CEE7430, Stochastic
Hydrology Schedule (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) |
Date |
Day |
Topic |
Deadlines |
6-Jan-09 |
Tue |
Introduction |
8-Jan-09 |
Thur |
Initial storage yield and reservoir reliability analysis example |
13-Jan-09 |
Tue |
Storage - Yield analysis and the context for stochastic
hydrology in the Colorado river |
HW1 due |
15-Jan-09 |
Thur |
Variables, Probability distributions and moments. |
20-Jan-09 |
Tue |
No class. Tarboton away.
View Burges online Langbein Lecture. |
22-Jan-09 |
Thur |
Multiple random variables and joint distributions. Conditional and joint probability. |
HW2 due |
27-Jan-09 |
Tue |
No class. Tarboton away -
to be rescheduled |
29-Jan-09 |
Thur |
No class. Tarboton away -
to be rescheduled |
2-Feb-09 |
Mon |
10-11.30 am. Make up
class. Single site summary
presentations. (Introduction to
R.) |
HW3 due |
3-Feb-09 |
Tue |
Introduction to R.
Simulating streamflow at a single site. |
5-Feb-09 |
Thur |
Simulating streamflow at a single site. |
10-Feb-09 |
Tue |
models for representing dependence |
12-Feb-09 |
Thur |
17-Feb-09 |
Tue |
10-11.30 am. Make up
class. EL235 b |
HW4 due |
19-Feb-09 |
Thur |
time series |
24-Feb-09 |
Tue |
HW5 due |
26-Feb-09 |
Thur |
No class. Tarboton away. |
2-Mar-09 |
Mon |
Make up class. Midterm
review |
3-Mar-09 |
Tue |
Midterm |
5-Mar-09 |
Thur |
Disaggregation |
10-Mar-09 |
Tue |
No class. Spring break. |
12-Mar-09 |
Thur |
No class. Spring break. |
17-Mar-09 |
Tue |
Disaggregation |
19-Mar-09 |
Thur |
HW6 due |
24-Mar-09 |
Tue |
term persistence. Hurst
phenomenon. Fractals |
26-Mar-09 |
Thur |
31-Mar-09 |
Tue |
Nonparametric methods applied in hydrology |
HW7 due |
2-Apr-09 |
Thur |
Spring runoff conference in lieu of class |
7-Apr-09 |
Tue |
No class. Tarboton away. |
9-Apr-09 |
Thur |
Nonparametric methods applied in hydrology |
10-Apr-09 |
Fri |
Make up class.
10.00-11.30. Non Parametric
methods |
HW8 due |
14-Apr-09 |
Tue |
Nonparametric methods |
16-Apr-09 |
Thur |
domain analysis in hydrology |
21-Apr-09 |
Tue |
HW9 due |
23-Apr-09 |
Thur |
HW10 due |
28-Apr-09 |
Tue |
Final Exam: 11:30-1:20,
EL235B |