Hadi Hussein Jaafar

GIS in Water Resources Course - Online From Texas Austin
Term Project
Utah State University


Logan River Watershed

Cub River

Little Bear River

Cache County-Hydrology

Cache County-Land


Using ArcIMS for Internet Map Servers:
Design of GIS Websites for
Cache County



I. Introduction

ArcIMS 3.1 is the latest version of a GIS based software that is useful in designing interactive GIS internet maps. The map server will be launched on a machine (lynx) in the Hydrology lab in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at USU.

II. Objective

This term paper will discuss the A-Z steps for installing and running ArcIMS 3.1 Recommendations will be given to avoid common errors in the installation procedure. The paper, to be completed by the end of this semester, will show the how to build a GIS Internet Map server using Arc IMS 3.1. The server will allow users to fully interact with the maps by using the features of well known GIS softwares (ArcView ArcGIS). Another objective is to give guidelines for authoring, designing, and administrating your map service. It will also give useful hints about the type(s) of GIS data that can be incorporated into the maps service. Special emphasis will be given to building map services of Hydrology and Natural Resources of Cache County area. Data will include Cache Valley Watersheds, Logan River Watershed, Cub River and little Bear River natural resources. Available will be some maps on soil and vegetation of parts of Utah and South Idaho.

To access map services, please use Internet Explorer only. Due to some technical difficulties, you will not be able to view the maps using Netscape browser.

Term Paper

Our server: Lynx
Geography Newtork







 Contact Information:

Hadi H. Jaafar

Ph.D student and Research Assistant in Irrigation Engineering

Biological and Irrigation Engineering Department


E-mail: hadij@cc.usu.edu