To get started you will need the following:
Recursive Procedure DISTANCE(i,j)
do for each neighbor (location in, jn)
A recursive procedure is one that calls itself. This was not possible in early versions of FORTRAN, but it is now. It is possible in C.
To understand the logic behind this consider the following set of flow
The outlet is the red cell (3,1) at the bottom left. The program starts
at this cell and sets its distance to 0. The program then examines
each neighbor of this cell. The first neighbor examined is in direction
k=1, cell (3,2). This cell has direction dir(3,2)=7, and dir(3,2)-k
= 5. This is not 4 so the neighbor does not drain to the outlet.
The program then examines the neighbor in direction k=2, cell (2,2).
This cell has direction dir(2,2)=6, and dir(2,2)-k=4, indicating that this
neighbor does drain to the outlet. The flow distance from this neighbor
is then evaluated as dist(2,2)=dist(3,3)+distance from (3,3) to (2,2) =
0 + 1.4 = 1.4. The procedure is now called at cell (2,2). This
temporarily suspends operation of the procedure at cell (3,3). All
necessary variables are placed on a stack for later use. At cell
(2,2) the procedure finds grid cell (2,3) that drains to it, so evaluates
the distance from it as dist(2,3) = dist(2,2) + distance from (2,3) to
(2,2) = 1.4 + 1 = 2.4. The procedure is now called at cell (2,3),
temporarily suspending operation for the cell(2,2), placing all necessary
variables on a stack. Cell (2,3) has no grid cells draining to it,
so the procedure is not called again and ends, returning control to the
suspended operation at cell (2,2). The necessary variables saved on a stack
are retrieved from the stack. The terminology for this is that the
recursion is unravelling. No more cells draining to cell (2,2) are
found, so the procedure ends, returning control to the suspended operation
at cell (3,1). The procedure at cell (3,1) next examines the neighbor
in direction k=3 and so on. It ends up tracing up through cells (2,1)
then (1,2) and (1,3) before unravelling and ending. Note that only
the cells in blue, that actually drain to cell (3,1) are visited.
Note that this recursive algorithm appears to be in danger of getting into
infinite loops, because it calls itself repeatedly. For it to terminate
the structure has to be such that the function can end, and the nesting
of calls unravel. This is the case for the algorithm above as long
as there are NO LOOPS. If cell (3,1) drained to cell (3,2), and this
drained to (2,2) which drained back to (3,1) an infinite loop would result.
Therefore it is very important that the directions be determined properly.
The programs flood and d8 have put a lot of effort in to
this, but they are still not foolproof when existing channels that may
be inconsistent with DEM elevations are used.
Some FORTRAN tips
Declare the flow direction grid a short integer to save space
Use data arrays d1 and d2 to define neighbors