CEE 6440.  Computer Facilities

This page describes the computer facilities and arrangements that have been made for computer use for the GIS in Water Resources Class. ArcGIS is installed on computers in both the ENGR305 College of Engineering PC Lab and EL227 Civil and Environmental Engineering Geomatics Lab. For general ArcGIS work you may use whichever is most convenient for you. You will need to use the server for the Geomatics lab for your term project web page, but this may be accessed from the ENGR305 lab as described below.

ENGR305. College of Engineering PC Lab.

These are general access computers. To use them you need to use your USU campus webmail account.

EL227. Civil Engineering Geomatics Lab.

Accounts have been established for each students in this class based on the email address provided on the first day of class. Paul Rew (prew @ cc.usu.edu) the system administrator should have emailed you instructions for use of this account. Please contact Paul if you have difficulties with your account or need one set up for you.

File Storage.

You will need to store files related to your exercises and term project. These comprise private working files and public files that are part of the website you create for your term project.

Private files.

You should either store private files on your own removable storage (e.g. zip or thumb drive) or the folder associated with your account on the Geomatics Lab. Your geomatics lab folder is available from any computer on the USU network (specifically computers in the ENGR 305 lab) using the address: \\ceefs2.cee.usu.edu\giswr\<username>. You will need to enter your Geomatics account username and password. Because GIS files are large and may take a long time to read over the network it is generally better when working in ArcGIS to work on local copies in a temporary location, e.g. c:\temp\yourname then before you log out copy this folder to the above network drive so that you may retrieve it from a different computer when you resume work.

Website files

Your geomatics lab account has the following public folder associated with it: \\ceefs2.cee.usu.edu\ceewww\ceegislab\giswr\<username>. As for your private file folder you will neet to enter your Geomatics account username and password to access this folder.

This folder is for you to store files you want to publish to the internet. Any file you put here is visible to the entire world.

Files placed in this folder have the internet URL


It is customary to put a file named index.html (or default.html) in this folder that is your welcome page and contains links to the other files in this folder. You may wish to include on this welcome page a bit of information about yourself (e.g. your name and that this is your home page for the GIS in Water Resources Class). Eventually you will need to include in this file links to your term project and presentation.