CEE 6440 Term Paper Suggestions
Following is a list of potential topics you could use for term papers.
In addition to these ideas you are encouraged to review the web sites giving
term papers from previous years.
Something related to your own research. If
there is any GIS aspect to your research you are encouraged to do this so that
the work done is useful to you.
- An analysis of the distribution of Snow from SNOTEL sites, or from NOHRSC products.
- A comparison of basinwide precipitation versus streamflow to establish
regional runoff ratio's. Precipitation data sources could be NEXRAD, NCDC, PRISM,
SNOTEL, Western Regional Climate Center. Streamflow data dources
could be USGS Benchmark Stations from the Hydro-Climatic
Data Network or National
Water Information System. Other GIS data sources discussed
in the class on data sources could also be brought in to this analysis.
- An examination of spatial patterns or trends in hydrologic data, related perhaps to climate and land cover changes.
- e.g. How has mean annual streamflow, or the timing of peak flows changed over time and is this correlated with watershed changes or measured climate changes (precipitation and temperature)
A tool or model for doing something useful in GIS. ArcGIS is designed
to be extendable and customizable and there is a lot of online information
on customizing ArcGIS (using python and visual basic). Some possibilities include
- Display of flow directions visually (using arrows, e.g. as a shapefile written from Python)
- An extension to TauDEM. (See me if you have programming ability and are interested in this)
- e.g. a new tool to extract and prepare the input to HEC HMS
- User interface functionality for ArcGIS 10
- Carving or optimal pit removal
- An extension or plug-in to HydroDesktop
- e.g. a plugin to call TauDEM functions
- functionality to use GDAL library to display a broad class of grids
- functionality to interface with MATLAB
- Map functionality for sharing and publishing data using ArgGIS server / HydroServer. An implementation for a specific project, or an extension of generic functionality.
An evaluation of different methods for channel and watershed delineation.
Much of my research described at http://www.neng.usu.edu/dtarb
involves methods for channel network delineation based on digital elevation
models. The software (TAUDEM) facilitates this. It would be
interesting to formally compare some of the methods I have developed against
data for example in the National Hydrography dataset.
Team projects
I will consider "team projects" (up to 3 people per team), as long as the
role of each in the project is clearly written out and that when the project
is presented, each presents their contribution to the overall project.
I will also consider "associated projects" that are separate but related
and have been developed cooperatively. For example one person may
develop a dataset as the product of some analysis, and the other person
may develop an Internet Map Server to interactively disseminate it on the
web. As another example two people may each develop custom ArcGIS
tools that can be used together to achieve some result. If contemplating
a team project, you should choose team member partners carefully, as you
will need to rely on them produce something your project depends on.
For team projects each team member should have material on their website
that describes the overall project and their specific contribution, i.e.
the material on team member websites may have overlap, but should be different
in the specific contribution.