CEE6440 GIS in Water Resourses, Fall 2011
USU Student Term Project web pages

This page contains the student work for the GIS in Water Resources Class from Fall 2011

Student Project Title Presentations Final Paper
Presentations from November 22, 2011. Click to view recording. (and enter any name in Wimba as participant and be patient - it is slow starting).
Freeman, Thomas Garrett A Study of the Relationship between Groundwater Levels and Precipitation in Volusia County, FL Presentation Term project
Whyte, Erin Correlation Between Stream Flows and Land Use Presentation Term project
Allen, Eric A GIS model for locating climatically sensitive trees in northern Utah Presentation Term project
Bachour, Roula Mikhael Estimating Evapotranspiration and Irrigation System efficiency in Sevier River Basin Using GIS Presentation Term project
Forghani, Ali Identifying spatial and temporal extent of critical condition for water wells in Salt lake valley Presentation Term project
Shaffer, Timothy J Proportion of Water Used by Agriculture to Discharge into the Great Salt Lake Presentation Term project
Ackerson, Paul Christian Predicting Spring Runoff along Logan River using a regression analysis Presentation Term project
Hollingshead, Travis Chad Storm Water Management on the Hyde Park Irrigation Canal Presentation Term project
Presentations from November 29, 2011. Click to view recording. (and enter any name in Wimba as participant and be patient - it is slow starting).
Mendenhall, Scout Model for a Water Distribution Pipeline Presentation Term project
Koudelka, John Andrew Using Variable Infiltration Capacity Model to understand the effects of terrain in soil moisture estimates Presentation Term project
Moore, Hannah Marie Juvenile bull trout habitat shifts in Northern Oregon: A temperature and Flow analysis of the South Fork Walla Walla River Presentation Term project
Christensen, Nathan Alan Labyrinth Weir Flow Maps Presentation Term project
Van Opstal, Jonna Point and non-point sources of nitrogen in the Bear River Basin Presentation Term project
Salha, Ali Abed Elkader Estimation of crop water requirements in Gaza Strip, Palestine using GIS Techniques Presentation Term project
Hassan Esfahani, Leila Optimizing crop water consumption using ET maps and water demand information in GIS Presentation Term project

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