CEE6440 G I S in Water Resources
Fall Semester 2013

ONLINE course offered jointly by the University of Texas at Austin and Utah State University

Instructors: David R. Maidment
University of Texas at Austin
David G Tarboton
Utah State University

Websites: http://www.caee.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/giswr2013/giswr2013.htm http://www.engineering.usu.edu/dtarb/giswr/2013

Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday, 11:30-1 PM, ENGR 401
Lab: Friday, 11.30-12.30 PM, ENGR 305
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 1-2 PM, ENGR 230
Grader/TA: Tseganeh Gichamo. zacctsega at yahoo.com. Office EL33.

Class Video Link. Live during classes: Tu, Th 11.30 - 12.45 and archived for later viewing
Adobe Connect Link.
USU Canvas Link.

Course Syllabus: Syllabus2013.pdf

USU Student Term Project Archive

General Information

Schedule and Lecture Material

Class Day and Date Subject Lecturer
0 Tue, Aug 27 USU Introduction. Lecture0.pptx Tarboton
1 Thu, Aug 29 Introduction to GIS in Water Resources Lecture12013.pptx GISWRSynopsis1.pdf. Readings: What are map projections? Maidment
2 Tue, Sep 3 Introduction to ArcGIS.  Lecture22013.pptx GISWRSynopsis2.pdf. Readings: What is a Geodatabase to Raster Basics, and Introduction to Essential ArcMap Vocabulary. Maidment
3 Thu, Sep 5 Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS. Ex12013.docx Ex12013.pdf Ex1Data.zip Ex1WebData.zip GISWRSynopsis3.pdf. Maidment
4 Tue, Sep 10 Data sources for GIS in water resources DataSources2013.pptx GISWRSynposis4.pdf DataSources.pdf Maidment
5 Thu, Sep 12 Exercise 2: Building a base map. Ex22013.pdf Ex2Data.zip GISWRSynopsis5.pdf Maidment
6 Tue, Sep 17 Geodesy, map projections and coordinate systems. MapProj.pptx GISWRSynopsis6.pdf Maidment
7 Thu, Sep 19 Spatial analysis using grids. SpatialAnalysis.pptx, GISWRSynposis7.pdf, Slope.pdf, RasterCalcExamples.zip Tarboton
8 Tue, Sep 24 Exercise 3:  Spatial analysis in hydrology. GISWRSynopsis8.pdf, Ex32013.pdf, Ex3Data.zip, Homework1.pdf. Tarboton
9 Thu, Sep 26 Digital Elevation Based Watershed and Stream Network Delineation. GISWRSynopsis9.pdf DemWatershedDelineation.pptx. Tarboton
10 Tue, Oct 1 Exercise 4:  Watershed and Stream Network Delineation. GISWRSynopsis10.pdf   Ex4Overview.pptx   Ex42013.pdf Hmwk2.pdf Tarboton
11 Thu, Oct 3 Hydro Networks HydroNetworks.pptx GISWRSynopsis11.pdf.   1 page Term project proposal due. Maidment
12 Tue, Oct 8 Water data in space and time SpaceTime.pptx WorldWaterOnlineServices.pptx Hmwk2Network.pptx Maidment
13 Thu, Oct 10 Review for Midterm Exam. Review2013.pdf Review2013.pptx MidTermSoln2012.pdf Maidment
14 Tue, Oct 15 Midterm Exam All
15 Thu, Oct 17 Arc Hydro Groundwater AHGroundwater.pptx GISWRSynopsis15.pdf  [USU Fall Break, class optional for USU students] Maidment
16 Tue, Oct 22 Extending ArcGIS using programming. Programming.pptx, ModelingWork.zip, spaceTime.py Tarboton
17 Thu, Oct 24 Terrain Analysis Using Digital Elevation Models (TauDEM). TauDEM.pptx Tarboton
18 Tue, Oct 29 Flood mapping. FloodElevation.pptx OnionCk.pptx Maidment
19 Thu, Oct 31 Exercise 5. Automation using Geoprocessing and Python Programming. Ex5.pdf. Ex5.zip. Ex5Figs.pptx. Ex5Addendum.pdf. NLDAS.zip. zstats.csv. Tarboton
20 Tue, Nov 5 Hydrologic Information Systems. HIS.pptx. GISWRSynopsis20.pdf. Term project progress report due - posted on your web site. Term project progress report review assignments. Tarboton
21 Thu, Nov 7 Channel Networks and Transport Dynamics Passalacqua.pdf Passalacqua
22 Tue, Nov 12 HydroShare. HydroShare.pptx Tarboton
23 Thu, Nov 14 River Channels RiverChannel.pptx. Presentation Tips TermPaperPresentations.pdf, USU instructions and guidelines. USU presentation grading rubric, Hitchhikers guide to public presentations. Maidment
24 Tue, Nov 19 Presentation of Term Papers Texas students
25 Thu, Nov 21 Presentation of Term Papers Texas students
26 Tue, Nov 26 Presentation of Term Papers. First USU Presentation Session. USU students
  Thu, Nov 28 Thanksgiving!!  
27 Tue, Dec 3 Presentation of Term Papers. Second USU Presentation Session. USU students
28 Thu, Dec 5 Presentation of Term Papers, Discussion of final exam. GISWRFinalExam2013.pdf. Final.zip Texas students
  Fri, Dec 6 Term projects due Students