



A Comparison of

Stream Delineations





Development of the project:

Location of my project:  

Getting usable Data:

How to evaluate the DEMs:

Results Table:

What I Found:







Development of the project:


The Institute for Natural System Engineering located in the Utah Water Research Laboratory

at Utah State University is currently involved in hydraulic and habitat analysis of the Virgin River. 

Through dialogue between Connelly Baldwin, Cynthia Tyler of INSE and me, the idea of comparing data

obtained using different resolution DEMs came about.  Specifically, a comparison of Drainage density

obtained using three different delineation methods of a constant drop analysis. 

It is my understanding that similar test will be done by INSE and may eventually be available to compare

with the results found through the process I used.




Location of my project: 


            The North Creek tributary of the Virgin River is located in the South Western corner of Utah. 

Also located in Washington County is most of Zion National Park.  The Majority of North Creek tributary

of the Virgin River is contained within the park boundaries, and is the watershed I chose to evaluate. 

The National Park Service has a .pdf map along with area map and various other features available for download here.  



































Getting usable Data:


            The 10 m and 30 m DEMs I used were originally obtained from the State of Utah Division of

Information Technology Services Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC). 

They come in an ASCII file format which needs to be converted to grid.  I used the Arc Toolbox

features to accomplish this.  Go into the ‘Conversion tools’ options and choose ‘Import to Raster’ and

then select ‘ASCII to Grid’.  Follow the steps it asked for and you should get a Raster Grid usable in ArcGIS. 





I then projected them into the projection I wanted using Arc Toolbox again.  Open ‘Data Management Tools’,

and then open ‘Projections’ and chose ‘Define Projection Wizard.’  Follow through the steps asked

for and the final result should end up as UTM Zone 12, NAD 83.






After opening the layers up in ArcView I noticed they were not connected to each other.  I found that software has been

written to easily join these grids into one.  Using Sinmap, a downloadable extension for ArcView, it is possible to join

adjacent grids.  The function of mosaic was chosen over merge because of my understanding of the interpolation procedure

used in mosaic, whereas merge overwrites common data points with the one that was there first.  After doing the above,

I was told that Arc/Info has a function in Grid that will mosaic adjacent grids also. 





There is one intermediate step that needed to be performed after using Sinmap.  I found the 30 m DEMs

had points of no data where the grids had been joined together.  The problem with having a grid cell with

a no data cell is the way TauDEM assigns values from contributing cells down the stream network. 

This is also a problem with edge contamination.  A program such as gapfil.exe can be used to fill in these

gaps in the interior of the grid.  With these problems rectified, I could then proceed and run TauDEM

to do the comparison. 



Notice that the black border and points within the grid represent points of no data.




How to evaluate the DEMs:



            Within ArcMap the stream network and watershed delineation toolbar of TauDEM needs to be added. 

Following the automatic preprocessing will allow you to evaluate the grid by the upwards curvature method. 

There are three ways I used to evaluate the grids.


  • Upward curvature
  • Contributing area threshold
  • Grid order threshold


These are options in the terrain analysis program and are explained on the TauDEM download page.  The first

comparison will be made by upward curvature.  Finding an acceptable threshold takes some trial and error,

which takes considerably longer with the larger data set.  In order to find a realistic network of streams,

a comparison of the results with the contour layer should be made.  I used Spatial Analyst to produce the

contour maps.  First I loaded the Spatial Analyst Toolbar and selected the base DEM appropriately before running. 

From the Spatial Analyst menu bar select ‘Surface Analysis’ and then chose ‘Contour.’ 

This produced the following pair of Contour maps.



As expected the contour lines had minor differences resulting from the different resolutions. 

This can most likely be the reason for the difference in flow paths between the 10 m and 30 m DEMs. 

The threshold can be adjusted to smooth percent differences in Drainage density, however

these adjustments are not large enough to affect the outcome significantly. 



As seen by the green stream network, not all stream delineations are reasonable.  Take a look at the result different thresholds produced here.  Notice the large amount of first and second order streams.



Along with the contour analysis I compared the methods against each other.  By overlaying

stream networks derived from the 10 m and 30 m DEMs the differences can be viewed.

The following shows the results for the both the 10 m (p10src_1091, blue) and the 30 m (p30src_308, pink).

By overlaying stream networks derived from the 10 m and 30 m DEMs the differences can be viewed




As expected stream paths differ slightly most likely due to the different data sets that are used to calculated them. 

The difference in Drainage density between these two was about 4.1%.


The next comparison was made between the Grid order thresholds.



The variance here seems to be greater than seen previously with the curvature method.  The difference in Drainage density is  about 5.7%.


The last comparison is between the Contributing area method.



There is still some variance, but this comparison had the least amount of difference between the Drainage densities with 4.08%.

A table of the results I obtained is given with the percent difference between the 10 m and 30 m DEMs. 

Also given is the comparison between methods as a percent difference. 




The threshold can be adjusted to smooth percent differences in Drainage density, however these adjustments are not large

enough to affect the outcome significantly.  To further analyze the network of streams produced, I obtained the NHD

coverage of streams for this area.   


Text Box:

The picture illustrates the differences produced for the 30 m DEM.   The comparison is as follows:


  • The Yellow lines represent the NHD data set for this drainage. 
  • The Violet lines represent the Grid order threshold method.
  • The Pink lines represent the upward curvature method.
  • The Blue lines represent the Contributing area method.



















Doing the same analysis with the stream network created by the 10 m DEM produces a network that more closely emulates

that of the NHD.  Stream networks cross contour lines at clearly defined crenulations.  Whereas, with the 30 m DEM

delineated network, it can be seen that some stream networks cross contour lines in places that are not clearly obvious. 

It appears the thresholds I chose were more conservative than that of the NHD.  Notice how the yellow lines extend farther

than any produced by the methods listed.


What I Found:


            One of the obstacles I had doing this project was the size of the file generated by the process.  With over 1.2 GB

for the 10 m DEM alone, the networked computer used encountered errors I believe to be caused by lack of memory. 

I would recommend using higher end machines to run these analyses than the DELL XPS R400 machine I used. 

It was no surprise that the Contour map produced from the 10 m DEM seemed to show more variation in the terrain

than that of the 30 m, although there was one spot on a hill side of the 10 m that showed up as a considerably smoother

surface.  The river network delineation of the 10 m derived streams was a very close match to NHD network. 

The 30 m derived network was close, but when compared to the higher resolution contour map, it was apparent that

the 10 m gave better results.  Follow this link to see an upward Curvature derived stream compared to the NHD network

on the 10 m derived Contour map. 

As far as the three methods used to determine Drainage density, I found that similar results were obtained from

both the 10 m and 30 m DEMs.  The difference in Drainage density can be seen in the TABLE.  Whether these variances

are significant greatly depends on the precision requirements of the users. 




