CEE 3430 Engineering Hydrology - Spring 2014
Utah State University
Instructor: David Tarboton, ENGR 230, 797 3172, dtarb@usu.edu
Lectures: Monday, Wed, Fri 2:00 to 2:50, ENGR 203
Office Hours: Monday 3-4 pm, Thurs 11 am - 12 noon. Also most days immediately following lecture. You may send me email any time to ask a question or request a meeting outside these times. You may also access my calendar online to ascertain my availability.
Teaching Assistant: Madeline Merck, madeline.merck@aggiemail.usu.edu
TA Office Hours: Wednesday 10 am to 11 am in ENGR 235.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course you should be able to apply the principles of hydrology to solve engineering hydrology design problems involving hydrologic modeling and analysis.
Basic material
- Syllabus
- Schedule
- Canvas. You may use Canvas to ask questions (post a discussion items) and interact with me and other students in the class.
Lecture Material
- Information Sheet. Due 1/10/14.
- Homework 1. Introduction to Hydrology. Due 1/13/14.
- Homework 2. Groundwater properties. Due 1/22/14.
- Homework 3. Groundwater movement. Due 1/31/14.
- Homework 4. Groundwater and well hydraulics. Due 2/7/14.
- Homework 5. Introduction to Surface Water Hydrology and Precipitation Due 2/21/14.
- Homework 6. Infiltration. Due 2/28/14.
- Homework 7. Surface Runoff. Due 3/24/14.
- Homework 8. SCS Curve Number and Hydrograph. Due 3/28/14.
- Homework 9. Routing and Hydrologic Modeling. Due 4/14/14.
- Homework 10. Logan Dry Canyon Case Study. Due 4/25/14. Refer also to Investigation and design reports in Canvas.
Previous Exams
Useful References