This exercise will use the Reynolds Creek DEM, reydem.asc from exercise
1. This should already exist on your computer as an ESRI grid named
from exercise 1.
To identify and delineate a watershed we will use TARDEM. Open
a MS-DOS prompt (Start/Programs/MS Dos Prompt) and navigate (using cd)
to your working directory (e.g. cd c:\giscourse\reydata\).
Now at the prompt enter the command
tdprepro reydem
This runs a batch file that runs four programs (flood, d8, aread8 and gridnet)
that fill pits, compute flow directions and slopes (by the D8 method),
compute contributing area and compute grid network order and length attributes.
The files produced are identified by a suffix appended at the end of the
name reydem that was given on the command line. (You may ignore
the VAT (value attribute table) warning message - we do not need a VAT,
it occurs because the contributing area has a large number of different
integer values - too many for ArcView to treat as attribute table categories.).
The programs could also have been run on the ASCII grid file using
tdprepro reydem.asc (you do not need to do
If you do this ignore the 'invalid grid item syntax' message. This
is saying the program could not open the grid as an ESRI grid at which
point it reverts to reading it as an ASCII file. This will be a bit
slower because ASCII input/output is used. The programs may also
be run individually using the commands
flood reydem (you do not need to do these - they
were done by tdprepro)
d8 reydem
aread8 reydem
gridnet reydem
This is useful if there was a problem part of the way through and you do
not want to rerun work already done, or if you know you will be using a
channel network delineation approach that does not use some of the output,
e.g. the constant support area method does not use gridnet output.
Following are the suffixes for the grid files produces and what they
no suffix. |
Elevation data. |
fel |
Pit filled elevation data. |
produced by flood |
input to D8, Dinf, netsetup |
p |
D8 drainage directions. |
produced by D8 |
input to aread8 |
sd8 |
D8 slopes. |
produced by D8 |
input to netsetup, some methods |
ad8 |
D8 contributing area’s, units are number of grid cells. |
produced by aread8 |
input to netsetup |
slp |
Dinf slopes. |
produced by Dinf |
ang |
Dinf flow directions. |
produced by Dinf |
input to areadinf |
sca |
Dinf contributing area’s, units are specific catchment area,
i.e. number of grid cells times cell size. |
produced by areadinf |
plen |
Longest path length to each grid point along D8 directions. |
produced by gridnet |
tlen |
Total path length to each grid point along D8 directions. |
produced by gridnet |
gord |
Strahler order for grid network defined from D8 flow directions. |
produced by gridnet |
src |
Network mask based on channel source rules. |
produced by netsetup |
ord |
Grid with Strahler order for mapped stream network. |
produced by netsetup |
w |
Subbasins mapped using subbasinsetup. |
produced by subbasinsetup |
fdr |
Flow directions enforced to follow the existing stream network |
produced by streamtogrid |
optional input to flood |
fdrn |
Flow directions enforced to follow the existing stream network
after cleaning to remove any loops |
produced by flood |
optional input to d8, dinf |
The .asc extension is used if the data is ASCII.
If you look in the directory where you are working you should see grid
files (which are folders in Windows) with name suffixes fel, p, ad8, sd8,
plen, tlen, and gord. Start ArcView and load the Spatial Analyst
Extension (choose Extension from File menu and check Spatial Analyst from
the available extensions). Open a view and load the grid theme reydemad8.
add theme button). This
is the contributing area grid computed using the D8 method. Fiddle
with the color scheme legend so that you can see the channel network.
Drag the legend bars for the stream reach shape file and watershed outline
shape file rcout.shp to above the reydemad8 theme so that stream
reaches and watershed outline are visible above the contributing area grid
theme. Note the correspondence (or lack of it) between stream reaches
and large contributing area values. It is this correspondence that
is the basis for the contributing area threshold method for delineating
channel networks. Note also the black (no data) jagged edges to the
contributing area theme. This is because the contributing area computation
checks for edge contamination. This is the possibility that
a contributing area value may be underestimated due to grid cells outside
of the domain not being counted. This occurs when drainage is inwards
from the boundaries. The algorithm recognizes this and reports no
data. This may be overridden by the option -nc in aread8 in cases
where you know this is not an issue, if for example the DEM has been clipped
along a watershed outline.
Zoom in on the outlet and use Identify
to select a grid cell on the outlet with large contributing area
Write down the outlet coordinates, in this case x=520170 y= 4789800.
Now enter the command
netsetup reydem -m 1 500 -xy 520170 4789800
This maps channel networks using method 1 (constant contributing area)
with a threshold area of 500 grid cells using outlet coordinates specified.
This results in two new grid files being created, reydemord and
The first contains channel Strahler stream order, and the second is an
intermediate mask file used to indicate the channels mapped. This
command also results in two new text files reydemtree.dat and reydemcoord.dat.
These define the reach linkages and attributed for the mapped channels.
Details of these file formats are given in the TARDEM
documentation. Add the reydemord theme. Experiment
with some other contributingarea thresholds. Report the highest
stream order for contributing area thresholds of 100, 500, 1000.
The complete set of methods for defining channel networks via netsetup
Catchment area threshold A >= p[0].
Area-Slope threshold A S^p[1] >= p[0].
Length-Area threshold A >= p[0] L^p[1]. Here L is the maximum drainage
length to each cell in the plen file.
Accumulation area of upward curved grid cells. The DEM is first smoothed
by a kernel with value p[0] at its center, p[1] on its edges, and p[2]
on diagonals. The Peuker and Douglas (1975) method is then used to
identify upwards curved grid cells and contributing area computed using
only these cells. A threshold, Auc >= p[3] on these cells
is used to map the channel network.
Grid order threshold O >= p[0].
Use existing channel networks specified in a *fdrn file [fdrn file created
from fdr file by flood. fdr file created from shape file by streamtogrid]
Experiment with a few of these. You may want to rename the files
and reydemcoord.dat between runs to save them, as each new run overwrites
the old ones. My favourite is method 4, with parameters .4
.1 .05 20.
With a channel network defined enter the command.
subbasinsetup reydem 1
This maps subwatersheds draining to each stream order reach controlled
by the order threshold parameter given. Streams of order lower than
the threshold given are stripped off the network before mapping resulting
in a coarser watershed delineation. The output is a grid reydemw,
an integer grid giving subwatersheds, reydem.shp a stream network
shape file and reydemw.shp a shape file of subwatershed boundaries.
Add these themes into arcview to examine them.
Now enter the command
netsetup reydem -m 4 0.4 0.1 0.05 20 -xy 520170 4789800
(If you are using different data the outlet coordinates specified will
need to be different)
This delineates a channel network according to the upwards curvature method
with threshold 20. You may run subbasinsetup to display this
if you like. Now enter the command
streaman reydem
This produces an output file reydemst.dat that contains statistical
properties of the "Strahler Streams". These are stream segments of
the same order. The file looks like:
Streams with amin = 0.00000E+00
first link
last link
g. length
530 0
5 0.14018E+04 0.00000E+00 0.12987E+04 0.23912E+09
74 74
2 0.62699E+03 0.16000E+02 0.57940E+03 0.76140E+06
58 58
1 0.70456E+03 0.63000E+02 0.56365E+03 0.45360E+06
The seven columns are defined in the header as first link number,
link number, order, length, drop, geometric
length and area, respectively, for each Strahler stream.
We are going to perform a constant drop analysis, so focus on columns 3
and 5. Plot the stream drop versus order, for each stream and
for the mean of all streams of the same order. To do this you
will need to import this data into software such as Excel, Matlab, Splus
or Mathematica (whatever you are comfortable with for plotting).
The result should look something like the figure below.
In this figure the mean drop for each order has been offset from the
individual points for display purposes. The first order stream drops
seem to have a mean less than the higher orders (at least visually and
discounting the single 5th order stream which is not a representative sample).
This can be tested using the t test for the difference between means.
are the means of the first and higher order streams respectively.
nx and ny are the sample sizes and sx
and sy the sample standard deviations. With the above
data this evaluates to -5.3. Roughly speaking the difference is statistically
significant when |t| (the absolute value of t) is greater than 2.
Look at a statistics book to be more precise.
Repeat this analysis for channel networks generated with thresholds
of 30 and 50, i.e. with the commands
netsetup reydem -m 4 0.4 0.1 0.05 30 -xy 520170 4789800
netsetup reydem -m 4 0.4 0.1 0.05 50 -xy 520170 4789800
Find a threshold for which the t statistic measuring the significance of
the difference between first order and higher order streams is not significant
(i.e. |t| less than 2). Report this threshold. (If you
are using different data the you may also need to try a few different thresholds
beyond the set 20, 30 and 50, say 5, 10, 15, 80, 100, 150. The right
one depends on the drainage density or texture of the topography and resolution
of the DEM). This threshold defines is a channel network that is
consistent with Horton's laws. Other channel networks inconsistent
with Horton's laws may be mapping as 'channel' parallel flow down hillslopes.
a layout of the channel network and watershed mapped in this way.
Determine the drainage density (total channel length/watershed area) and
compare the drainage density to the drainage density of the EPA reach files
mapped channel network. Report the drainage density of your mapped
channel network and the EPA reach files channel network.