Modeling Source-Water Contributions to Streamflow
and Characterizing Watersheds in a
Main Hill 5305
A view of the stream inflow to Bull Trout Lake, our primary
study site in the Sawtooth Mountains, ID.This picture shows half of a stream-lake-stream couplet,
which is a stream reach that flows into a lake, the lake, and the outflow reach
and is our main unit of study to understand stream-lake interactions.
The red color is a dye (rhodamine WT) used for
tracing water movement.
A National
Science Foundation study initiated in 2002 by principle investigators Wayne Wurtsbaugh (limnologist), Michelle Baker (aquatic biogeochemist), James Haefner (biological
modeler) at Utah State University and Robert Hall (stream ecologist) at the
University of Wyoming.The study area is the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho and the goal is
interdisciplinary understanding of lake-stream interactions.
A conceptual
diagram of hypothesized stream-lake interactions, including: 1) plunging
inflows due to colder stream water, 2) lower N loads in outflows, and 3) higher
organic N in the outflow than inflow due to transformations in the lake. I hope to contribute to this conceptualization
by studying source-water and N contributions to streams from the watershed.
1. Prepare a
general literature review concerning hydrologic controls on nutrient export and
the potential use of TOPMODEL (and associated models) that will be important to
goals of my
2. Develop a GIS basemap for the
3. Acquire a
digital elevation model and prepare it for use in TOPMODEL using TauDEM.
4. Acquire,
format, and present hydrologic and climate data to be used for model input and
watershed attributes of Bull Trout and other catchments using TauDEM and ArcGIS/Arc Hydro tools
for description and comparison, and to guide hypothesis generation
concerning hydrochemical response.
Nitrogen cycling and export
in watersheds is a complex process driven by inputs (e.g. atmospheric
deposition), biotic uptake and transformations in upland soils and aquatic
ecosystems, and the mobility of N in hydrologic fluxes. In mountain
environments, snowmelt runoff exports high loads of N accumulated in winter snowpack and flushes N stored in soils and groundwater
(Brooks and Williams 1999, Vanderbilt and Lajtha
2000). This N pulse typically proceeds or is coincident with stream peakflow and diminishes substantially over the summer as
flows recede and biota utilize available N. Smaller N pulses often occur with
storm events or changes in forest primary productivity (e.g. forest leaf
contributions to stream N loads also vary spatially within a catchment due distributed attributes such as topography,
soils, and vegetation and how these relate to N reactions (e.g. nitrification
and mineralization) and hydrologic mobilization and transport (McHale 2000,
Band 2001).For example, soil water on unvegetated
slopes may have high NO3- and low dissolved organic
nitrogen (DON), while groundwater at toeslopes may be
very different in chemical composition. These water-sources contribute to streamflow in different proportion over time and thus
source-water dynamics affect stream N load regimes as well. Therefore an
improved understanding of flowpath dynamics and
source-water contributions of a catchment can help
predict the form and amount of N export to downstream ecosystems (Robson 1992,
Band 2001).
Streamflow is generated from the sum of water types in a catchment,
referred to as endmembers, that vary in amount and
proportion contributed. For example, during stream baseflow
groundwater is the dominant contributor to stream flow, while during a stormevent the proportion of water from soils and overland
flow often increases greatly.Studies of source-water
contributions typically discretize two endmembers as ‘old’ (groundwater) and ‘new’
(soil- and event-water) or three endmembers as
groundwater, soil-water, and event-water (overland flow) (Robson et al.1992,
Hooper 2001).In these studies it is assumed that endmembers
have distinct chemical signatures, due to different sources, flowpaths, residence times, etc., often determined by
conservative solutes (e.g. Ca2+, Cl-,
SO4-2) or isotope ratios (e.g 18O
or deuterium) (Hooper 2001, Chanat 2002).Mixing
models are then used to predict the volume of each endmember
source from the generalized equation:
approach to modeling source-water contributions to streamflow
is through hydrologic modeling predictions. Spatially distributed hydrologic
models are most appropriate for making these types of predictions because they
account for catchment heterogeneity, such as slope,
contributing area, soils, and vegetation, that contributes water and
solutes to streams in temporally varying amounts and proportions. TOPMODEL is a framework
for spatially distributed modeling that is widely used for various applications
and is flexible in allowing the user to specify hydrologic behavior for
particular conditions (Beven 1995). The
incorporation of geographic information systems (GIS), such as ArcMap, in spatially distributed models allows more
efficient preparation of input data and analysis of model results.
has been successfully used for modeling source-water contributions and solute
loads in the United Kingdom (Robson et al. 1992) and small mountain catchments
in Colorado (Hornberger et al. 1994, Boyer et al. 2000).These
studies used concurrent mixing model approaches to validate and calibrate
TOPMODEL estimations of source-water and partitioned solute loads and suggest
that TOPMODEL predictions may provide valid alternative to more intensive
mixing model approaches in studying catchment
number of versions of TOPMODEL are available for particular applications (e.g.
snowmelt modeling).I have not determined yet, which model may be most
appropriate for the site and application for my study. However for this term
project, I have focused on the model used by David Tarboton
and colleges at
Site map of
the Upper Warm Springs Creek watershed surrounding
The stream-lake-stream
couplet is indicated by monitoring stations and corresponding catchment areas.
Note that
other spatial data was utilized to construct this particular layout, however
will be detailed in later sections.
1. Obtain Datasets
Seamless Digital Elevation Model (30 m) that
encompassed the entire study area of interest (44.15°N, 115.15°W to 44.50°N, 115.50°W)
National Hydrography
Dataset for HUC 17050120 (
2. Project Datasets
In ArcToolBox use ‘Project
Wizard (coverages and grids)’ in Data
Management Tools/Projections
· Project both coverages in Universal Transverse Mercador (UTM) units for zone 11 (longitude -115) and 0X shift and Y shift
Change ‘Save as type’
from coverage to grid and specify ‘Cubic’ for resampling
A view of the raw DEM and NHD
network for the to process DEM for input to TOPSETUP.
· Start with ‘Basic Grid Analysis’ and ‘Fill Pits’ in order to raise the elevation of any DEM raster cells to that of surrounding cells to allow continuous flow directions to be calculated.
· Proceed sequentially with ‘D8 Flow Directions’, ‘Dinf Flow Directions’ and so on through each ‘Basic Grid Analysis Step’.
Upon completion check ‘src’ delineated channel raster network against the
NHD network. I found major discrepancies and decided that the NHD network was
much closer to what I
A view of the stream raster network (‘scr’) overlain by the NHD network indicating
a large difference in channels
and flow directions. The latter network is correct,
so the processed network
needs to be edited and ‘burned-in’ .
following general directions in TauDEM are provided
to deal with such issues:
A grid giving flow directions
used to impose existing streams into the system. This should use the same encoding as D8, i.e.
1 - east, 2 - North east, 3 - North, 4 - North west, 5 - West, 6 - South West, 7
- South, 8 - South east. No data values
should indicate off stream locations. These
flow directions are given precedence over the flow directions determined from
the DEM, so this approach should only be used when the stream data source is
deemed to be better than the DEM. This
can be created by the network editor in MapWindow or
in ArcGIS by burning in a stream feature dataset
using the following steps.
1. Convert features to raster
retaining the same cell size and extent as the target DEM. Call the resulting grid strgrd.
2. Use raster calculator to subtract
a large number from each elevation value that corresponds to a stream. This results in a temporary DEM with deep
canyons along the streams. Call
the resulting
grid demcanyon.
3. Use "Fill Pits" and
"D8 flow directions" to calculate flow directions on demcanyon. The flow
directions calculated will be demcanyonp.
4. Use raster calculator to
evaluate demcanyonp/strgrd. This will result in no data values off the
stream raster due to a divide by 0, but will retain flow directions calculated
on the stream raster. The convention for
naming the result is to use the suffix fdr. This is the grid input to the "Fill pits
function" to enforce stream flow directions.
step 1, I also needed to add lines and nodes (channels) using ‘Editor’
to correct the drainage network before it was rasterized.
A view of the corrected
drainage network overlain by the original NHD network.
A view of
the processed DEM datasets that will be input into TOPSETUP and used in
TOPMODEL to model
saturation excess
thresholds and hillslope flow distances to stream
water input to TOPMODEL is precipitation, both in the form of rainfall and snow.
Obtaining accurate rainfall for mountain regions is often difficult as weather
patterns and rainfall intensities can vary greatly by elevation and position
within a mountain range. Fortunately for the Bull Trout Lake study site, a
National Resource Conservation Service SNOTEL station (Banner Summit
#312, is located < 2 km (44.30°N, 115.23°W, ~2150 m) from the center
of the study catchment and at a similar elevation. SNOTEL
stations provide daily precipitation and snow-water equivalents data. This data
should be verified with on site measurements and may need to be standardized by
Graphs showing rainfall (left) and snow water
equivalent (right) during the spring and summer of 2002 from the
NRCS Banner
Summit SNOTEL station near Bull Trout Lake, ID.
A layout
stratified sub-basins at
Another important TOPMODEL
input parameter is temperature, which can be used to model evapotranspiration
(Hamon 1961) and snowmelt (Hornberger
et al. 1994).We measured hourly temperature from a weather station located at
the center of the study catchment using a
thermocouple (HOBO).
weather station
(SLI study) during 2002.
Stream reaches above and below
A hydrograph from locations along the
stream-lake-stream couplet at
around June-1 due
to snowmelt runoff, with several storm events in mid-June and early July, and
flows gradually receding to
baseflow conditions in August. Flow
increases are noted from high to low stations in the watershed,
though not easily
recognized from this display.
this section I present some basic descriptive analyses of the Bull Trout Lake study
catchment, along with data from 5 other local
watersheds for comparison that are part of the Stream-Lake Interactions study.
These catchments were selected because they have different extents and
configurations (positions) of lakes within their watersheds. I did this
comparison to better understand whether watersheds with and without lakes were
otherwise similar or differ by other characteristics as well (e.g. form and
land cover). These measurements were made from raw and processed DEMs, a USGS National Land Cover Dataset (
raster grid using tools in ArcGIS (primarily ‘Raster
Calculator’ and ‘Reclassify’ in Spatial Analyst).It is noted
that these measurements are a general and first attempt to compare these
watersheds and no statistical analyses or thorough interpretation of these
metrics are given. Additionally many data are presented as means, which may not
be the best way to describe how these parameters represent watershed morphology
and hydrologic and biogeochemical behavior.
varying extents and
configurations of lakes and are thought to be otherwise similar.
Specify a watershed mask in ‘Spatial Analyst /
Use ‘Spatial Analyst / Raster Calculator’
to delineate the raster dataset to the watershed mask (i.e.specify
the dataset and click ‘Evaluate’).
Use ‘Spatial Analyst / Reclassify’ to
isolate the data of interest (e.g. specific landcover
classes or to stratify elevations) and then view the attribute table and use ‘Summary
Statistics’ if necessary to compute means or other data summaries.
Watershed |
Drainage Area (km2) |
Outlet Elevation (m) |
Maximum Elevation (m) |
Mean Aspect |
Trout |
11.32 |
2116 |
2611 |
NE |
terminal lake only |
41.77 |
1985 |
3004 |
NW |
few tarns and terminal lake |
Belly |
30.85 |
2151 |
3249 |
NW |
lake chain w/ terminal lake |
Pettit |
28.85 |
2091 |
3169 |
NW |
lake chain w/ terminal lake |
24.78 |
2164 |
3236 |
W |
many tarns, no terminal lake |
Creek |
39.15 |
2168 |
3117 |
NW |
no lakes |
characteristics including the extent and configuration lakes of Bull Trout
watershed and other select watersheds in the
These descriptive data and information
generally show that these watershed are similar,
except for the extent and configuration of lakes,
though the Bull Trout
watershed is smaller and has a lower divide than the others analyzed.
Watershed |
Stream Order (outlet) |
Mean Channel Gradient (m/m) |
Outlet Reach Channel Gradient (m/m) |
Drainage Density (km/km2) |
Mean Wetness Index* |
Hypsometric Index**
Trout |
2 |
0.169 |
0.0007 |
0.94 |
0.0034 |
0.37 |
3 |
0.099 |
0.0059 |
0.63 |
0.0041 |
0.34 |
Belly |
2 |
0.067 |
0.0032 |
0.63 |
0.0046 |
0.36 |
Pettit |
2 |
0.064 |
0.0253 |
0.63 |
0.0051 |
0.42 |
3 |
0.087 |
0.0311 |
0.71 |
0.0063 |
0.42 |
Creek |
2 |
0.077 |
0.0154 |
0.72 |
0.0037 |
0.36 |
*Wetness Index = Slope / Specific Contributing Area,
**Hypsometric Index = (mean elevation - min. elevation) / (max. elevation - min. elevation)
Bull Trout
watershed appears somewhat distinct in channel gradient metrics and drainage
density, which may relate to its smaller size and/or location
and aspect that
probably reflect a different glacial history than watersheds with N-NW aspects
on the opposite side of the divide.
A smaller wetness
index describes a shallower water table depth (more wet) and can also be
considered as a measure of topographic
steepness (larger number
is more steep).Comparison of wetness index indicates that lakeless
watersheds generally have greater extent
of low gradient,
moist surfaces (i.e. wetlands), though the NLCD data (below) does not represent
this well among all sites.
The higher
wetness index (steeper topography) of watersheds with many large lakes may be
due to the glaciated features that form lakes,
such as steep walled
many high elevation lakes (
Watershed |
% Wetlands |
% Bare Rock |
% Alpine
Trout |
1.57 |
0.12 |
62.4 |
3.7 |
0 |
1.61 |
0.18 |
49.3 |
18.7 |
2.1 |
Belly |
3.38 |
0.05 |
34.1 |
36.2 |
17.3 |
Pettit |
5.48 |
0.06 |
38.2 |
28.9 |
21.2 |
0.22 |
0.02 |
31.1 |
41.1 |
18.0 |
Creek |
0 |
0.24 |
47.8 |
14.5 |
12.5 |
cover (%) characteristics of Bull Trout and other select watersheds in the Sawtooth Mountains, ID (from USGS National Land Cover
Dataset 1992, alpine is land above 2800 m from a DEM).This comparison shows the
intended differences in lakes among watersheds, but also notable differences
forest, extend above treeline (alpine), and unvegetated, rocky areas. Though these data are
interesting, however measurement accuracy and representation may not be
reliable enough to dra any conclusion (data is produced
from remotely
sensed images and correlation of spectra to broad cover types).
was able to obtain and prepare most of the datasets for use in TOPMODEL, with
the exception of finding adequate soils data. Learning how to use TOPMODEL and
design the model to appropriately represent Bull Trout Lake watershed will be
more difficult and I am still unsure of how to treat the presence of lake using
this approach (i.e. all depressions, such as lakes, are ‘filled’
during the DEM processing).This may be an important limitation to using
TOPMODEL. Hydrologic modeling is a challenging and labor intensive process with
no guarantees of successful results and I will need to weight this against
alternative approaches to studying hydrologic controls on nitrogen biogeochemistry.
I found the descriptive and analytical capabilities of tools in ArcGIS to be very useful for simple, and possibly more
specialized, analyses that I intend to pursue in the future.
Continue to explore the applications of spatial
datasets and ArcGIS in analysis of hydrologic and
geomorphic features in our study sites.
Determine whether hydrologic modeling and TOPMODEL
approaches to hydro-biogeochemical
and obtain a soils dataset to represent soil porosity in TOPMODEL (SSURGO data
was not
4. Enter datasets into TOPSETUP to prepare them for TOPMODEL.
Continue with iterative modeling process and begin
exploring nitrogen source modeling methods.
and ecological controls of nitrogen export.Hydrological
Processes 15:2013-2028.
Watershed Hydrology, Singh
(ed.), Water Resources Publications,
catchments.Hydrologic Processes 13:2177-2190.
plots.Water Resources Research 38(8):22.1-22.10.
Mountain experience.Hydrological
Processes 15:2039-2050.
during snowmelt in the
Hydrological Processes 15:2053-2055.
importance of dissolved organic nitrogen.Biogeochemistry
of components identified by a physically based runoff model and those determined by chemical
mixing techniques.Hydrological Processes 6:199-214.