (Internest, 2002.) The commercial/transportation/industrial areas that find themselves right on top of the danger zone are called Garfield and Arthur. This zone carries a Pcode value of 9! This signifies almost an absolute probability that liquefaction will occur. From Figure 8, notice how the industrial area almost perfectly outlines the zone of high liquefaction. Also, the large commercial/transportation/industrial mass in the top-right corner of the land cover map is the Salt Lake City International Airport. Though, not in the extremely hazardous area of liquefaction, its area still carries a Pcode value of 7 and could still cause major damage to unprotected structures.

Much of the city of Provo also has Pcode values of 7. The damage in Provo could resemble the damage in Salt Lake City, though the majority of Provo appears to be more of a modern city than Salt Lake. For this reason it was not included as a specific area of concern.

Secondary Hazard: Landslide

Landslide is closely related to liquefaction, except gravity is now the primary contributor of energy to the individual soil particles. Like liquefaction, the presence of vegetation and dense soil, along with the lack of water and catalytic energy, helps to prevent the likelihood of landslide. However, because gravity is a constant force, landslides are occurring regularly at various locations throughout the Wasatch Front. Fortunately, most people are intelligent enough to put a structure on top of an active landslide. What is unfortunate, however, is that many people prefer to build their homes high up on the mountain benches. These locations can offer beautiful vistas, but can be deadly if the wrong factors add up.

Many of these mountain benches have well-compacted soil ample vegetation surrounding them to provide an apparent safe building place for a structure. But the soil particles that make the benches are loaded with potential energy because they are raised high off of the ground. The soil particles close to the edge of the benches have a greater probability of having gravity transform that potential energy into kinetic energy than those soil particles further away from the edge. If a catalytic source of energy, like a large truck driving by or a seismic wave, were large enough, it could jumpstart these soil particles into motion. Gravity would then take over, and then it’s literally all downhill from there.

There are actually 3 main types of landslides: debris flow, which is a swift-moving current of sediment and and water; slide, which is a dry or wet soil movement down slope; and rock fall, which is a free fall of rocks and boulders from an elevated surface. (State of Utah (c), 2002.) For the purposes of this study, only slides and rock falls apply to tectonically-induced landslides.

Figure 12: The Three Types of Landslides
Source: adapted from State of Utah (c), 2002

The danger of landslide here in Utah is unique because of the taste of the residents. I once had a Geology professor who said that “Utahns will build their houses in only two places: on an alluvial fan, and on a major slump or landslide.” (Brad Ritts, class lecture, April 2001.) It seems that unless a house is directly on the edge of the bench or cliff, the resident is not satisfied. Being a Utah resident of 24 years myself, I am well familiar with many stories and tales of houses sliding down mountainsides because their owners did not listen to the Geologists and Engineers. I don’t know how many of the stories are true, however I do know that there are structures (mostly private residences) that are located in current areas prone to landslide hazard.


Due to availability of GIS data, only landslide potential for Salt Lake and Utah Counties could be done. This is not to say that Davis, Weber, and Cache Counties do not have any areas with dangerous landslide potentials. When data for these counties is available, landslide hazard analyses could be done for future study using GIS.

Figure 13: Landslide Potential for Salt Lake and Utah Counties


From Figure  it appears that there are quite a few locations along the Wasatch Front that have a high hazard of landslide. Because this is study of the Wasatch Front, we will not consider landslide hazards associated with the Oquirrh Mountains, which are the mountains on the east side of the map.

Comparing Figure   with Figure , we see that there are not in fact many areas where large groups of structures are located in a zone of high landslide hazard. These structures appear to be more sporadically placed all along the mountain benches from Salt Lake City to Provo. Because there are so many of these individual residencies, and because the data for land cover does not appear to be very accurate on a micro scale, only sections where many residencies are in a hazard zone will be studied. There are many residences located on zones of medium landslide hazard. These zones should not be overlooked.If an earthquake large enough were to rupture along the Wasatch Fault, it could easily dislodge sections of soil in these areas, especially if they are weighted with heavy homes. However, it will be assumed that these areas will hold in the event of a major earthquake, and only the high hazard zones associated with landslide will be looked at further.

Specific Areas of Concern

Due to the stringent search criteria listed above, only one particular area seemed really jeopardized.

1. Northern portion of Sandy   (Box 1. in Figure 13)

Figure 14: Landslide Potential vs. Land Cover for Northern Portion of Sandy City, Utah

From Figure 14, it not appears that there is a conglomeration of residencies but also commercial structures, as well. A road passes through the area. This road is most likely similar to such roads as Wasatch Boulevard near Laker Way in Ogden, as well as Bonneville Drive in Ogden, both which need reconstruction every year because the soil keeps falling out from under it. What is most shocking is that this area is an active landslide, yet residents still chose to build their homes there.

Fortunately, our engineering capabilities enable us to deal with many of the landslide hazard areas along the Wasatch Front. Two years ago, the town of South Weber, located in northern Davis County, was faced with a dilemma. A new subdivision that was built on the alluvial fan was losing an estimated 2 feet per year due to landslide. This was people's expensive property literally disappearing! The city residents met and decided that it would be prudent to have a retaining wall built to prevent further landslide. Happily, recent observations show that the landsliding has ceased and further subdivisions can be built if retaining walls are installed. (Carl Humpherys, personal communication, July 2000.) It would be beneficial, upon further investigation of the site, to analyze the possibility of installing a retaining wall like in South Weber for the subdivision in Figure 14.

Secondary Hazard: Tectonically-Induced Flooding

On the night of August 17, 1959 the largest earthquake to ever be recorded in the Northern Rockies occurred near Lake Hebgen, Montana. The quake registered a 7.5 on the Richter Scale, and caused a series of events to occur during the shaking:

Figure 15: The Northern Shore of Lake Hebgen after the Earthquake of 1959
Source: University of Utah, no date available, courtesy of US Forest Service

Figure 16: The Southern Shore of Lake Hebgen after the Earthquake of 1959
Source: University of Utah, no date available, courtesy of US Geological Survey

Lak Hebgen is a perfect example of tectonically-induced flooding. This hazard associated with earthquakes is not very well known, even here in Utah, where our environmental set up almost perfectly immitates that of Lake Hebgen. Not only does the Wasatch Front have a major fault system to the east, it also has a large waterbody to the west and a relatively narrow strip of land which is heavily populated.

In order to understand the possibility of land-tilt and flooding, refer to Figure 17.

Figure 17: Diagram of Tectonically-induced Flooding

Many geologists, seismologists, and geotechnical engineers are divided on the possibility of tectonic flooding along the Wasatch Front. (Marv Halling, personal communication, November 5, 2002.) One geologist who feels that the flooding is a very good possibility is Dr. Robert Smith of the University of Utah. According to Smith, it is an "unappreciated hazard," and "is very important depending upon the lake level and the location and size of the scenario earthquake." (R.B. Smith, 1997.)

To analyze the possible danger associated with tectonic flooding along the Wasatch Front, National Elevation Dataset data of the eastern side of the Great Salt Lake was contoured by analyses with GIS. Using Lake Hebgen as a possible model, the eastern shoreline of the Great Salt Lake was modeled to rise approximately 4 meters, or 13 feet. Worst-case scenario was also considered by also modeling an extra 2 meters, or 7 feet, for a total of 20 feet as the dangerzone for flooding. Therefore, 0-5 feet above current lake surface was modeled as "High Flood Hazard," 5-13 feet was modeled as "Moderate to High Flood Hazard," and 13-20 feet was modeled as "Low Flood Hazard."

In order to continue the study, the current elevation of the Great Salt Lake was obtained:

Figure 118: Surface Elevation of the Great Salt Lake from Saltair Harbor on November 15, 2002
Source: US Geological Survey, November 15, 2002

The lake surface elevation on November 15 was approximately 4198 feet (absolute elevation.) This is low for the lake, which can often approach elevations of 4210 feet during a normal or wet water year. For the analyses, an even contour value of 4200 feet was chosen as the lake surface elevation.


Figure 19: Potential Flooding from the Great Salt Lake along the Wasatch Front


Because of the lake's low level right now, not too many structures would be affected by flooding if it happened today. Most of the flooding right against the lakeside, or in the inlets such as the Little Bear River in the northeast portion of the Lake. However, even if structures were not affected by the flooding, people's pocketbooks would be affected. Much of the lakeside is composed of emergent herbacious and woody wetlands. These areas are protected by the Federal Governement and regulated by the US Army Corp of Engineers. It is absolutely illegal to build a structure in the midst of wetland species fauna and wildlife. The proposed construction of the Legacy Highway along the Wasatch Front, which was halted due to protection of wetlands, is a prime example of this. If these areas were flooded, than new wetlands would begin to behind where the old wetlands used to be. These wetlands would basically be growing in residents' backyards. As a result, residents would lose the right to financially manage their own property. Therefore, it becomes of extreme interest to see where this could occur.

Specific Areas of Concern

1. The City of Clinton   (Box 1. in Figure 19)

Figure 20: Potential Flooding of Clinton City

It can be seen from Figure 20 that many of the pasture and hay fields of Clinton residents could be wiped out by flood. The wetlands are located inside of a high hazard zone, while many of the fore-mentioned fields have moderate-low chance of being inundated. Also significant is the road from the city of Sunset, located just south of Clinton, to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. The road would surely be flooded, costing the state of Utah millions of dollars to rebuild it.

2. Northwest of Bountiful   (Box 2. in Figure 19)

Figure 21: Potential Flooding for Northwest of Bountiful City

In this area, there is great potential for loss of life as well as money. There are portions of high-moderate flood hazard and moderate-low flood hazard that would wipe out US Interstate 15, costing the Federal Government millions of dollars to repair and rebuild.. Also notice the many commercial areas, as well as residential areas, are in moderate-low risk of flooding at the lake's current conditions. During  a normal water year, this risk could significantly increase.

3. West of Salt Lake City    (Box 3. in Figure 19)

Figure 22: Flooding Potential for West of Salt Lake City

This area, which is also an area of concern for liquefaction, is prone to major flooding of wetlands. The main items of concern here are the commercial/industrial areas and also the roads. Much of the salt that is mined from the Great Salt Lake is produced in this area. If these salt-producing plants are flooded, it could deprive the state of Utah of what has been a steady and valuable income, at least for a period of time. Another item of concern is US Interstate 215, which can be seen extending out nearly 2 miles into the lake. The interstate is inside of a moderate-low hazard zone, but borders a moderate-high hazard zone. It is obvious that if the lake level were to rise, then the interstate would be in serious jeopardy; and, like I-15, the Federal Government would be force to pay millions of dollars in repair and reconstruction costs. Also worthy of mention is the Salt Lake International Airport, which borders a moder-low hazard zone. Again, with higher lake levels, the airport could tangibly fall inside of a flooding zone.

Though flooding is not widely accepted as a likely hazard that would occur along the Wasatch Front in the event of a major earthquake, it does deserve regarding and respect. If an event similar to the Lake Hebgen earthquake were to happen along the Wasatch Front, the effects could be disastrous. State and Federal Governments would be given the large financial burdern of cleanup and repair, residents and property owners would have to face the prospect of losing property to federal regulations of wetlands, and people nationwide would suffer the grief of dead fellow citizens.

Earthquake Predictibility

When asked his opinion of the possibility of earthquake prediction, Dr. Marv Halling of Utah State University laughed and restated the question. "You mean 'earthquake probability'," he said. (Marv Halling, personal interview, November 5, 2002.)

The average citizen that resides in earthquake-proned areas ould, undoubtedly, appreciate a 10 or a 15-minute warning before the actual occurrence of a major earthquake. Unfortunately, it is literally impossible to accurately predict when a fault will slip and an earthquake will orruc. For those seeking answers on earthquake-predicting, the USGS says this:

"Although a great deal is known about where earthquakes are likely to occur, there is currently no reliable way to predict the days or months when an event will occur in any specific location.. The USGS is thus focusing its research efforts on developing long-range earthquake probability forecasts in seismically active urban areas." (USGS, May 12, 2002.)
However, because accurate forecasting of particular earthquakes is virtually impossible does not mean that scientists are not trying to increase the accuracy of probability forecasting. "Ultimately, scientists would like to be able to specify a high probability for a specific earthquake on a particular fault within a particular year." (Pakiser & Shedlock, 1997.)

According to Dr. Ian Main of the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh UK, there are only 4 possible "degrees" of earthquake predicting: (Ian Main, 1999)

Few, if any seismologistwould argue that Deterministic Prediction is a reasonable goal. (Main, 1997.) Many seismologists are optimistic about Earthquake Forecasting, though history has shown that there are no reliable and consistent precursory signals for earthquakes. Dr. Robert Geller of the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan, goes as far as to call this form of earthquake prediction "the alchemy of our time...[attracting] the fruitless efforts of talented scientests." (R.J. Geller, 1999.)

Unlike Forecasting and Prediction, Time-dependent Hazard has shown much fruit and promise. Dr. Marv Halling states that it is a fairly accurate way to predict the earthquakes within a large region. This method has been used for decades, and has done much to prepare people for the occurrence of earthquakes. However, for a single fault system such as the Wasatch Fault, the linear correlation of regular earthquake occurrence and time becomes very low.For this situation, the use of reading the geologic record of the actual fault system, along with the application of modern technology such as satellites is more suitable. This method is the Time-independent Hazard.

In my opinion, Time-independent Hazard is the most reliable method for probabilistic study of earthquake hazard along the Wasatch Fault. I feel this way because of a few reasons:

Earthquake prediction is the Holy Grail of seismology and is widely regarded as an unreasonable goal by seismologists worldwide. However, earthquake probabilistic hazard mapping is considered a reasonable goal, and current measures are underway to make hazard maps more extensive and accurate. Until now, Time-dependent Hazard mapping has proven fairly accurate in predicting regional earthquake hazards. Time-independent hazard mapping, which assumes that an earthquake has the same probability of occurring all of the time and uses modern scientific methods to improve its accuracy, is the method that I recommend be utilized to prepare the public along Utah's Wasatch Front for local earthquake hazards resulting from slippage of the Wasatch Fault.

Conclusions and Recommendations

In conclusion of this study, it should be stated that all of the hazards analyzed are just a few in many. The conclusions arrived at in this study in no way guarantee anybody's absolute safety and protection of property from all possible hazards associated with a major earthquake along the Wasatch Front. The intent of this study was simply to find which general areas along the Wasatch Front are less prepared for some of the more common hazards in an earthquake and to provide the means for the public in those areas to know about their current situation. For this reason, this study will be posted on the internet and made available to all who wish to read it.

Four major hazards were mapped along the Wasatch Front:

Shaking Hazard

Shaking hazard is associated with the actual ground movement in an earthquake. Damage and death result in shaking from failure of structures. The main areas of concern along the Wasatch Front were:
1. Alpine and Cedar Hills
2. Bountiful and North Salt Lake City
3. Downtown Ogden City
For residents in these areas, I make the following recommendations:
a) Read and follow preparation suggestions by the US Geological survey. Click here for a link to the preparation website.
b) Talk with your insurance agent about taking out a current earthquake policy on our home insurance. You may be glad you did.
c) If you own a business or a home in an building constructed before 1976, find out if it is reinforced. If not, consider retrofitting it. Contact a local civil engineering firm for an estimate.
d) Have a current earthquake plan, so that if the ground start shaking you know exactly what to do.

Liquefaction Hazard

Liquefaction is the fluid-like behaviour exhibited by soil during an earthquake. Structure damage occurs as buildings loose the support of their foundations. Liquefaction occurrs in areas with loose soil, little significant vegetation, high water table, and that are tectonically active. The main areas of concern along the Wasatch Front were:
1. Downtown Ogden
2. Salt Lake City
3. West of Salt Lake City, near Magna
For residents in these areas, I make the following recommendations:
a) Read and follow preparation suggestions by the US Geological survey. Click here for a link to the preparation website.
b) Remember: liquefaction WILL NOT kill you, but it can destroy the foundations of the structures that you own.
c) Know the status of your foundation (if there's any cracks, leaks, et al.) If needs repair, do so.
d) Contact the Utah Geological Survey to obtain a more accurate liquefaction hazard map of your area to know the specific hazard zones.

Landslide Hazard

Landslide occur when a piece or chunk of soil is dislodged and pulled downhill by gravity. There are three types of landslides: debris flows, slides, and rock falls. Earthquakes have the potential of adding significant amounts of energy to the soil, thus dislodging soil sections that might otherwise remain stable. Due to lack of data, a complete map of the landslide hazard along the Wasatch Front was able to be made. A map of the hazards for Salt Lake and Utah Counties was able to be made. The main area of concern along the Wasatch Front was:
1. Northwest portion of Sandy
For residents in this area, and any resident who lives on the benches in the Wasatch Front, I make the following recommendations:
a) Read and follow preparation suggestions by the US Geological survey. Click here for a link to the preparation website.
b) Observe your property and be aware of the signs of landslide. Click here for a link to the state's homeowner's guide to recognizing and reducing landslide damage on [your] property.
c) Plant many deep-rooted trees near the edge of your property. The roots will help to hold the ground in place.

Tectonically-induced Flood Hazard

Tectonic flooding is caused tilting of the land surface, which results in the migration of a lake's shores. The Lake Hebgen Earthquake of 1959 resulted in the destruction of many lake-side structures, which are still under water today. Many professionals feel that Lake Hebgen may be an accurate model of what might happen to the Wasatch Front in the event of an earthquake magnitude 7.0 or higher. However, the issue is still debated over whether or not such a disaster could happen in the Utah area. The main areas of concern are:
1. Clinton City
2. Northwest of Bountiful City
3. West of Salt Lake City near Arthur
For residents in these areas, I make the following recommendations:
a)  Read and follow preparation suggestions by the US Geological survey. Click here for a link to the preparation website.
b) By aware of any flood history in your particular area. Remember: water always flows downhill.
c) Talk to your insurance agent about taking out a flood policy on your home or business insurance.
d) Remember that the water itself would probably not rise more than 13 feet from the current lake surface, so it is not extraordinarily deep. However, tectonically induced waves could be deadly. Plant tall and thick trees inbetween your structure and the lake. They could serve to break the waves that otherwise might cause more damage.


Sources Cited:

Glacier Medical College, no date available, http://www.glaciermedicaled.com/Earthquake_html/EQ-utah/utah3.html

University of Utah, no date available, http://www.seis.utah.edu/qfacts/utfaq.shtml#uq3

Reiter, L., Earthquake Hazard Analyses, Columbia University Press, NY 1991

State of Utah, 1996, http://www.ugs.state.ut.us/ghp/flf/flfst123.htm

R.B. Smith, 1997, http://enp-web.er.usgs.gov/reports/annsum/vol39/ni/g2746.htm

Main, Ian, "Earthquakes-Long Odds on Prediction", Nature 385, 19-20

Dona Healy, August 15 1999, http://www.billingsgazette.com/magazine/990815_mag01.html

Gellers, R.J., 1999, www. nature.com/nature/debates/earthquake/equake_frameset.html

University of Utah, 2002, http://www.seis.utah.edu/NEHRP_HTM/1959hebg/c1959he1.htm

Internest.com, 2002, http://www.internest.com/city/magnaut.asp?source=ls

Ogden City, 2002, http://www.ogdencity.com/index.cfm/about.history

USGS, January 17 2002, http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/research/parkfield/index.html

USGS, January 25 2002, http://geohazards.cr.usgs.gov/eq/faq/psha04.html

USGS, November 15 2002, http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv/?site_no=10010000&PARAmeter_cd=72020

State of Utah, March 27 2002, http://www.governor.utah.gov/dea/rankings/city/00citypop.pdf

State of Utah (b), March 27 2002, http://www.governor.utah.gov/dea/rankings/99COCLF.pdf

State of Utah (c), 2002, http://geology.utah.gov/online/pi-58/Pi58pg1.htm