CEE6440 G I S in Water Resources
Fall Semester 2011

ONLINE course offered jointly by the University of Texas at Austin, Utah State University and the University of Nebraska.

Instructors: David R. Maidment
University of Texas at Austin
David G Tarboton
Utah State University

Ayse Irmak
University of Nebraska

Websites: http://www.caee.utexas.edu/prof/MAIDMENT/giswr2011/giswr2011.htm http://www.engineering.usu.edu/dtarb/giswr/2011 http://snr.unl.edu/airmak/giswr/2011/

Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday, 11:30-1 PM, ENGR 401
Lab: Friday, 11.30-12.30 PM, ENGR 305
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 1-2 PM, ENGR 227

Class Video. Live during classes: Tu, Th 11.30 - 12.45 and archived for later viewing

Course Syllabus: Syllabus2011.pdf

USU Student Term Project Archive


Due date
9/8/11 Exercise 1. Introduction to ArcGIS. Ex12011.pdf. Ex12011PartB.pdf. Ex12011Data.zip.
9/15/11 Exercise 2. Building a base map. Ex22011.pdf. Ex22011.htm. Ex2Data.zip.
9/22/11 Homework 1. Map projections and distances on a curved earth. Hmwk1.pdf.
9/27/11 Exercise 3. Spatial Analysis. Ex32011.pdf. Ex32011.docx. Ex3Data.zip.
9/29/11 Term project proposals due - posted on your web site
(extended from 10/4/11)
Exercise 4. Watershed and stream network delineation. Ex42011.docx. Ex4.zip. Ex4Correction.docx.
10/6/11 Homework 2. Watershed delineation from a Digital Elevation Model. Hmwk2.pdf.
10/25/11 Exercise 5: Processing Schematic Networks in ArcGIS. Ex5.docx. Ex5Data.zip.
10/27/11 Term project status report due - posted on your web site. Report.pdf
11/3/11 Term project progress review assignment. TermProjectReview.pdf
11/29/11 Exercise 6: Ex6_Georectification and Image Analysis.docx (Optional but available for extra credit). Ex6.zip
12/2/11 Complete term project due - posted on your web site
12/12/11 Take Home Final Exam. GISWRFinalExamUSU.pdf. Term projects by theme. Data.

General Information

Combined Utah, Texas and Nebraska term project web pages organized into themes

Lecture Material

Class Day and Date Subject Lecturer
1 Thu, Aug 25 Introduction to GIS in Water Resources. Review the course curriculum, course outline. Optional for USU Students. (If you missed the class you can view the video recording). Synopsis. Lecture12011.pptx Maidment
2 Tue, Aug 30 Introduction to ArcGIS. Synopsis. Lecture22011.pptx Maidment
3 Thu, Sep 1 Exercise 1: Introduction to ArcGIS. Synopsis. Ex12011.pdf. Ex12011PartB.pdf. Ex12011Data.zip. Maidment
4 Tue, Sep 6 Data sources for GIS in water resources. Synopsis. DataSources2011.pdf. DataSources2011.pptx Maidment
5 Thu, Sep 8 Exercise 2: Building a base map. Synopsis. Ex22011.pdf. Ex22011.htm. Ex2Data.zip. Maidment
6 Tue, Sep 13 Geodesy, map projections and coordinate systems. Synposis. Mapproj.pptx. Maidment
7 Thu, Sep 15 Spatial analysis using grids. Synopsis. Spatial.pptx. RasterCalcExamples.zip. Hmwk1.pdf Tarboton
8 Tue, Sep 20 Exercise 3: Spatial analysis in hydrology. Synopsis. Ex32011.pdf. Ex32011.docx. Ex3Data.zip. Slope.pdf. Tarboton
9 Thu, Sep 22 Digital Elevation Based Watershed and Stream Network Delineation. Synopsis. DemWatershedDelineation.pptx Tarboton
10 Tue, Sep 27 Exercise 4: Watershed and Stream Network Delineation. Synopsis. Ex42011.docx. Ex4.zip. Tarboton
11 Thu, Sep 29 Hydro Networks. Synopsis. HydroNetwork.pptx. Hmwk2.pdf. Ex4Correction.docx. HydroNetworkRevised.pptx. Term project proposals due - posted on your web site Maidment
12 Tue, Oct 4 Applications of Hydro Networks. HydroNetworkApplications.pptx Maidment
13 Thu, Oct 6 Review. Review2011.pdf. Review2011.pptx Maidment
14 Tue, Oct 11 Midterm Exam All
15 Thu, Oct 13 Exercise 5: Review of Midterm Exam. Elevation Data for Floodplain Mapping. FloodMappingSenate.pdf. FloodElevation.pptx. Maidment
16 Tue, Oct 18 Water quality modeling using Arc Hydro and Schematic Processor. GISWRSynopsis16.pdf. SchematicProcessor.pptx. Ex5.docx. Ex5Data.zip. Whiteaker
17 Thu, Oct 20 Arc Hydro Groundwater. GISWRSynopsis17.pdf. AHGroundwater.pptx. AHGroundwaterTools.pptx. WaterLevelsCam.avi. [USU Fall Break, class optional for USU students] Whiteaker
18 Tue, Oct 25 Sharing data with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System. GISWRSynopsis18.pdf. CUAHSI_HIS.pptx. Term project progress report due - posted on your web site. TermProjectReview.pdf Tarboton
19 Thu, Oct 27 Introduction to Remote Sensing. GISWRSynopsis19.pdf. Remote Sensing_10_26_2011.pptx Irmak
20 Tue, Nov 1 Floodplain mapping II. Floodmap.pptx. RiskMap.pdf. FloodMappingSenate.pdf Maidment
21 Thu, Nov 3 Remote Sensing II. Synopsis21.doc. remote sensing_11-3-2011.pptx. Ex6_Georectification and Image Analysis.docx. Ex6.zip Irmak
22 Tue, Nov 8 Using Census Data. AccessingCensusData.pdf. Census.pptx. Nebraska.pdf. Texas.pdf. Utah.pdf. DatumDevelopments.pptx Maidment
23 Thu, Nov 10 Applying combined airborne multispectral and Lidar remote sensing to water resource problems. Neale_High_Resolution_Remote_Sensing_for_Water_Resources.pdf Christopher Neale
24 Tue, Nov 15 Presentation of Term Papers Students
25 Thu, Nov 17 Presentation of Term Papers Students
26 Tue, Nov 22 Presentation of Term Papers. First session at USU. Click to view recording. (and enter any name in Wimba as participant and be patient - it is slow starting). Students
  Thu, Nov 24 Thanksgiving!!  
27 Tue, Nov 29 Presentation of Term Papers. Second session at USU. Click to view recording. (and enter any name in Wimba as participant and be patient - it is slow starting). Students
28 Thu, Dec 1 Presentation of Term Papers, Course evaluation. Take Home Final Exam. GISWRFinalExamUSU.pdf. Term projects by theme. Data. Students
29 Tue, Dec 6 No class – work on final exam take home Students
30 Thu, Dec 8 No class – work on final exam take home Students