Distributed Modeling in Hydrology using Digital Data and Geographic Information
Hydro GIS Short Course
University of Padua
Spring 2000
David Tarboton
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water Research Laboratory
Utah State University
To teach the principles of GIS and use of ArcView for spatial information
display and analysis.
To show how spatial hydrologic modeling can be done by developing a digital
representation of the environment in the GIS then adding functions simulating
hydrologic processes.
To learn how land surface information, most significantly digital elevation
model (DEM) data, is represented and used in GIS.
To learn how hydrologic attributes and model parameters can be derived
from digital elevation model (DEM) data.
Lecture 1. Introduction and use of ArcView
[Powerpoint slides italy1.ppt]
GIS data structures
Raster, vector
Geodesy, projections and coordinate systems
Use of ArcView
Installation and use of extensions
Polyline theme (Stream reaches)
Point theme (rainfall data)
Grid theme (elevation data)
Coordinate transformation and projection
Map Algebra
Lecture 2. Watershed and stream network delineation
[Powerpoint slides italy2.ppt]
Grid Digital Elevation Models
Eight direction pour point model (D8)
Contributing area
Pits and pit removal
Simple channel network delineation by contributing area or support area
Channel network geomorphology
Drainage density
Horton's laws
Stream drops
Slope-area properties
Hack's law
Advanced channel network delineation
Grid network order pruning
Curvature based methods
Slope area plot and stream order analysis
Lecture 3. DEM Based Hydrologic Modeling
[Powerpoint slides italy3.ppt]
Slope, Contributing Area and Specific Catchment Area
Multiple flow directions and the D¥ method
TOPMODEL Wetness Index
Semi-distributed hydrologic modeling with TOPNET
Lecture 4. Computer Modeling/GIS Linkages
[Powerpoint slides italy4.ppt]
Hydrologic Response - The Unit Hydrograph
The time area diagram
Geomorphologic Unit Hydrographs
The "width" function
GIS application ideas
Distance to outlet from each grid cell
Distance to outlet from each point on a channel
Distance to outlet from each point on contributing area
Combination of distance with dispersion to get travel time distribution
Cascade model at each grid cell
Cascade model of watersheds
Computer application
FORTRAN model for distance to outlet. Using qgio.f to work with ASCII DEM
grid files.
C gridio application programmers interface functions to directly work with
ESRI binary grid files
Avenue scripting.
Introduction to ArcView
Watershed and Stream Network Delineation
Exercise on Topmodel
Programming distance to outlet from each grid cell exercise
GIS data types and structures
Hydrology Data Model Definitions
Some of this material is based on exercises prepared by David
Maidment at the Center for Research in Water Resources at the University
of Texas at Austin and used in his GIS in Water Resources Online course.
These materials may be used for study, research, and education, but
please credit the authors and the Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah
State University. All commercial rights reserved. Copyright 2000 Utah State