Logan First Dam Breach and
Life Loss Evaluation
GIS in Water Resources
Zhengang Wang
State University
December 8,
The aim
of this project is to develop a
method to make DAMBRK calculation result visualize in ArcView. Get familiar with
the whole process from download DEM data from USGS, creating of cross section,
generating input data file that is the visualized DAMBRK calculation result, and
life loss evaluation.
Geographic Data Download Geographic Data Download web page.
The USGS 1:24,000 DEM data for Logan DEM_Logan
web page.
Dam breach is very a
serious safety issue. For example, only in Colorado, there have been at least
130 dam incidents and failure since 1890. In recent years the failure rate has
remained significant while the resulting costs have escalated.
Two serious threats of dam failure
Dam failure usually brings out two serious results. One is
property loss. The other is life loss.
n Property Damage
Dam Breach Flood can wash out the dikes below the dam,
significantly erode the downstream face, wash out railroad and factories
downstream from it. As a result, dam breach can cause this huge property loss,
which included the cost of the factories, environmental cleanup, and repair of
the rail line.
n Life Loss
Dam Breach Flood can also kill and injure the people
downstream from it.
Failure Example — Iowa Beef Processors Waste Lagoon
Iowa Beef Processors Waste Lagoon was located at Wallula in Walla Walla County, Iowa, 12
miles SE of Pasco. The failure of this dam occurred sometime between 11:19 PM on
the 24th and 3:40 am on the 25th, when a Union Pacific freight train derailed on
a washed out section of track downstream from the dam. The breached section had
a width of 60 feet and a depth of 19 feet below the dam crest.
Breached section of Iowa Beef Processors Waste Lagoon
The railway was damaged
n Property Loss
The dam breach flood passed down the natural drainage
channel below the dam, washing out the dikes on two holding ponds owned by Boise
Cascade located 1000 and 2000 feet below the IBP dam. The flood was then
impounded behind the Union Pacific RR fill located about 1 mile downstream from
the dam. The floodwater flowed over the south end of the fill, significantly
eroding the downstream face. Sometime after the overtopping occurred, the
railroad fill failed at the location of a culvert, about 700 feet north of the
overtopped area. A northbound freight train derailed at the location of the
overtopping where the fill had been washed from one side of the tracks. All 5
locomotives went off the tracks and into the flood water.
The estimated cost of this failure was $5,000,000, which
included the cost of the locomotives, environmental cleanup, and repair of the
rail line. The cost for IBP to construct a new waste facility was several
million more dollars.
n Life Loss and Injury
Three crewmen were injured. No life loss.
Logan First Dam is a favorite outing or hangout spot for
all. This large grass area perfect for a picnic or sunbathing is next to a
body of water full of ducks and geese. There is even a volleyball net for
a fun game in the sunshine. The water's edge is often lined with fishers
who are hopeful to catch some of the trout that are stocked here each
year. With the addition of newly constructed viewing decks, fishing piers
and restrooms, Logan First Dam is an enjoyable place for everyone.
However, the reservoir is a potential threat to the
downstream Logan people, including the Water Lab (UWRL).
Area of Logan First Dam Longitude: -111.7900 Latitude: 41.7417 Country: Cache River:
Logan River City:
Logan Distance: 1 mile NID Height: 30 feet Year Completed: 1914 Maximum Discharge: 471 cfs Maximum Storage: 140 acre-feet Downstream Stream Hazard Potential: High Map of Logan City (1) I download a map of Logan City from Yahoo.
Logan City Map 1 Map of Logan City (2) I download another map of Logan City. Logan City Map 2
It takes me much time to look up the needed dada files.
Ultimately, I find the needed file and download 7.5 minute Digital Elevation Models for Utah,
Logan. The data is in .tar.gz form: The website
is: http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/7_min_dem/states/UT.html.
The DEM files are named after the 1:24,000-scale
quadrangles. I import the 7559cel0.ddf file into ArcView. I zoon in the map
to Logan area which looks like the following figure. Figure of
Logan City DEM data shape The download file is in tar.gz form, which is not a directly visual file.
The following message is my step to import this file into ArcView. Firstly, unzip the file to one folder —
D:\temp\wang. Then open ArcView, and open a new view from the Views window. From the File menu, choose Set Working Directory. Set
the working directory to D:\temp\wang and click OK.
From the File/Extension menu option, check the SDTS Grid Import, HECGeoRAS, 3D Analyst, and Spatial Analyst extensions
from the Extensions window, and click OK so that the extensions will be loaded. Click the File/Import Data Sources
menu option, in the pull down menu in the Import Data Source dialog box, select USGS SDTS DEM
menu, and navigate to D:\temp\wang. Select 7559cel0.ddf and give a name
LoganShape at D:\temp\wang Directory, then
click OK. A theme name
LoganShape will be
loaded to current view. Changed the view’s name to Shape of Logan from View/Properties menu. Save the project to D:\temp\wang Directory with
a name Logan.apr. Change Map Units and Add
Contour The unit of my downloaded data file is in meter. Click View/Properties menu, set
both Map Units and Distance Units to Meters in the pull down menu.
Highlight the LoganShape theme, double click on it and add
several color inters from 1348 to 1499 period in the popped window. As a result,
the downstream slope can be seen clearly instead of a plain. Highlight LoganShape theme. Click the
Surface/Create Contours
menu option, give 10 to the coming dialog box. Select the Contours of Loganshape
Create Grid Data for Logan Open a new view and change the view’s name to Grid Data of Logan from View/Properties menu. Click
View/Add Theme menu.
Choose Grid Data Sources
from the pull down menu in the Add Theme window. Select d:\temp\wang\loganshape and click OK. Highlight the LoganShape theme, double
click on it and add several color inters from 1348 to 1499 period in the popped
window so that the downstream slope can be seen clearly instead of a plain.
Highlight LoganShape
theme. Click the Surface/Create
Contours menu option, give 10 to the coming dialog box. This contours will be
used to create Logan TIN data. The figure is shown below. (After I create Logan
TIN but not show it) Create TIN Data for Logan Highlight Contours of Loganshape theme. Click Surface/Create TIN from Features
menu. In the Height
Source pull down menu in the Create new TIN dialog box, select Contour menu, click OK. Give a name LoganTIN and navigate it to D:\temp\wang. Open a new view and change the view’s name to TIN Data of Logan from View/Properties menu. Click
View/Add Theme menu.
Choose TIN Data Sources
from the pull down menu in the Add Theme window. Select d:\temp\wang\LoganTIN and click OK. Double click on the
TIN’s legend bar to open the TIN
Legend Editor. Click off the check box next to Lines and then click the Edit button in the Faces part of the window to
open the regular Legend
Change the Color
Ramp to Terrain
Elevation #2.
Switch the color scheme by clicking on the button. Click on the Apply button and close both the Legend Editor and TIN Legend Editor. Change
the ranges of each color so that each part can be seen clearly. The TIN shape of Logan is listed in the following
figure. Create Logan River Central Line and Bank Lines At the TIN
Data of Logan theme, select the Create Stream Centerline command from the preRAS menu. Name the new shape
file as StreamCL.shp.
Choose the Drawing Line
bottom and Draw the Logan River Central Line using the mouse. After finishing,
under the Theme menu,
click on Stop Editing
and save the edits. Select the Create Banks command from the preRAS menu. Name the new shape
file as Banks.shp.
Choose the Drawing Line
bottom and Draw the Logan River Bank Lines using the mouse. After finishing,
under the Theme menu,
click on Stop Editing
and save the edits. After finishing these two steps, the shape of central line
and bank lines is shown below. Create Flowpath and Cross Sections Select the Create Flowpaths command from the preRAS menu. Name the new shape
file as Flowpath.shp.
Click on Yes to the coming window. Choose the Drawing Line bottom and
Draw the flowpaths for the left and right overbanks. After finishing, under the
Theme menu, click on Stop Editing and save the
edits. Select the Create XS Cut Lines command from the preRAS menu. Specify the name of
the theme as xscutlines.shp. Choose the Drawing Line bottom and
Choose approximately 20 cross section locations. When accomplishing this in the
Edit mode, click on the starting location and
double-click where each line ends, then move to the next location. After
finishing, under the Theme menu, click on Stop Editing and save the edits. Create Logan River Geometry Data Select the Theme Setup… command from the preRas menu and fill in
each window with the identification of the created themes as shown in the
graphic left. Name the RAS GIS Import File RasInput.geo. Click OK to confirm the data. Click OK to the error
message. Click on the Centerline Completion
command under the preRAS
Specify the name of the theme as streamcl3D.shp and press OK. Create XS Attributing and Generate RAS GIS import file Click on the Stream/Reach Names command under the preRAS menu. Press OK to the following window.
Do the same thing with the Stationing, Bank Stations, and Reach Lengths commands.
Highlight the xscutlines.shp theme. Click on the XS Elevations command under
the preRAS menu. Specify
the name of the 3-D cross section file as xscutlines3D.shp. Click OK to the following window. Click the RAS GIS Input Generation
button and ignore the warning message by clicking OK. Select METRIC units
when asked and click OK to confirm your selection. A
file called rasinput.geo has been created in D:\Temp\wang
directory. To make the DAMBRK calculation result visualized in
ArcView, a readable file RASInput.gis must be created, which is exported
from HEC-RAS in our GIS
ex5. Obviously, I cannot exported the DAMBRK calculation result into RASInput.gis from HEC-RAS. So, how to
generate the RASInput.gis file that includes the DAMBRK
calculation result is a critical part of my term project. I redo the ex5 and get
the RASInput.gis for
ex5. Then I add the necessary information, such as coordinates of the central
line and cut line that I get from RASInput.geo, into the RASInput.gis for ex5. Then I add the DAMBRK
calculation result into RASInput.gis. This is my main idea to solve this
problem. Part of the RASInput.geo file is listed below. Part of the RASInput.gis file is listed below. Generate RAS GIS import file Select Theme Setup… command from the postRAS menu. Fill in the
necessary data as below and click OK. Click on the Read RAS GIS Export File command under the postRAS menu. Click OK to a
window that informs that the themes have been extracted successfully. Double-click on the LoganTIN theme legend and
turn off the Lines application. Click on the Edit button under the Faces section and change
the Color Ramp to
“Terrain Elevation #2”. And some colors to make the map look
better. Flood Plain Delineation Click on the WS TIN Generation command under the postRAS menu. Select the “PF_1”
profile in the coming window. Click OK to the “Water Surface TIN completed
successfully” window. Under the postRAS menu, click on the Floodplain delineation
command. After several themes are added into this view, double click on the Gdpf_1 theme in the legend,
set the Legend Type to
“Graduated Color” and
change the Color Ramps
to “Blue
Monochromatic”. Change the “No Data” value color to
transparent. Do the same job on PF_2, Pf_3, PF_4. DAMBRK Calculation Result Distance from dam (miles)
inflow hydrograph (hrs)
(m) 0 20 3.5 0 32 5.4 0 35 4.9 0 45 3.6 4.6 20 2.04 4.6 32 2.3 4.6 35 2.25 4.6 45 2.08 5.2 20 1.9
5.2 32 2.7 5.2 35 2.5
5.2 45 1.95 Floodplain Delineation Result 1 Floodplain Delineation Result 2 Floodplain Delineation Result 3 Floodplain Delineation Result 4 3D Figure Parameters That Affect the Life Loss Three Parameters affect the life loss: (1) The population size at risk (2) The amount of warning time (3) Landscape conditions The warning time is the amount
of time before the dam fails that the people at risk realize the dam is going to
fail, usually in hours. Landscape
conditions include canyon terrain and plain.
Formula for Life Loss Curtiss A. Brown and Wayne J. Graham developed a formula in
1988 that would calculate the potential risk at hand for each dam: L = P / [(1+5.207)*(5.838T – X)] L =
estimated loss of life; P =
population at risk; T= warning
time; X is a
parameter as for Landscape conditions. X is equal to 4.012 for canyon terrain
and 0 for flatlands.
National Inventory of Dams' downstream hazard potential
estimate table Hazard Potential
Classification Loss of Human
Life Economic,
Environmental, Lifeline Losses Low None expected Low and generally
limited to owner of dam Significant None expected Yes High Probable.
One or more expected. Yes. But
not necessary for this classification. Curtiss A. Brown and Wayne J. Graham developed a formula in
1988 that would calculate the potential risk at hand for each dam: Information about Logan First Dam
Data from USGS
Create TIN Data for Logan First Dam
Input the DEM data
Create the Shape and Geometry Data for Logan
Create the Readable File RASInput.gis in GeoRAS by Hand
General Methods
In order to add the geometry data into RASInput.gis, we should understand the data structure of the geometry
file, RASInput.geo.
RASInput.geo file includes four main information:
(1) The header includes the
general information about the Logan River.
(2) Endpoint
(3) The central line of the
river reach.
(4) The cross section
This information is very important in the RASInput.gis file.
The RASInput.geo file
Data structure of RASInput.gis
RASInput.gis file includes four main information:
(1) The header includes the
general information, such as map projection methods, the units, the number of
breach, cross sections and profiles, etc.
(2) Endpoint
(3) The information of
central lines of the river reach, such as the start and end points,
(4) The cross section information, such
as stream and reach ID, the station name, the water elevation for each profile,
the water surface extents for each profile, cut line coordinates.
(5) The bounds for each
The RASInput.gis file
How to Generate RASInput.gis file by Hand
I use the following methods to generate the RASInput.gis file:
(1) Redo the ex5 and get
its RASInput.gis file.
(2) Change the header file.
Change the reach number from 3 to 1, change the profiles number from 10 to 5,
change the cross section number to 19, change other relative data.
(3) Copy the Endpoint
information from RASInput.geo file.
(4) Copy the cut line
information and the cross section station name from RASInput.geo file.
(5) Input each profile’s
bounds by hand.
(6) Add the water elevation
and water surface extents for each profile at every cross section.
DAMBRK Visual Result
Life Loss Evaluation
Life Loss Evaluation