CEE 3430 Engineering Hydrology - Spring 2011
Utah State University
Instructor: David Tarboton, ENGR 225, 797 3172, dtarb@usu.edu
Lectures: Monday, Wed, Fri 1:30 to 2:20, ENGR 302
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-4 pm, Fri 2:30-3:30 pm. Also most days immediately following lecture. You may send me email any time to ask a question or request a meeting outside these times. You may also access my calendar online to ascertain my availability.
- Bedient, P. B., W. C. Huber and B. E. Vieux, (2008), Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 795 p.
- Tarboton, D. G., (2003), Rainfall Runoff Processes, Online module and workbook prepared for the National Weather Service COMET outreach program, http://www.engineering.usu.edu/dtarb/rrp.html.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course you should be able to apply the principles of hydrology to solve engineering hydrology design problems involving hydrologic modeling and analysis.
Basic material
- Syllabus
- Schedule. Note. The schedule has been updated 4/20/11.
- Blackboard. You may use Blackboard to ask questions (post a discussion items) and interact with me and other students in the class.
Powerpoint Slides and Lecture Material
Note on opening downloaded files: Some of the linked files are microsoft office files, ending in extensions .xlsx (Excel), .xlsm (Excel with macro's), .pptx (powerpoint). Microsoft Office uses a compressed zip format for these and sometimes browsers identify these as zip files rather than of the appropriate office type with the correct extension. If this occurs when you download these files you may see a zip file containing folders with xml files rather than the single file you are expecting. You should in these cases rename the file to have the appropriate extension (.xlsx, .xlsm or .pptx etc) or use "save target as" or "save link as" (depending on browser) to save the file with one of these extensions. Then it should open in Microsoft Office..
- Homework 0. Information Sheet. Due 1/12/11.
- Homework 1. Hydrologic Principles. Due 1/19/11.
- Homework 2. Evaporation. Due 1/24/11.
- Homework 3. Hydrologic Analysis. Due 1/31/11.
- Homework 4. Design Hydrograph Calculation. Due 2/9/11. Note - by student request the due date has been deferred to 2/9/11.
- Homework 5. HEC-HMS. Due 2/16/11.
- Homework 6. Frequency Analysis. Due 2/28/11. Data: LoganPeak.txt. Note - by student request and to allow time to explain probability plots the due date has been deferred to 3/2/11.
- Homework 7. Flood Routing. Due 3/14/11.
- Homework 8. Runoff Generation. Due 3/21/11. (Only Chapters 1-3 of Online Module)
- Mid course questionnaire. Due 3/25/11.
- Homework 9. Water in Soils. Due 3/28/11.
- Homework 10. Infiltration and TOPMODEL. Due 4/8/11. Note - due date deferred to April 8. Chapter 6 quiz optional.
- Homework 11. Test 2 as homework and Groundwater. Due 4/20/11.