Policy regarding late homework. Abstract summaries of reading material are due in class on the date indicated with no exceptions. The purpose for this is to ensure that material has been studied prior to the class it will be discussed, so that we can have meaningful discussion of it. For other homework, work up to 1 week late, or the time a solution set is provided, whichever is sooner, will be accepted with 20% grade deduction. There will be a 50% deduction for homework received more than 1 week late or after a solution set has been provided. This is because I recognize the difficulty in always meeting deadlines, and the educational value of doing the work, better late than never, but provide some incentive for doing it on time.
Homework may require computer use (spreadsheet, R, MATLAB, simple programming). You are encouraged to use whatever computer system and language you are most comfortable with.
You should submit homeworks solutions as paper copies, neatly assembled and presented in an orderly fashion. Computer output (text, code or graphics) that is handed in does not need to be high quality, but should be concise and carefully labeled (by hand if easiest). There must be explanatory text accompanying computer printouts or graphs. Hand in enough (and only enough) to document precisely and concisely what you have done and how you obtained your solutions. Graphical output is favoured over reams of printed numbers.