CEE 7430 Stochastic Hydrology - Spring 2009
This is the web site for Utah
State University graduate level class CEE7430.
Wherever possible course material will be disseminated at this site.
Instructor: Dr. David
G Tarboton , Engr 230, 797-3172, email: dtarb@usu.edu.
Lectures: Tu, Th 12.00 to 1.20, EL235B (Christiansen Teaching Lab).
Office Hours: Mon, 2.30-3.30. Thur 1.30-2.30. You may call or send me email any time to ask a question or request a meeting outside
these times.
You may also access my calendar online to ascertain my availability.
Basic Material
Homework policies
Reading List
R Bare Essentials
Class R Functions
Powerpoint slides and lecture material
- 1/6/09. Introduction
- 1/8/09. Example 1. Boise river data.
- 1/15/09. Random Variables, Probability Distributions and Moments.
- 1/20/09.
View the 2001 Langbein Lecture by Stephen Burges entitled: "Hydrologic Variability and its Societal Importance" and available as a webcast at: http://www.agu.org/meetings/sm01/webcasts/burges.html.
- 1/22/09. Multiple Random Variables and Joint Probability Distributions.
- 2/5/09. Normalizing transformations and fitting a marginal distribution.
- 2/10/09. ARMA Model Identification (R script)
- 2/12/09. Single Site ARMA Models hand written notes.
- 2/17/09, Single Site Model steps.
- 3/2/09, Review.
- 3/3/09, Midterm. Solution.
- 3/5/09, Disaggregation.
- 3/19/09, Long term persistence and Hurst.
- 3/24/09, Example 2, long term persistence.
- 3/31/09, Non parametric methods in stochastic hydrology.
- 4/9/09, NP1 example in R. Willamette data.
- 4/14/09, Model assessment metrics.
- 4/16/09, Frequency Domain Analysis. Example. Alafia data.
- 4/23/09, Review.
- Homework 1, due 1/13/09
- Homework 2, due 1/22/09
- Homework 3, due 1/30/09
- Homework 4, due 2/13/09
- Homework 5, due 2/24/09
- Homework 6, due 3/19/09. Partial solution.
- Homework 7, due 3/31/09.
- Homework 8, due 4/10/09.
- Homework 9, due 4/21/09.
- Homework 10, due 4/23/09.
Reference Material